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<br />84 --- 006590
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<br />UNIFORM COYEN'NT~. Borrower and Lender ,--avenanl an4 atree lIS follows:
<br />. I. l'8y-.c Iff ~""'.'~ I-..est. Borrower shall pr~ptly pay 'when due tne principal of and interest on the
<br />.ndebledness ev~ by tlWl,.ote,pn:paymcnt and late charses as provided in the Note. and the principal of and intereSt
<br />
<br />r on ai F;: .~v~:: :.ur::.:.:~ ~~~~ applicable law or to a written waivorbf~,
<br />
<br />to l.ern.ler on lhe day monthly installments of principallUld interest are payable under the Note.\!Ali'.~
<br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and _IS which ...'attlIlR
<br />Mort... and around .ents on the Pnlpeny, if any. plus oae-l'NeIfth of yqrIy premium ~nt$.for
<br />pillS one-l'NeIfth of yearly premium iulallmcnts for mort... inauranee, if any, all as I~.~
<br />time to time by Lender on the basis of _menlS ar.d bills and rcasonableeatimatfla~..<.r(
<br />'The Funds shall he held in an institution the deposits or a<:counlli of which. are i_n:ldor~i
<br />stale agency (including Lender if tender is such an institution). l.ender shall apply the f\mds to pay.
<br />insurance premiums and ground re[llS. Lender may not eharp for so holdin, and applyina me Ftmds.
<br />or verifyin, and compiling said auessmenlll and bills. unlelllAllCler pays Borroww intomlt on the ....
<br />permits Lender to make !ouch a charp_ Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at tbe......of
<br />Mortpse lhat interest on the FUIld$ shall he paid to Borrower, and unless such lI8fCClROltta made
<br />requires such interest to be paid, tender shall not be required to pay Borrower anyintercst or~.....
<br />shall give 10 Borrower. wilhout charge. an annual accounting of the Funds showinl credits and cIebltS Ie tbe
<br />purpose for whkh each debit 10 the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional ~ for the
<br />by this Morlpse.
<br />If the amounl of the Funds held by lender, losether with the future monthly installmcntllof ~ .......
<br />lhe due dales of taxes, assosmenl!o, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed tJ\c lUROIIOAt l'CIlpIiRId
<br />useS5lllents, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, such eKcess shall be. at aorr-c's
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to B(lfrower on monthly inslallments of Funds. If tile amount
<br />held by lender shall not be sufficicat to pay laxes. IlMeSSments, insurance pn:miums and sround......._
<br />Borrower shall pay to Leader any amount ncceuary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the.. neliGeil
<br />by Le~r to Borrower requcstins pilyment thereot.
<br />Upon payment m full of all sums secured by th.s Mortgage, lender shall promptly n:fund 10 ~ atIf
<br />held by lender If under paraaraph III hereof the Property" sold or Ihe ProperlY is otherwise acquirecl by I..cada:, I..cada:
<br />shall apply. no laler than immediaiely prior 10 lhe ,ale of the Propeny or its acquisition by Lender. my Fuads lIeN "
<br />lender at the IlIne of application lIS a credit apinsl lhe sum. secured by this Mort...,
<br />3. "........ of""""" lInk..., applicable law provides otherwise. all paymeots lllCCived by I..cada: ...... ....
<br />___~"'-l!!~_~_2ar~.ll~s_L~_2_~:Qf .!o!l.all..I>e J!m>!i~1!Y.l~!!.4qjirsl in ravment ~.!L.Im'~~.~_"'..""~~_
<br />under paraaraph 2 hereof. then 10 lllteresr payable Oil lhe Note. then to t:,e principal of the Note. and dlm Ie ___ and
<br />principal on any Future AdvllAC~.
<br />... CIuIrtJa; IJeas. Borrower ,.h~1I pay "II lax",. "ssessments and other ,;harges. fines and impositioll& atU~ Ie
<br />the Propeny whIch may anain a .","rity over IhlS Morlgage. and leasehold payments or ground rents. if any, ja the _
<br />prov,ded under paragraph 2 hereol M ,f 001 pa.d III ,uch manner. by Borrower making payment, when due, ~ Ie 1l1li
<br />payee lhereof. Borrower ,h..ii promptly fUllll,h to Lender all nouces of amounts due IInder this parlI8l:&ph. and in the__
<br />Borrower shall mue payment dmX:Il\. S.'Ho".cr ,hall promptly lurnish 10 Lender re.;eipts evideacing sucII plIJmcntlI.
