<br />
<br />
<br />84 - 006610
<br />
<br />I
<br />
<br />This Mortgage Is entered into between
<br />Husband and Wife
<br />Five Points Bank
<br />
<br />(herein "Mod"",') and
<br />(henia "~"),
<br />
<br />William W. Roberts and Mariorie A. Roberts.
<br />
<br />Mortgagor is indebted to Mortgagee in the principal sum of $ 90 ; 000 ;00 , erideacetl by Mortpfor'lnote
<br />dated December 5, 1984 (herein "Note") providing foqlaymlmtu.r PriDci;and lnlemt, will' lie ___......
<br />indelJUoo-, if not IiOOlU!r paid, due and payable on Fe bruary 4, 1985
<br />
<br />To secure the payment of 1M Note, with Interest as provlW thwein. tile ...,....Gf all other MIIII$'~ IIItlRM.
<br />adVlUlced by Mortp&ee to protect 1M security of this Mort,., and tile "l'IIIlnll 01....... ~t:,._~J.... .' ,,~.
<br />the I'dortpcor oonhlined herein. Mortpcor does hereby mortlNl! and eoaveytoM.......J.~,~.
<br />
<br />"" 11
<br />
<br />property located in
<br />
<br />- County, Nebmska:
<br />
<br />Lot Eleven (11.\ and Twe 1 ve (12) of Hayman' s Subdivision of the
<br />West HaU of the Northwest Quarter (W.!.iNWU of Section Twent;y
<br />Five (25), Township Elt'ven (11) North, Range Ten (10) Welltor
<br />the Sixth P.M. in Hall County, Grand Island, Nebraska, as surveyed..
<br />platted and recorded. 10 acres more or less.
<br />
<br />T.ther with all buildings. Improvl'lTlt'nls, rixtull'S. mel'ls. aI"~s. ~ways, __Is, rights, privilepsad
<br />appurtenlUlee& located thl'reOn or In anywise pt'rtainingthe",to. lIlld Ihl' ",nls iSMI"s Md profits, reveniona ad amlin".
<br />thel'l'Of; including, but not limited to. hratinlllllld coolinll t'quipmmt and 5Ucll penoneI property that is attacIIM to.
<br />improwmmts so 11& to rolllltitute a nxture; 1II1 of whim. .ndud/nll ll'pliIa'mt'I'Ili and additions tHreto,la hereby dedINd
<br />to be a part of the ..,aI .....W secured b~ the lil'n of Ihi. Mort~ and 1II1 of tilt' fOft'png beinC rerened &0 IIetiIIa .,tIle
<br />"l'l..,...I)".
<br />
<br />~ fllltlU'r conVl'Illlfll!; and agrws. wllh Mortga...... .. rollows:
<br />
<br />1. I'a~. To pay WI' 1Rdt-wdnl.'Sl> and tht' mll'fI"tlh,'",on .. prm,ded in Ihi. Mortcellt' aad the Note,
<br />
<br />2. TlUe. MorlgllllOf' IS Uw own", of Ih<- Propoorty. hll'\ the "gll! and llllthonly to mortcellt' tile Property._
<br />wammtli that. tile I"", C'1I'Itf'd ".....hy .. a f1m llnd pnor lI..n 'K! Ih,. l'rOpt'ny. t"Xet'plllli may otl\enriae be... forth 1leniIa.
<br />
<br />\:J TIlt' I'ropt>rty "' .1Ib~t HI 1 Mort..... whl'1l'11l
<br />
<br />ilL t/1t' ~, ~d at Book . fl. "f Iht' MortRltIll' Rl'COt'dlo of,
<br />~, whid! MorI.~ IS al_ pnOf to tilt, '...n "n-II,'d h.-r..by,
<br />
<br />CouIdy.
<br />
<br />tJl.tler pnor 1_ or t',","mbnn......
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />3, 'f_ft, ." BlMA~,""n~ To IJII) ..h"n du" llll tIlXM. 'Pf"'ial _1I!ilTlt'n18l1nd all othtlf chllfll'll aplllllt U.1"rclpMty
<br />~. lIf<m written c1t_d by Mor~, 10 add to Ih.. pIIymt'IIIlo ..'<!ul....d undt-r IIw NotE' lit'Cured hE'l't'by, 5UcllllllOlll'lt III
<br />me, be ~t to ~ m", Mort.... 10 PA~' MIen IUt'S, _mt'"Is or other l'hlf'lt'SlI& thl'Y becomt' due.
