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<br /> <br />, ~4 - 006671 <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 24,~1 <br />KNOW AU MEN BY lHESE PlU'.SENTS: ThaI Ronald L. Spencer, a single person, <br /> <br />Mortpeor....._or...;ia~ ,11' <br />Fifteen TbouBand and 001100 - -~-- <br />iIJetlN So - -... by The Equitable BuiIdins aad u- AuociaUoo ofGfHlllslaad, ........ ........ . ,150 <br />- ~ATION, <;CfIifkatc No. L 24,297 . do hlnby .....t, COilW)' _ ~ 1UIlo tile _ ..AIIOCIA' <br />~ NIII _. IitUIIIClll 1ft Hall COUIlty, NOlimb: <br /> <br />Lot Five (5), in Block Nine (9), of Addition <br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall COUnty, Nebraska. <br /> <br />~ willi all the 10_1. hefedilamcml lIlOll appurtCfllIfIQ:$ Ibcrcunlo be~, incIudiIltl attadttd floor --. all wiDdrnr -. <br />wirldow ...... bMoIs, _ W'IIIdows, 11IWIliPp. heatins. ail' rondilionins.lIlOll pIumbinc _ walcrcquiplMnt ___ ...............--. <br />refriprators._ other fmlun:1 and cquipmool now Of hcrNfler attadttd to Of UlIIId in COAooction willI_ NIII_. <br /> <br />And wMt_ the _ mortPl"f !Wi osr-llllOll dtm hcl'cby "IfCC Iflal the mortwor shall and will pI'I)' III _ aad I b. .... or <br />~ upm - premilc$ and upon Ihis DlOfIPlF and lhe bond _ured lhereby beton: lbe __ shall beaJme ~; 10 f1lmillt ........ <br />iMUI_ upoo lhe buiIIIinp on said premises situated in lbe sum of S 15,000.00 payable 10 _ ASSOCIATION and So deIiwr 10 IIiII <br />ASSOCIA nON the policies for said i_anell: and nol to commil or permit any WllIIe 011 or about _ pmniIcs; <br /> <br />In ~ of default in lhe pert'ormancc of allY of lhe lem,s and rondilio", of Ibis II10fIpjF ... the bond scaared herRy. dse JItOItIIIIe 1IIaB. <br />on ilemlllKl. he lmlillecllo immediate ~ of the mOrlJlllllOO premises and lhe ~ hlnby ....., IIaIlIfcn _IllS _ So tile <br />~ a11lhe rcnu, ............ _ ~ 10 be dcriwd from lhe motlJlll(lCd premiln dllfin& IIUd1 t~ U llIc IRIJItpp indcllllldMM shall..... <br />lIRpIIid; and the mort....... shall hm: the power 10 "PP'><ot IIlIY "'1 ... '<FOIl iI may desire for the purpoIll of ~ Slid pmniIu _ mdlIII <br />dse _ _ ooIIectinlthe reml. mm_ and inro_, and il may payout of aid ioc:ome IIlI ex.-- of repIirinB IIid pmniIu _ -r <br />.:at. ."u' -- and ex...- -'" in 10lOIins 1lIK11~ lhe same and of ooIIectitllJ lontals tJMrefrom; the baIuce ~. if lIIl)'. to lie <br />applied 10WMlI dse ~ of said morlPll" indcbtcol_: thac rilbts of lbe mort....... may be exercised at lilY I~ duriRa dse ClIismIce of IUCII <br />.Muk. ir~ of Iltty tempomry wai_ of lhe same. <br /> <br />1"Iwsr PI_Is, 00-..,.. ""' upon lhe CmKI,tion. 1'ILlII.f lhe said Morllll'l!"r >hall lepl'lY said loan on ... before lhe maturity of _1bINS II)J <br />pI'Ilf_tU; I"'y _lhI)' ;0 ....a e\SS<X'IA'no." ..f the .,.." ope<:if.oo ill the Bood ..curcKI ""'"by AI int_lt and prilM:ipl'll OR IllillIoIm.on or W- <br />lhe T_ilIth dey of cadi and every mooth. Wild uKlIoan i4 fully pI'Iid; pI'Ilf NlllIllCS and __tllcvicd IIpinst said pmniIu _ 011 tM ~ <br /> <br />_ dse IotKI _wed Ihcfcby, befme del'*lU"ftCy; fumioh apptowd insw_ upon the buJklinp thereon in lhe sum of S 15,000.00 ...,.we <br />to IIIiII ASSOCIATION; repl'llf 10 said e\ssonA nON upon demand all money by it paid f...