<br />Horrower shall ~ompll)' GIKharge any hen "hlch h.. priOrity over lhis Mortgage: provided, Ihllt Borrower shill DOt tie
<br />reqUIred 10 ,jll.charge an." "",to lien '0 IO!'B ... Borro..er shall agree in wr;lmg to the payment of the obtisarioo SGCUIlIIlI '"
<br />such ben on a manner """"plable '" Lender, or ,n"Jj Hl gOt>d tanh conte,' .lIch lien by. or defend c:nf~t of such ..... ill,
<br />BelaI pnx'eeomlfo whl;;h operak 10 p_ Ih,' enton;emenl ot Ihe hen or forfeilure of the Propeny Of any plII't 1IIG.w.
<br />5. H-.l1~. Borrower,hall""p rhe ,mf'I<"emenh nolA' exi'lIng or hereafter erected on the Property ~q,;!
<br />"glUlI5t IC\SS t>y tire. huards mdu.kd .....Ihm rhe lerm "e,lended coverage", and sllch other hazards as Lender _y reqtlft
<br />aad In weh amounlo and l"r SiKh .,.,r,,>ds "s Lender ma~' require; proVIded. thai Lender !ohall not require that the _ .>f
<br />such ~overl3C exceed lhar amount ,,,f .:overage reqUired to pay the sums !lCcllred hy thiS MortS.p.
<br />The il15uraOCe ,;arner ~,"'iding the .nsurarn:e shall he ,;hosen by Borrower subject to approval by Lender; pmvicIlltl
<br />that such lIpproval ,ha!1 nOI be unrC'.asonabl~. withheld. ....II premlllms on insurance policies shall be paid in tJ\c _
<br />provided IInder paragraph 2 hereof or. ,t not plud lfl ">eh manner. by Borrower making payment, when due. directly to die
<br />illllUl'iIIICC CJll'l'HIf.
<br />1\11 insurance polo;;~ lIDO rene..'a1. there,'t sh.li he '" lonn acceptable 10 Lender and shall include: a !otandard mortpp
<br />clause 10 famr 01 and III lorm lM:,;eptithle 10 lender. lender shall h,,'e Ihe righl 10 hold the policies and renewals thereof,
<br />aad Borro.....er shall promptly (urmoh 10 Lender all rcnc..al nollce, and all receipls of paid premiums. In the event of lou,
<br />Borrower shall gl\le prompt OOla;e 10 Ihe "'.uran,e ,'arner and I.ender. Lender may make proof of loss if not made promptly
<br />by Borrower.
<br />Uftlea l.ender and Borrower othe......5C /tilre<' '" "HIt mI!. insuran,-e procced~ shall be applied to restoration or rtpllir of
<br />the Property damaged. provided ;uch fUlorallon or repair IS econol1ucally feaSible and lhe securily of this Mona. is
<br />not thereby impallW. If su.;h feslorahn{) or repair II nol c<:Oll<lmKally feasihle or if the securilY of Ihis Mortgage would
<br />be impaued, the msurance procee<l~ shall be apphed 10 Ihe sums SC4:llfed by rhls Mortgage. wilh the excesa, if any. paid
<br />to Borrower. If lhe ProperlY IS abandoned ,,, 80rrower. '" .1 Borrower la.l. to respond 10 L.ender Within 30 days from the
<br />date notice IS mailed hy lender to l~orrower thaI rhe .nsurance carner otTers 10 sellle a claim for insurance benellts. lender
<br />.s autbonz.cd 10 collecl and apply rhe in.urance proceeds al Lender', OptiOn either to resloration or repair of the Property
<br />or to the MlRIII ,ecured by Ihis Mortga.e
<br />Uftlea lender and Borrower lllhe.....lsc agree ,n ''''lIoil. any m"h application of proceeds to pnnc.pal shall not ex lend
<br />or postpone the due dale of lhe monlhly in~allmenl~ referred h' III paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change Ihe amounl of
<br />such mstallmenls. It under paragraph 18 hereof rhe Property '!o acqulled by Lender, all nghl, lille and ,"Ierest of Borrower
<br />ill alld to allY .nauranee polic_ and on and to lhe procee<ls lhereof rnulhng j rom damallC to lhe Property prior to the sale
<br />or "'iwilJOl'l .!MII pus 10 lender 10 lhe e~lenl of lhe sums 5Ccured by rh.. Mortgage Immedialely pnor to such nle or
<br />~itioo.
