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<br />I...... AIIowe ThIs Une ,., "-*'<< o.u)
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<br />Loan Nuaber. 610~1~18
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<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST ("Security Instr~(') is made on ,..............p.~!;.~f...J.~.................~.......,...;,....~.,.,
<br />19. .a4..... The trustor is ... J)QM.ld. ..t.A ...~Qj;.lI.ludur..~...!m.M..",...,>>'9.~!l:.b.b.lI.....lnM,1l4lD4..11~..w1f.....;j~.
<br />and each.. .in.,.t.he.1r..oWD...r1g.ht... ......................... ("Borrower"). The trustee is ....J9...4;Pb..JJ..u.~...................'u.....::.
<br />
<br />................................................................................................................................................ (.'Truscee..).Tbe~.is
<br />f.1.RSl'..~..SAY1.NGS...ANItJ"OM..IISS.QCanQW..9.f...UNC9.l.N...............,..... which is ~and'eaistiGs
<br />under the laws of ...Tb.e...I.Iniu.d..s.t.u.es..of..AIIIer.1ca...........and whose address is .1l.lS..~~.N~~...Stnc.t..................
<br />l.in.c.QlJl..... Nebr.aska.. 6.aS 0.8........ .......... 'Pi.......... 'Th" . ......00.... ...fiif.... ..11'00............., ............................ ("LcmIIlr").
<br />Borrower owes Lender the principal sum of ....~~r.......Ol.1.s!l..1it'fCJOO...O~~..........:..........:......:......................................~...
<br />.............................. .................................... Dollars (U.S. $... .... ................~..........>. ThIS debt IS eVidenced by Borrower"~ Dtlte
<br />dated the same date as thisSecurit~Inst!'Umenl ("Not()'iti6t5h provides for monthly payments. with the full ~ ifnot
<br />paid earlier. due and payable on .:. ...~~:':r......... ...... .~. ........... .............. ....................... ....................................... .................
<br />This Security Instrument secures to Lender: (3) lhe repayment of the debt evidenced by the Note. with interest._aIl
<br />; .:~~.:. ;. .::::. ':::'::~~":;;:-~'-:' ~;~ :;;~~~~:~:~~~~, :;: ~ ~~~~ j~J' :;;;;;:~~ ~;~~; ~:;;~~ -~;;~>#. ~~.;:~~~ :~;:~; ~:, ~ ---
<br />protect Ih" security of this Securily Instrumenl; and (c) the performance of Borrower's covenanlS and asr-nts. For dIis
<br />purpose., Borro\\'er Gi'fCably grants and conveys 10 Trustee. in lrust, wilh power of sale, the following described properly
<br />
<br />10000ted In ...... ............................... ..... .... .... ............... .......... .... ............................. ...................................... CoImty, Ncbr8sIIa:
<br />
<br />Lot Two (2), Bishop Heights Third Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska.
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<br />4362 Manchester
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<br />wlncb has the address of
<br />68801
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<br />IStl'INti
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<br />Nebnollka
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<br />("Property Addrns"):
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<br />TOGr:HIU WIITlI lIlI the Improvements now or hereafter "reded Oil Ihe property. and 1111 CllWIIIC11ts, nght'.
<br />arf'Urt_et;, rC1lI~. royalllC'>. mmeral. oil llnd lias nghls llnd profils. WIlier n!lht~ lInd ~IOC'" and all fiXlures nnw or
<br />oo...ft4ll' a part lllhe Im)jlel'1y. All rep*_lcnu and lklditi<>ns ~halllll""J be covered b~ ltm S<<uril~' Instrument All or the
<br />fmqollll; IS refern1d 10 lfIthg Se<wmy InSlrUllleflt..S lhe ""rnpeflY"
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<br />fkJIUlowtll COV!'SANI$ thaI ik>rrower I' lawfully selliCd of Ihe C'<tale herein- fonveved and has rhe r111111 In grant
<br />.utd '_VErY 1M Prtlflel1y and Ihll! tM Proper1y ,s unelll'umberoo. e~('efll for etl<;ulllhran,'cs of r<'fOlll !loHo",'r "arrllllls
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