<br />
<br />f&t,~~066L!9
<br />
<br />" ,.. C 'J.f.pJJbcIttet'lIeCItnty of the ind.elUedn_ hereby seaued, upon the request of the~.ita ~
<br />or assiIns, II1OftIII$OI" shall exccuw ami dcIMr a suppleauRnl ~ or 11IOI'tIaIOS ~!..,
<br />~, or bctter'DilCfttS m&lCietothe propa1ylwt~delKlribcdmdall .
<br />the date hereof (all in form sadsf~to~.."'). ~.~
<br />isile JIII~ oca prior or inferitJr ~<<JIlthe~, ..
<br />by'....., to JIOI'lIIitlllOr_.HDGUI!e.~but~ ~~Ilis
<br />... beamIe part ofthe.~~_;tJP.~.~~
<br />
<br />c.:I1tc ri"" croatod by this ~ sWI ,mum is fdfon:eaml;~
<br />~ofthe. tiJncof the .'~ of dlcis.llll.llm~.by~~..-liryl~
<br />part thereof ~ hereby. . . .'
<br />
<br />f. To ~y IIIIintaia buard ~'.,~ sudl type 01', ~ ~...~'.~
<br />may fl'QlR time to time rc:quire on thei~I""I~aowor~, ~i~ ",,,,,j
<br />. wMR due any premiums tbcrcfor, All ill5Ufll8l:CsWI be CllI'ried is~
<br />poiicia and renewals thereof shall be held by ~ and have ~~
<br />of and ill form acceptable to the IJlOI'tpJee. III event of Joss. l1IOI'tNm' will slve''1l'1lId'ltc .
<br />to mort....., and ~ may mate proof of loss if not made prompti)' by~,_
<br />company concerned is hereby autborized and directed to mate ~ for NCh loss dinedy. to'mor'lf~ .
<br />instead of to l'IlOftgagor and mortpaee jointly, and the insurance proceeds. or any part thereof. maYbe!~
<br />by mortPl<< at its option either to the reduction of the indcbtcdncss hereby seeumI or to the, ~or
<br />repair of the property damapd or destroyed. In event of foreclosure of this 11lOI'tI8IC, or other tmnsf.of!~i
<br />to said property in cxtinpishmcnt of the indebtedness secured hereby, aU ript, title, ami i..... of.dj:
<br />mortpCOr in and to any insurance policies then in force sball pass to the purchaser or mortIJICC or, atitIIC
<br />option of the 11lOftpICC, may be surrendered for a refund.
<br />
<br />S. To keep all buildinp and other improvements on said property in load repair and coaditicNI; to
<br />permit, commit, or suffer no waste, impairment, deterioration of said property or any part thereof; in the event
<br />of failure of the, ~or to_keep t~....blli1diMS on said nremises and those erected OIl uid --... IV'
<br />improvements thereon, in load repair, the I1lOf'tpJCe may malte such repairs as in its di&credoIl it may deem
<br />necessary for the proper preservation thereof; and the fun amount of each and every such payment sWI be
<br />immediately due and Jlllyablc: and sball be secured by the !cin of this 11lOI'tI8IC.
<br />
<br />h. To' not voluntarily create or permit to be created against the property subject to this I1lOftp&C any Ikm
<br />or liens inferior to the lien of this mortpge without written consent of the l11OrtpfeC; and futher, that mort-
<br />Plor will keep and maintain the same free from the claim of all persons supplyinc labor or materials for c0n-
<br />struction of any and all buildinp or improvements now bellll erected or to be erected on said premises.
<br />
<br />i. To not rent or auip any JIlIn of the rent of said ~ property or demolish, or remove, or
<br />substantially alter any buildilll without the written consent of the ~.