-n laMs. _II and ~ willi imIlmI at <br />the III8l<imum IcpI I1Ite Ihcrc<m from dale of' I"'ymoml all ,>I whidl MOtI~ hereby I(!fCC' 10 pI'Iy; permit no waste on said pmniIcs; bop _ 00IIIpI)' <br /> <br />witlllllllre ..--.Isand conmtlOtt. of tile DorKI fO( S 15-,000.00 Ihis day lIi..,n by Mortpellr 10 said ASSOCIATION. and 00IIIpI)' <br />wldt all lire .......-. of lire COOOIituuOfI and By.t..... ot said ASSOCI... nON: Ilren lhese pnI1Clftts shall bceo!M null and wid, ~ lMy <br />shall rcIMia ill full forc;e and lIlllY be for<<JosCIll al the '1JIOOn of 1M said ^-'lSOCI,A TlON aner failure fot Ihree _thl to RIIIte at!)' of said <br />pI'If~ ... he tine _lhI m ~. in ~ said _thly pay_Is, or 10 ""II and comply with the ....-tllllKl wtKIitinM of 1llill1otKI; <br />_ ~ .- to have . Ieco:iw:t ~Icol fotthwith 1ft 1Iuch foreclosure prOOHCl.... <br /> <br />If tJMre illlIIl)' dIutIc in ownenhip of the hi&! cslale mor1Jlll(lCd hefem. by .. ... othcnrioo. thca the etUire remaiRin& inlhlltl mMl hlnby <br />..... shall. at dse option of 1'hIt P..quitable ~ and l.uaft AfioeiIItioIl of Graad hllad. NclImka, beaJme immCIlliaIdy due_ pI'IlfalJlnrithotd <br />flll1lter ... _Ihe amooot rfllllllinids due ...... said bond. lIlOll at!)' othcl' bond for aRY addltiornllll4_11111ide t!IommiIer:, shall. f_lIte <br />... of __ of IIIiII optiutI, beat inl__ at the lIlllJIimua IcpI f1Il.C.lHJd this morl.. may lIMn be f~ to"'-y lhe _ _ Q8 said <br />Md,lIllIlIIl)' other borKI fUr ~ ~. klptber with all _ paid by said The Equitable BIIikliIl& _ Loan AsIociatioo of r;raad IsIaftd. <br />~ f.... ~. mea.fK1 _II,lIlOll olmflldins ""_1ft cflarps. willi itrlCfCSl lhereon, from dale of plI)'1l\l1nt II the IIIIltitmmI <br />.... _. <br /> <br />As II'fU\'idCIll in lhe Bond !ecurod hereby. wIuIe 11m IOOflPll" re_ '" e!Te<:1 the morfMec _Y hcJcaftllf od_ additiornll _ to the <br />iIlIIbn or _ BomI. IlIeil UIip. or Stk:(...a.lf. iu which _ oItIII be w,thm lhe _mily 0" rhls """1l\IIlC lhe _ as 1M fundi ~ <br />--.l1~. 1M 10101 .mo~nt "f princ.".l debt nnl 10 n~ 01 any Ii"", lhe o'i!Ii",,1 amounl of lit. mortPlF, <br /> <br />~ IhIs 21st day nl ~r A.,I}. 1<1 84 <br /> <br />~. iL'''' <br />, ".) <br />-,--' . ~~'*' <br /> <br />:In A m Of' f'tIlMMIitA. t <br />R. <br />COUNT\' 01" flAU. <br /> <br />IIl,ln.. 21st <br /> <br />dayul <br /> <br />[~'!TlOOr <br /> <br />1<1 84 . belUn me, <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />the "....~.. Nolary p..w;,; 1ft lIlOll ('ounly, per..-'I)'..... <br /> <br />~.l.d L. ~r, " 111.1191111 perOCltl, <br /> <br />...110 <U:'t! <br /> <br />~lyk_lu <br /> <br />."'.. - 1M __>>l:IlI jIl<m<'" wIK.... ....._ illl .flb.",j It> Iii< .h.,.., ".'_fll .. m<IIl/IIItI''' <br />-"'~ 1_ W<4 _J_~.II" "" hili! .."""I MY ""I ..... ~ <br />1M T1'I"&'l< 1ll1' r.-I ..... NoI,II"",1 !I4!II11 he .l;ll<l .1<>f~'IIOid <br />I;fY(''''l1ll_ailfl~mjm"Y~ ;IS; /9/.1 <br /> <br />[J;;.~ <br /> <br />.ntI l~ <br /> <br />1II".t>t <br /> <br /> <br />CYL.J:7'v <br />Nn'o,yMli.: <br /> <br />'!CWf1Ilty <br /> <br /> <br />..J <br />