<br />6. .......... _ ~ of p,.,.t1y: lA_holds; l-oncIomilli_: PIa... UnH Ilen'o,_1Its. Borrower
<br />sIMll keep the Property in lIOOd repa" and shall oot commit WllSle or ""nOlI .mpalfmenr or deleriorlllion of the Property
<br />aad sIIaIl comply with the prOVttlornl of any IeIlSt: It Ih.. MOrlsage " on "leasehold. It thIS MOrlaage i. on a IInil in a
<br />~Ium or " p1anlllld unit cle.clopmenl. S.,rrowcr shall perform all of Borrower's oolillatlons ulldt'l the declarallon
<br />Of COVOIIdt3 ereatill8 or govermlll! the wndomlt1lUm or planned L111l1 development, rhe by. laws and regulation. 0/ .he
<br />condomi!l!um or planned uoft development. "nd wn.time,,! dOl:umen" !f a nllidorllllllUm or planned 111111 .Ievelopmelll
<br />,.., 1& _uted by Bor.- and recorded tOIl"lher w,th lh" Mnrtllalle, Ihe ",wellanl, and aarecnlenh "'1 ouch /ICier
<br />.w bIi l~ato<llntO aad shell iilMOO and '''pplement the cuvenan" and lIlIreement. of Ih.. Morlllall" as II rhe rider
<br />L _apan Mreo(.
<br />7, ~tiIe!I 01 I~I s..,urifJ, If s.l/wwer fall~ to perform the covenants and altreement. ,'olltamed in rhi,
<br />MmtP@;e, "fir MI)' ~tlOO '" pl'ocecdlllfl " commenced which materially "fle"l. I ender's 'ntert'SI in Ihe l'roper1\',
<br />-Jw.lmS. hut ,,(Of limillld 10, emlM'nt doma,", lIi".I"eIlCV. ",de e"lmeemeo!. or arran!ICmenh or rnx'ecdillll' IIlVOIVlllg a
<br />'-&f11ll1 01 tJel;c<leIlI, l/wl'! lellder 181 I.cnder'. nplllHI, IIpnn ,mll"e t" IImrnwer, ilia' rnah ,"ch apl",.rar"...,.. .I,.hue"" .u~h
<br />$~ ~ tdE' *,w;h ~tl(m iU 18 (:~"MY tn p1otC1,;l Lender'/!. lmete'll. 11lt..'lullmg, hut ntl4 iHllHt;d t~l, dl!i.bu,-wmen1 of
<br />It'lUONbM 4thJfmy's. t~E1j, aoo enuy upun 1M P,open;, 10 motlt;~ fep,un II Ixndel f\~qllHnl ;Hnll~aMC Hl'uran~t" d'\ ;1
<br />;,;,maiht.kn Hf nl~m.l (be hlau I\ft\.Ulle~t b)' thl'1l 1\f':1f1aJA~t1'. f!OflO\'-t'f li.hall puy rhe l"l'nlflHH\ Icqlllre~1 L' maH1f~'1IH lHH.'h
<br />HWJ.U'l8OCIt itl t;ft'o&l:! 'mhf ilLh,:h Hm~ ;,-; !he f"tH;uuernent fur liu(h mfHHMnn' !(~tn'lflilt(~\ 111 ;h:'--i.'fdall\'(~ i....,fh 8t"ft'"'e,'" and
<br />
<br />4.
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<br />.-J
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