<br />
<br />4. 1__, To ~p till' impmv.._nls no'" or Iw....aflt'r Il:l('alt'l1 on th.. reBll'1llllle dfterltwd htl"ln inJured
<br />..- ~ by fl.... and olM'l1 Otlll" luu:ardi "" Mongalt... lIlav "'qUII\', m amount., and wllh l'tlmPAl1it"lK'el'plllble to tilt'
<br />~. IIiRd wttII 1_ PAyalllr to 1M Mort..... In c_ or lOllS undt>r such polkifl Ult' Mo~ Is allthorizM &0
<br />~. ~ lIR4 ~iH. In itll discft't!on. all dlli_ thel"l'undl'r at its M>I.. option, authorilWd to t'itMupply the
<br />~ to l~ mkmltlon t>f lilt' I'roprrly or lIfKlf1 IIw iftdl'bwdn..",' lWt'un.d lwl't'by. but pallmt'nlllllt'rllllnder &IIlIll_,
<br />~ lIl'IUI the __!M!C1Ilml MR'by II", paid in full,
<br />
<br />S, ~ '4)1' Taus IIftd IMUflIIlN. Nohvith\landme lInythln<< l'ontllilwd in paragraphs :I IInd 4 ht'J'l'Of to 1M
<br />~, Mort~ shltll pay to tilt' Mort~ lItlhe Urn.. of l"l'ymC thp monthly InlillllllTlt'ntll or prine/pIlllIllll illtenml,
<br />_twmMl 01 tM yC!NIy 1lI111l'l1. ___nt., hlUlIrd insuran",. pl't'miums. and Kmllnd ",nls (if IIIIY) wblell mllY attain a
<br />~t)' ._ Ibilt ~1IP. all iII$ f'l,'MotHlbl~ e~lim81..d f,ol11 Inllt' I<llim.. by th.. MO'III4I11.... 1'11.. amount> M) PAid slIall be
<br />tIeItl! ~ t_ MorI~ "'IlluIllI IIII:.......llIl'Id appll..d to th.. PlIvmt'nt. of Ih.. il..ms In ....pt.rl to which much llmoontll _"
<br />....~. 'm. 'Ufl!f pel4~ 10 MMt~ h..wundt-r 8", pI"dlll'd llllllddlliunllllWt'Urily fur lilt' U1dt-btl'dftf'M 1ll'C1II1'd by Ihis
<br />~. ~.luila PAY 10 Mort~ Ih" Ill1lU\U1I or lInv dt-fll'lt'nr)!' Iwl.......n th...rluliIl tRX"". __..nl.. illl!\lrllllct'
<br />~ IIftd II!ffl'dnd ...nt. IIIId lilt' rWpt"'.1.> h"'PlIl1rWr wilhm III d.".. an.r <iNllalld" mad" up"" MOfIRltlllH .!'ql/MUnll
<br />pl!!Y_l\~
<br />
<br />6, ~,MIIlIl~ Ddl4 P!iI', To illomllllv Ft'pIllr. ff"Wrt' <If ".'huiid An, huihllllll:' <If Impnwt'lIWnb ""'" or
<br />1MI>-.fi<","I I~ h"....nv; w k<'t'~1 U.... l'voPt'.ly Iii Mood I'0I1<lIl!l>1lll11d r-lJIIu, ...ill",ul WII\"'. and fl'>'" from 11...<'111""'\ <lr
<br />~:rt~ft,wm <<1ro4 t1'!lI~~\lIHJb>1'flhMt$d to thfii hVfl hf.'fli'ut; not 1u ftuk~, ~ufr~r f,'tf pt'rmll nny nU'~1H't' tn ~i""S!, Illlf In dtmin
<br />- f;Pl' Im,-, lh.. vlflMt' n.r 111ft htlipt'ff." h\ "n,- IK:'t or Ornih-~l{}U 10 ad: l!Htl1 10 1'lImplv WIth nU f't'qulf'Nlwnt~ 0113W w,lh
<br />~., t" II... h,.,.'I,
<br />
<br />
<br />