<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />_ . SUftYtVOMHttO WARRANTY DCa
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />IBIIiIS C. ~ and IE3M S. AIEXANIER, Husband am Wife, each in his and
<br />bIIr awn right and as spouse of the other
<br />
<br />, hereiD eaUed the tr...- ~ ..........
<br />iUDlllid_tioDof S~-FCDR '1lDJSHI) am HtH>RED FlF'lY AND lID/lQO-($64,lSO.QCl)
<br />
<br />recei'9M from ~t.ees, does grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto
<br />1IHELL K. 1INI:E.RSCN and JUDrl'H A. ~, HwIbmd and Wife
<br />
<br />
<br />M joist teDtmts with rigilt of survivonllip, and not l!I5 tenants in eommoD, the foUowiDg ~ re8l ".,.. .
<br />Hall County, NebrciSka.
<br />
<br />IDt Eleven (11), in Block (he (1), in COla1ial Estates SUI:xlivisial, in the ~
<br />of Gram Island, Hall County, Nebraska. subject to a prior!llJrtgilge ~ DY
<br />DliImis c. AJ.eximier and Debra S. Alexander, to Superior ~, Inc. to liiI8CtD:e
<br />$56,350.00. M:rtgage dated August 30, 1983, filed. AuguSt 30, 1983 in the Beg:i&ter
<br />of ~ Office as I:bcl.mEnt No. 83-004570, 1Iihich grantees herein aS8tII8 and agme
<br />to pay.
<br />
<br />
<br />To have &ad to hold the aoove dellCribed premi6es to~the,r with all teMmeat&, hereciitameDtill uul ~
<br />___ thereto bekmgiDc unto the ~antees and to th"ir u&ips. or t<l the hein &ad MIlieu of the SUl"riftl:' of
<br />tMa f_TeI'_
<br />ADd grantor does hereby covenant with the fll'llntees and with their ~ and with the hein lUld......
<br />of the Rrvivor of them tlul.t grantor is lawfully M'i..ed of SAid premdes; that they are free from ~
<br />~ euEI1lElnts and restricticns of reooro.
<br />
<br />taat graAtor h&ll good right and lawflll11llthorjt~. to COIlV..Y the same; and that fZ'l'&JJtor warrant!! aDd wiD defend
<br />the title to aid premillell acainllt the lawful claims of all pt"r!lOl1liI whomsoever.
<br />It iI the intent\oo of lul parti. heretG that in the ..vent of the death of either of the graat-. the __
<br />fee _ple title to the relal estate Mall Ve5t in the survi,-jng grantee.
<br />
<br />JMted
<br />
<br />Decelrber 20 19 84
<br />
<br />~. c:.GJ;_~.............
<br />,.ci,'4(~ .\a~.t,f~~!~'t~:\-. _."...............
<br />
<br />............................ ........,........ -... .......... ...................
<br />~ 20th Dece~ '...S4...'.....
<br />STATE OF ""'"'''''''''' ..h,,,, } Oil/his, .-, ",.". ,,,day ()f... J9" 'o~.
<br />.....~.........".".",..,,' . "CO_I)" , ss. HU'. Ih~ IIMersigfUG a ,Vo/twy Pwbli€. <IoU" (cmtmis~fII _ qwM10ell far
<br />in said COWBty. t"soMlly (lnllt',~.C.~~,~Sl~.,."..
<br />~.,,,~,Ml,W1ee.L~i1i.ms.and hlK", ~.ri.#".
<br />~,.~,,~..()f...~..~
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<br />. _-~.. ,Fu"" '''1M'".., ........., "'" <<"_"d"d", "',..... "m'l " '"
<br />his, her IIr rh..... t'Oi"..lM'y ,.,., a.." d{l{ld.
<br />WiJMSS my h<md _ NO~,~:aM_)aft lIbow 1:J:<riIlell..
<br />, 'I) ~ .
<br />" . ,..,.:..& r",,}I;It-, FlfW.." ,
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<br />for NX!<i>N ill, tiM ~I' of I~ Offil)'r of qid <::out, tU
<br />..IIt, ,o'doek ad. ,., .minllttll , .,.." "Ill.,
<br />.,at~,
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<br />R.>lr' or J~
<br />
<br />By
<br />
<br />l~pIlty
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />..J.
<br />