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<br />0066<17
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<br />to Lender's interest in Ihe Property.
<br />9. C.......eloII. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection willi
<br />f, any condemnation or other taking of Ihe Property, or part ihereof, or for conveyance in tic\! of condcmnatlon.1U'Cl
<br />hereby assiped and shall be paid to Lender, subject to the terms of any mortgaae, deed of tnm or other lCllIIrity
<br />qrecmcmt with a lien which has priority over this MortgQe.
<br />It. Berro.... Not ....; Forharuce B, Lea4cr Not a Wainr. Extension of the time for~(,U"
<br />modification of amortization of Ihe sums secured by this Mort.. granted by Lender 10 any successorht~~(.lf
<br />Borrower lIDO all other parties who are or thereafter become secondarily liable shall not operate to ~t~@~
<br />mallner. the liability of the ori,inal Borrower aud Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be roq!llill;tOC,
<br />commence proceedings apinst such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwllCl modify ~of
<br />the sums secured by this MortllllJe ty reason of any demand made by the ori3inal Borrower and Borrowor~s successorsin
<br />interest, Any forbearanee by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or otherwise afforded by llpplicatilc
<br />law, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />II. S~ ami AHips Bound; Jomt alld Several Lialtillty; Co~. The covenants and apeemea~htnift
<br />contained shall bind, and Ihe rights hereunder shall inure to, the respective successors and IissipsofLeaclCrand
<br />Borrower, subject to the provisions of parasraph 16 hereof. All covenants and qreements of Borrower sballbejoitltand
<br />several. Any Borrower who co.signs this Mortgage, but does not execute the Note, <a> isco-sisnitll this MOftpp_to.
<br />mortgalC, STant and convey that Borrower's interest in the Property to Lender under the terms of tbis MortIQe, (b)is
<br />not personally liable on the NOle or under this Mortgage, and (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower hereunder,
<br />may agree to extend, modify, forbear, or make any other accommodations with rqard to tbe terms oftbis Mortpp or
<br />the Note without !hal Borrower's consent and wilhout releasin8 thai Borrower or modifyinlltbis MortBale as,totbat
<br />Borrower's interest in Ihe Property.
<br />11. Notice. Excepl for any nOlice required under applicable law to be given in another manner, <a> any notice to
<br />Borrower provided for in Ihis Morlgalle shall be giv.:'n l'y delivering it or by mailing such notice by certified mail
<br />addressed to Borrower at the Property Address or at such other address as Borrower may desiglUlte by notice to Leader
<br />as provided herein, and (b) any notice to lender shall be given by certified mail to Lender's address stated herein or to
<br />such other addre5S as lender may designate by nOlice 10 Borrower as provided herein. Any notice provided for in this
<br />-'".-------------MCl'I~~hilll-be-deem~,-t-c~lla','e--bf't!l.,g.wen,.t1~,.Bo_~~::~n-the-manner-~~.
<br />13. (>evemiatl Law; SevcnlHlity, The stale and JocalIaws of Ihe jurisdiction in which the Property is located shall
<br />apply except where sllCh laws coaflicl with Federal law; in which case, Federal law applies. In the event tbat any
<br />provision or clause of Ihis Morl8age or the Note connicls wilh applicable law, such conllict.shall not affect other
<br />proviliiom of Ibis MOTtlage or Jhe NOle which can be given effect wilhout Ihe conflicting provision, and 10 this end the
<br />provif,ion~ of this Mortgage and the Nole are declared to be severable, As used herein, "costs". "expenses" and
<br />"attorneys' fees" include all sums to the eJllent nOI prohibited by applicable law or limited herein.
<br />14. Ihnower's COfIIY. Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of the Note and of this MOTtl1l8e, if requested
<br />at Ihe UMe of eJleculion or afler recordation hereof.
<br />15, IldutlHlitatillB Loa. Aarcelllenl. Borrower shall fulfill all of Borrower's obu.alions under any home
<br />reftaOililation. improvement, repair or olher loan agreement which Borrower enlers into with Lender. Lender. at
<br />lC1!l<ler's option, may require Borrower 10 ellecute and deh\'er 10 Lender, in a form lICceptable 10 Lender. an ~t
<br />of any fights. claims or defenses which Borrower may have againsl parlies who Mlpply labor. malerials or services in
<br />ComllCClion wDln improvements made 10 the Properly.
