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<br />006684
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<br />Q
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<br />FORM NO. 211 (by. 121IlOl
<br />
<br />61964
<br />
<br />-1
<br />
<br />Loan
<br />
<br />
<br />Nebraska Brokerage Company Inc., DBA Mid America Partners Inc.
<br />THAT.._._....................._._.........__.___..__.___.....__.._
<br />
<br />beniDafter called Mortgagors. in CODIideratiop of the sum of .......__.........._.........__..
<br />..~j!...!.hQ~~!-!1.c!..?D.~...h~!}~!.~E.._'!P..9...n?D.9.9.::=::::::::=:::;::::::::::-...:::...~::=..-.::----
<br />
<br />($ 6100.00 ) DOLLARS. the receipt of which is hereby aclaaowJedIe.d. do IHiIwby M()Ift'G.\88
<br />and CONVEY an itbaoluta title. iDcludinI all the riahta of bom.taad aDd,' iD~ ..... ~
<br />. Mortgqee. ita lR1CC8IIIIOlI and AIIipa, the following deIcribed real estate, lituat.ed in... Hall
<br />County, State of NEBRASKA, to-wit: '
<br />
<br />Lot 5, Western Heights Third (3rd) Subdivision. Hall County. Nebraska.
<br />
<br />TO HAVE ArID TO HOLD the rw estate above :ieIcribed. with all qpurteD8,Dcel tber....
<br />beloDciDI uuto the Illlid Mortgape, forever, ~ded al_ya. and this mortpp is upon the apreII c0n-
<br />dition that if the afoNllllid Mortpgort, their beirI, aec:utors, adminiatraton or . ebaJl or caua
<br />to be,paid to the laid Mort..... ita IIUCCeIIOn or lIIIigm, the principal sum ~:OOve .:" forth, all
<br />accordinc to the teaor and elect of a certain inItaIlment note of laid Mortgagoll ~ even date with
<br />this mortpp, and sball pay toes and HI ......ta levied upon said real estate, and all other tueI. --
<br />and .YI1Hlllmta levied upon this mortp.p or the note which this mortgage is ~ to sec:ure, before the
<br />same or uy iDst.allmeat thereof becomes delinquent, then this mortgage to be void, othenriee to remain
<br />in full force.
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) That if the laid Mortgagor shall fail m pay such taxe8, the
<br />Mortppe may pay the aame and the sum 10 advanced with interest shall be paid by Illlid Mortpprs.
<br />and thiS mort.gqe sball stand as I8Cllrity for the same. (2) That Mortgagors COYeDllDt with the Mortppe
<br />that they ani laWfully seized of said recal estate and covenant to warrant and defend the said real eatate
<br />against the lawful. claims of all penonII wbomtIoever. (3) That in case of a foreclosure of tb!S JDOI'tppI
<br />the plaintiff in lR1Ch ~ aball be entitled to take poIIIMlllSion of the ~. protect the Ilame aDG
<br />collect the nmta. issues and pro(itll thereof. (4) TIlat a failure to pay any of said money or any iDat8Jl.
<br />ment tbenof when the same becomeI due, or a failure to comply with any of the foregoing agreements,
<br />shall caWI8 the whole sum of money henIin IMICUJ1ld to become due and collectible at once at the option of
<br />the Mortgape.
<br />TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY; ASSUMPI'ION. If all or anr part of the Property or 8D
<br />interest therein is IOld or traMferred by M~ without Mortpgee's pnor written coaeeat, Scladiac
<br />(a) the creation of a lieD 01' enc:umbraDce nboIdiDate to this Mortpce, (b) the creation of a ..-...h,..;.
<br />moaey seeurity iDt.ereet for bouehold ~ (c) a transfer by devise, deecent 01' by operation of law
<br />upeD the death of . joint teMAt or (d) -the crut of any Jeuebold interest of three Yeel'll or leu DOt eoJlo
<br />taming an option to purcbue, Mortgape may, at Mortppe's option, declare all the aume ICICUI'ed by tbiI
<br />Mortpp to be immediately due and peyable.
<br />If MortpJee aerciaea such option to accelerate, Mortppe shall mail Mortpcor DOtice of
<br />~ and iNc:h notice &ball provide a perio4 of not leis than 30 days from the date the notice is
<br />maiW witbiD wDicb Mortcasor fD!ol ~ the aume declared due. If Mortpp fails to pay such aume prior
<br />to the ~tioD of such Period. ~ may, without furtber..-J1Otice or demand on Mortpgor, inwk.
<br />the power of.. ud any other mnedieI permitted by a~1all'.
<br />. ,14th llecember /~'/,j 84
<br />Siped tbis................day of.....................................~~"t.~~:~......:~.".//Z;..",,' 19.............
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<br />011 ... ......ULh........ dilly eI ... P""""''''''' .__..~ 19M.. before 1M, the ~. Notouy PMIIe. Ia.... ..
<br />
<br />. Nebra..ka Brokerll!;e Company, lnc,. DIlA ~lid America 1',Jrt.ncr", Inc.
<br />oeilS c.-tr, ........ - ."............................-........-.......................................-.~...........__._......-.....__._..__.._--
<br />~ "- liD.. liD lie tItae ~ ~ ___ __ B" aIbed to the .... _ f~ i---., ...
<br />__."'.... .... ... 1..11111"'."'" oeilS ....trumlll to be bl. or 11M voluntary net ud deeoL
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<br />~ r"'1 ::!,~ ~. l:ltl A ./ Nota.,. 1'uhl1C-
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