<br />
<br />j. All awards of damqes in connection with any condemnation for public use of or injury to any of the
<br />property sHject to this mortPJC arc hereby uaiped and sball be paid to ~. wbo may apply the same t.o
<br />JIIIymcIIC of the i~u last due under said note, and ~ is hereby authorized. in the name of the
<br />~, to CMCUtC and dcli_ valid ~ittanc:cs thereof and to appcaJ fl'QlR any such award.
<br />
<br />k. The ~ shall have the riPt to ill5pect the I1lOftPIed premises at ImY rcuonabIc time.
<br />
<br />I. To ,--ompfy with the provmons of any lease if this MOftNe is on a 1eucboW. If tn Mortpac is on II
<br />IHIil in a ~ or II p4anned unit devdopmmt, Borrower shall perform all of Borrower's ~
<br />under the ~ or ~ ct'ClltiIII or lovmUllI the condominium or piatmcd unit devdopmcm,tllc
<br />~ .. ...,IIIltMu of' the CORdominium or pIanncd IInit dcvcIopmont. and conttituem ~.
<br />
<br />2. Dcfmdt ill any of the oovmant5 or conditions of this instrument or of the note or loan apemcm !I<<Urcd hereby
<br />.. ~ the mortpCOr's ... to posscuioo, UIiC, .. cojoymcat of the property, At the optioo of the
<br />-~J.lln << ~ (it bcias .....- that the mortPlor shall have sud1 rilht until default). Upon any NCh
<br />defauk, the ~ _II become the ownor of all of the rents and profits llccurilll after default a$ security for
<br />the indebtcdem ~ 11CNby. with the ritht to enter upon said property for tbe purpose of collecting 5ucll
<br />r<<t* .. profiu. 'TIM iaHrtmIlmt .. opaatC lIli Itn ~t of an)' rcmals on said property to that cxte1\t.
<br />
<br />3. If the ~ def.., and (w 10 make any JIIIYmcnlS when due or to conform to and comply with any of
<br />.. ~ or ~'* cMt1lined ill this mot'tp8e or the notes which it set.'Ures, then the entire princiJIIII
<br />.... MmmlI i__ ,mau at I')ftCC beeome due and payable, and draw U!.t&~'* cent t.12.&"") interest
<br />~ until paid at the mmioo of the monppc; and thili ~ may thereupon he forecloliCd immediately
<br />f. the ... of the it1llW~ hereby !I<<Urcd, illCllidilllthe cost of extandillllhe llbttnu:t of title from the
<br />.. oftIM ~ to the dme of c~ sudI !IU.it,
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />... .. -.. of a f~ or def_ IIIll pnw~ ~ the mor~ llballllt ~ be entitled to the IQ_
<br />.... IIH, .. lmjoyfMm of tM rm alate IIf~ and to the TCDt, I,~_. Toyaltio, and prall!s thcrrof,
<br />fhIm the ~ of sucll r~" dw'm, lhe ~y of fOf~k>>urt' procl:'4!dillls and such flOIls~, rlC.,
<br />.w 1M mM lilt ~~ .IQ 100 ~ ~ f~t, Il,pon failUfli' MIdi delivery of $llCh ~MOO !MY be
<br />lIBI.. ~ mmt.... by lIfty ~.-1epI ~., i~ a ret.~vw f(Of the property,
<br />
<br />S. 1'00 ~ of 111m)' We of ~ Pfoperty ill 3C~(Of~ wtlh lhe ~,il\ll fMUqflllpft5 shall ~ IIp.plicd filS' III
<br />,.,. 1M ~$ _ ~, of ~ -. the 1114'-- j,lIQifrd by 1M monlll~ for the purll"\\(' III Illot\\!l.'111l11. or
<br />mIlJ!lIIl~ ~ IJlfOfMfty. *~. to pa, lhe i~ l!iKIlr~ OOrmy; 1100 Ihirdly, II' l'll~' an)' su.rplus or
<br />~ to 1M illli"f""iliI'l 'If' illli"f11OM ~)' CDiitAN I~(l,
<br />
<br />
<br />-1
<br />