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<br />r <br /> <br />r fS,~", AIItAx. .at <br />~ f'RC6)CTS, INC <br />... ..." STREET <br />CIJWfA, NE8IWIKA 11127 <br />(402) 331..a75 <br />FOR MeTROPOUTAN OMAHA SEftVtCE CAU. 331~17 <br /> <br />TO BE RECOIIIIED 111_ ESTATE ~ IV <br />SAI.F.S 610'12 <br />'CONTRACT NO. <br />'} <br /> <br />084 - 00665.1 <br /> <br />I'Oll U5I IN THE STATE 01' NEBRASKA <br />INSTAllMENT SAlES ClIIITRACT AIIII MOIlTUSE <br />PACESETTElt PIODUCTS, INC., A H8RASIlA coafltR4tta11, <br />(llI( stlLfRltMDITIIlI <br />25Ill NORTH DIERS AVE.. SUITE F <br />GRANO ISLAHD, NElMASlCA lIIlI01 <br />(-. ......14 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />Sold To ~I'"r~ L, D-\Jd,"~ L, K.rt':l~..... 0aIe Of This COIltTllCt 12.;.c..-&-i ' <br />Ift..fU. t.OOAt SI\Mf. fW"U. .Rt.rvF.RSI . , \ . _ _ :.:see' <br />"Addms" 2.,<-, ~c..-e.\u-~ City ~r.,la"""- . Slate N~ Zip ~, T~No,""-~'2 <br />In this Inslallmem Sale. Contracl the words I, _. and my refer 10 the Bayer and Co-8~r (if ""yl sismnc thisC<lllU'lll;t.TlliI~'( <br />we and us,. refer to the Seller and mav also mean a bank or orher financutl institution If it buys this contracl.' If 'it don,'-.I,:''Wi"' 'tWIIte' <br />it. Under the MOI1gaae SlaloICS. I am also known as the "MortgllJ'lr." and you are refOtTed to .. 1lMt, "~". I <br /> <br />i:~~~~acl~~'"F=if1 S:~=c~:i~~~~I'F~"'a~~Price~~1! <br /> <br />I IlOW cflooot to buy, and you '$rn<: to >OlI. for \lie Tll,.ISalcPrke, fort~ bol_,~ pnxlIIc:lS and~, <br />you Ihc amotlm financed in accordance wtlh lhe r'yntall <Chodule SCI forth bcIQW. 'togc1he< wil!1irt\CfCSttheteon DIme 1lIlmiaI <br />'below, I .1.., 'f!RC to all of lhe "'he< leons 011 bolh sides llf this contract, cwy ............. ~"""The ~ <br />CIlII' 18 year Limited W_y. No ."0I'loo: or 'Rlerlor ,trim, ....,.. or ......., will be proflded' unIeoo opedIIed, ,.. Ihlo C~" <br /> <br />II'\ \l Fou..... ta~ ..__tt....- F..,tln..rl, "'t....W"tK,u...uv6riu.JS <br /> <br />~}, ~a....1'" b~f'nnW\,cI\ Worth b..d~J ("da....+~ tJ,1I!:, <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />,-~ ., <br />The obO,.., described goods and sen:..-es .re 10 be inst.lled and upon lile ..AdeIre.... designated above. andlhc\epll,~,~ <br />fur such "~," IS: '-I -BI-x lL. '1 Ce.~t....... 1").,,1... R..,.......\..., "::'..c~......' ~uJ,..,..I,"';l~~"'" ,,', ., <br /> <br />SUMMARY OF SALE: Base <'ash pncc $ ,~+ las CO.~ . addilion.1 <br />Total casb price S :ac.w::.t">.00 , -- C",h (I<>tall downpaymenl S__~. <>0 ___ <br />ITEM'ZAnON OF THE AMOUNT FINANCED OF $ ~Q~'!._ : <br /> <br />So ~~ 00 Amount credited to this ((lntfl.lct (Same amount ;1!; the "l:np,lId Balance.") <br />$ ._~ Amount paid nn net halaocc fmm pnor contract with U!\. _~~____._____n_~ <br />Amounth) ~Id '0 <>the.. on my heh.lf: S 00, ()O. 10 inSUfllllCe company for Property I>tlmeac ilmmlllce <br />s '''\0...$ 10 ",suronce compan, for Credi, Life insurance S __~ IOPUbl;Cofficitforfilingtrcconli"lIfCCS <br />S I '1'\. Co' '0 ",surance cl""pony'for Accidcntand He.llhinsuroncc S ,_~OO ,,,(Specify) _ J...... e <br /> <br />walTanty!sclVlce coverage ~ = S 2^c;,.y.