<br />16. T~er of lhe Property. If Borrower sells or Iransfen ail or allY pari of Ihe Property or an interest therein,
<br />clldHiltg (a) the crealion of a lien or encumbrance subordinale to this Mortgaile, (hI a trallsfer by devise. descenl, or by' ",
<br />opJrilltKln of law upon the dealh of II joint tenant, (el the grant of any leasehold imerest of Ihree years or less not
<br />ulftUWiillg llll option to purchase. (d) the creal ion of a purcha~e money secufllY inlerest for household appiiances, (e) a
<br />tr_fer !O a rel3ll\'e resulting from the dealh of a Borrower, (I) a lrllllsfer wllere the ~pollse or children of the Borrower
<br />become lut owner of the property, (ill a Iransfer resulting from a decree of di~solution of marrill8e. Iqal ~eparation
<br />._1\1. or from an incidenlal properly settlemenl agreement, by which Ihe spouse of the 8orrower becomes an owner
<br />ofthl: pr~y. (hllllrander into an inter vivos trusI in which the B(lrrOWer is and remaun It beneficiary and which doa
<br />00( reWe to a transfer of rights of occupancy in Ihe properly, or 0) any olher trall5fer or disposilion described in
<br />r\llJ.wiom prescribed by the Federal Home LOlln Bank Board, Borrower shall cause 10 be 5ubmiued information
<br />reqUiiced by L.ender to evaluate the Iransferee a~ if a new loan were beinli\ made 10 the Iransferee. Borrower will cominue
<br />to be oNipted under the Nllle and thi~ MOrlsage unless lender releases Borrower in wrilins,
<br />If Lender don Ilollllree 10 \uch sale or transfer, Lender may declare all of lhe mms se.;ured by this Morlgqe 10 be
<br />immed:ialely dU-l: and Imyabk:. If Lender exercises such oplioll !o ll"e!erale, l.ender shall mail Borrower nolice of
<br />~1I1M:11I in accordance wuh pafll&raph 12 hereof. Such nOlke ,hall prnvH.le 1I period olnol ICliS than 30 days from the
<br />_tel: the notice., mailed or delivered within which Borrower may pay the sums declared due. If Borrower fails :0 pay
<br />_b Sllm$ priol W Ihe eJlpinuioll of i.lIch period, Lender fIIay. wilhOlll further Otllice or demand Oil Borrower, invoke
<br />lUl)' rmMdies permitted by p.lflllfaph I i hereof.
<br />NON-UNifORM COVENANTS. Borrower lInd tender ftmher (llVenam and "!lree liS follows:
<br />1'1'. A<<_.U.n; .1IiIIII.... EllCept lIlI P'lIwkh4 ia ,.,.....,It 16 !tenof. IIr III IIIH",* rfllUired by law, upon
<br />1ItHi...'Utr'l IJIftHIt of U')' ClII_l Of liar-HI of Borrower III Ihlt Mortpp'. IIIdudiaIt IH cow_ntll Ie pay by lH
<br />_ of .t nlm4er "a,1 aft<< lhey II" lhc. allY I.ml ~ by IIIIt Mol1l1a., Lender priof IOllcalcralkm lUll alvl'
<br />IIotke Ie 1ItHi,.... III ~ by ~"Iaw IIMdfyillll: flllH '""'"II; m the lK'lio. ~uired 10 Clift 1llf'1I1trNc1l;
<br /><3...., ... _lItH2t 1II.,. 1m. 1M hk! lH ...iu It maIW 10 hrmwer, Ity wlllell _II hf'elK1t mul he "IfI.. ami
<br />(~ ... faIuft 10 Clift' _It ~J1 .. or lKfore Ille "ste 8I"ClflN ill UIt II.lkl' 11111)' /'UtIli In lK'nIel1ll\on of lhe Willi
<br />__ '" IhIt M........ r~", Ity JHidai P'~It. Ilnd uk of IIN 'ro,.,ty. JlIe ft"iu stIllU furtller IIIfof.
<br />L ~_.. Ik rtIIIt to ,.""'" .flt, lK'~eloIIl1Ind lhe "alii to -n In till' f_iaMlft' ,~mlt lite n"Midst'MII
<br />of. ~ fd n, ..tier .....f tiM'TII"" 10 ~tiofi ami fllftCkMvft. If lite ornell II not cured Oil Of Iwfon llle
<br />.. ~ till ItIe ..... .....,. III LellCkf" 0.....11. IIIIY thdaft .11 of lite IUIlII Nftllffillty Ihlt MOrl.. I. It1I'
<br />I........, ... IInd ...,... wllhe"l fllrlm thlllaml ami ilia,. f"f",lollt' 11111 MOfllllllle Ity jllctkilll pr~II, l.l'n<<lcr
<br />~ Iw ~ 10 f~ I.. _II jlf~1Il1l11 n~_ of Inr....fo<mf.., ;ftChllllllll, lllll nllllllllltnt 10, n'usollaltk
<br />.....".. r_. and "!IN ..I' ditc'lIllllt'lllI." n~.., IIb1&IflKls Ilmllllk ,rlJUfl$,
<br />III. ~f;f'W 1It~11l1 RMM.k!, NIJ1Wllh~I~ll1li!1~ 1,[,l1d~I" ~c,fkrall"l1 0' 111<, ,"11\' '.....'uled b\ 1111' Morttl!l!lC'llle
<br />'0 l<>>ffO"''''', l""llc", fJ',""-",",CI .hall hfl~" the 111/;11110 h~\'c ~"" pfo,ecdulM' hell"" h I {'mlc. II' ,'nt,,,,,' Ihi, l\ihlfl'~!lC
<br />dl.1I<;1jll!'II\!~ ~1 ~!lY '1m.. pllm ill "Illf~' 0' ~ Jutllmenf "lIl"HI"~ 11m Mnrtl!"~e d nil !llmmH' l"l~' ["'hle! ~Il ~1l11"
<br />""lid, "',,\.lId 1"1' IMII d". ulld~~ Ihu Mnlil!,~lIt ~!1d filii? /-lnl.. had Un ,",""'flaln,,, '''ell"",I. (htll"",,,,e, ,lilt., "II hrrad,,',
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