~ <br />Unpaid balancc of S ?l"\C'O.OO, <br /> <br />ANNUAL FINANCE Amounl Total of Total Sale Price " <br />PERCENTAGE CHARGE Financed Payments The I<lIaI cost of my pom:hasc <br />RATE The dt~lar amounl lhe The amount of credit The .mounl I will 011 credil. includinc my <br />TIle coM of my credt' ...') credit will cno;f mc. provided to me flr on M\'C paid af1cr r downpay_ of <br />a yearll ntCc. my behalf have made aU paymenl;\ 50,00 <br /> .. scbeduled, S <br />n. 'is" 122'2. Col 23"tO. 19 35(02, J.O <br />% $ $ $ $ 3(012. ~o <br /> e e e <br /> <br />My paymem schedule will be: Security: I am ~lVing a "",uriry interest in: <br />~ of PIl)'mcntS i, Ar.muunt 01 P4,-mcnh IW;n P"~mtnh :;;~------_.-----~": I thr good!>. sen'ices and propeny being purchased. and <br />~ 1 :! my re~aI estafe and improvement.s. including my <br />i I~--:-r-" -----.:-1 ----:, F:~;i~~~,dln ~~, ~.='dHY-S llftcr che date:, tK1UloC, all id m'" "Addres.!t"' de$ignatcd aIJo,,'c. <br />) S O1}Jnen : s ~~__L~_~hc ~~~':2~&etlon cenl~~.____+.~ J <br />r ' ! All \'ubsequenl ,"slall""",,, on ,he 'Ome day ufi F~!'en 4; OO.<X> <br />i !?1 , is )~. ~~ co<h (on"",u';\'< month until paid in full i tale Ch...: If. payment is more tilan ten (10) days <br /> <br />.--, ' "L_____,__, , laIC. I w;1I he cllllrged S5,00 '" 5% of lhe paymenl. <br />Credit ute i,MtII"oIftCC and credit illsabilil)' inwrance are .... required 10 obtaIn credi1. rmd will whkru:\'cr is less. <br />~ be "..".... =:J!UIIleLS I sign omi llllr;e jlO pay the lIddition.l co>1 _ ~l: If J payoff carly. I will IlOl have \0 pay <br />I ,.".. ..;.;;~..... I <.... S""a'"", -----, I nd I he' I . f nd of f <br />r CROdit Life _.- --'----+=11 t,. -"': "~--,-;tZr;d;'t h~-- -~--:.=t~-- -- ---.. :~~~~:e aChar,8f:~lIY enUl e-\.l to, a re u , pan 0 <br />~ , I Insurance ~...... j 1 <br />; : $ liO;5e! ('OIw,J./.-~ -----+ I wlllre\'icw other portIOns of ,hIS contnK:' <br />j I I ~ SIIlI14tUt\ ',;lli\Cf ! fnr addmonal mto~lon about r!(:m~p&lyment. defauJt. <br />~ AccidCm--t-," --~--r---, i,IW-~~r--credit ';;;-CiJe.n'~+ -~-~~~-1,' I1ny reqUire, d rt'P'tYJ1leRt in fuJI befnrt 1M !lCho1uKd date. <br />\ &. Health : :: anLl he.:.dlh lU~ur:mce ~r~-~- and prepm\'mcnt retund!l and pen.a!he". <br />: I $IU<1"1 i iDO' ' <br />! !,. i ! . e OlC'.I1n!o an c.;;timate <br />l._________...---L..._~..__-------L-..~.._..L.__._._.~_._..__.+_.__+._.__~_..__.__._.__~._____...___.._..____.+__.__.' - <br />Property 'MU",,,,,C" required, but I may oblaIA this...-.y ~ rrom any",", 84 - 006651 <br />I _. If I oblatn thIS In.uraocc IhruuSh you, I WIll pay $ ,,_~____ tOf __.0..., momru. 01 (O\'cr"!'" , <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />COMMENCEMENT Of" mE. FlN"''iCf; eHA.(iE: The finafll.'c ,-harlt< llntcrc",I t... C".,ltmd((:d tll !>tan IIn _.___.l__:,__~_,=+__e~____._,,____.___..____ <br />i1'*" riM- dale) C,'lK$fK in lbe evem ,~~ Jou (;~U'ftpk-It: 1M in~t~lldmn Hf 1m.' ~ouds and ~rvll..C.. ,m another dittl'. then lfu: finitl\f.:C dlilrge ImlCl\"stJ \\ III hcgm In ruil l)tl rile <br />datclNit) dltUJ ~ it C~~hlR ((ftdl\.:ate. The amuunt "f ffM3n,,'I.' .:h;ug(;' unte!'l:"O mS)i bL' llKlrc It! Ie..!:! Ihan the "moun! dl!>d.lsed Jcpcndmp: \In lhe ilmuuab I p-a)' }1'U <br />ond my ~"",u..... '" mal<'llll pay....n!. <br />""'''.''MEl.''Tt I ftltIIt ~tly In.)' lilt OUI'WNm I n\\-c ~HU. ll1 full 4lf In plltrc. <4' ",ay 11l1lC:. If 1 male it pitrtlal pn:p.;t~mcnl. I IJlU~t ,,'ufHlnl.k.' 10 ITl_r: my reJuilar l*ymeflh <br />u1d' Itavo.. all_ (",$d, <br />~ ,.. ft,U .,,'jM€NT: It] do nUl~)' V.Nfl, ."'_lU ..:lUl tkdarc aU thD11 (I\\-C u~r thl~ 1.:nnUlKl pa~abte .It HIKe I m:gM' It) flti.~ you mt<f\'lo1 un IhM IlI1lOt!nt <br />il*"*,~~ r. aI<<wrcdb)' I."", tlnell dK' ./W"-*fl( I owe you I~ paId. 1.aIMI kno.....lhllt ynu l:ltl"l lllf\:'\"ln~ the. MOft(Ui~t' I ha\-c ~1\'t:n1C) ,"''IU <br />l:'Ot.fA11ON t."'tm'5-: Jf t CVft m defNk vi tlHi'1l ~'Imtf~l MtlJ yuu Ocm&mt fun jmvment, I Undf:I~t",ttd Ihal 'fOU 1TUiI.,. 'rf.'n~l It ro Jfl aUHtl\e\ Ii"" ,.-HUt't:hlm and co1\'If\."Cmcru <br />/If yuu." w. J:A#felt to pe,. Y'i* re_~ ~Y" lec~ piu,,> llln~' t:!tUf1 ('....h dntJ t'lIPen'loC' IOCUrred by YtlU. thin l!t. d -YiO\! are aJli~,",t'd tlll,;lllkl.'! ">t~h an)\ltm~.. by fa__ <br />~~:~~::'1~'>>~~~;:~I~;~:Y~l'='::~::W":Sl!~~~:~~~" m.... (t'1l1 c~1lde aruJ ~~I\(, Ittt.'.3lcd ,1' fTl~' 'o.k!fC\'I lk\\~nctk~ 1lJ"1 (he in~)pt1f'!~lt1 <br /> <br />IMMI StIl: IIlIIIItS1'MIJ TlMT 1IIt MlllmuAI. TE_ AIlII PImS_ PltIflTEII 0II1IIt IlEVEIISt 5tH Of TIllS IllSTAWl(tlT SAW CIllTUtT AIlE A <br />I'IIT !If TIllS ~ SM.U ctI1IACT .. lIAT I AM IIIIlIIII 'Y TIIIM III TIlE SAME "'R AS If TltH Milt PRlIIlfIl OIl TIlE fROllT Of TIllS VERT <br />1llS1~ WJS COII'IllACT.llff1Ci: i'ImSIOlIS PltIllml OIl_lISt StII( C8WMl AllNTIGIIAl TEllMS LIMlTlH stUB'S WAIIIMTY OIUGATllIll, <br />NOTICE TO BUYER <br />I, I tilt "'" ~ It> .. IlIIo ...._'1 IIoIiIorr I rnIId It or If ....) of the ~ in&rIlIiod for ,he ......... I....... ." lhe n",." 01 ,_ .._ Inlorm....... <br />- ~~, %. I - ........ ." . ...., of tlllo ._....1 .. .... ""'" I ..,n ." ,', I .....r p'" off .he htll Milt..... tl.... ......., Ih.. "....f'tIlct .t .n. <br />a...lo>...... llllq ""...... "'. ~ of I'" __ ~. _,~ .:,,~ III...", 4, I u........I_ lhal 'hh ;".."'_.;\ <br />io "-" ..,.... . ___ ~ .. ","1'_ 'hh I-.-- 111 "'" 11<'ptilo!m, ~, " .""11 "'~ he ...... (Of ,"u to rm... III' 'Ir'_ urtla"f"lI. <br />,... .- ...., ........ of t40e _.. '" ,__ .- JIll..."",.,.. """'" IIlIo '_'Be", <br />BUYIA'S AtGHT TO CANCEL <br />I lIMY t19ltn .. ~I AT All, nw.t I'1ItOlI TO IIIHIllIGlll (If TIlE TMlllll BIISItlfSS OAf M'Tfll THE DATE 01 1MIS rRA"SACIIOII (I HAY( <br />fIW M ACt........ "-:1 If aulll caca ,.. .. All (Xl'l_TllIII Of 'tIlS R....'l <br />(If"''' tel..""\,}""; 3 .M.l~,,"~'<";;'';;11i''l' 1'\:;'~';1"~ ,,1,* ,"v'tl'l1it,teh !'!~n, 'n', "f\I~,i',! ".\i~ <br /> <br />i .,^- <br /> <br />, <br />e"t <br /> <br />,,->,. I f "'~f" <br /> <br /> <br />'i"'\):.Jt'::' r <br /> <br />"I <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />~ <br />