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<br />I
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<br />-,
<br />
<br />-<t ,..... ,~
<br />~-)R, .~l
<br />j;fr tl
<br />
<br />84,~ 006485
<br />
<br />
<br />}HIS MORTGAGE is made this... . . . .r.~l.r:~~~~~~. , . .. ,.. . . .day' of... ~~~~.b.,:~..... ...... .... ft
<br />19.?., bctwIen the Mortpaor.. , , ,l3r,i,a.~ .~:. P!lr.n.l.'!~L ~~9. ~~.r.Y. .Q~~r~. P.U.r:,!i.'19 J. ~JJ~.b.cv!(L~~~. }oI.i..e
<br />
<br />....... " .... .... .. . '" .',. ..,... .. . '1 (lfsrein "Borrower"). and tile Mortppe.. . . ..,.... . ..........
<br />~Q~~~:t. J3.a.l1~ .Gr~!l!i..I.~l.i!l}<;I J. ~?~.i.~I!~ .. . ~~~!=.i.~~1qlJ.. . . ,. '... .. a corporation orpnized aad eJdatiaa
<br />uadcrtheJawaof. .~~I?r~~~?,.....,....,......, E'.....2.." wboseaddressis...,...............;....
<br />2Q~ .~:. ~n1... .~ ..Q:~91l. .l.7.q~,. ~r~!l~. .r.~ 1.~1J~1.~.. .~~~q. ,. .. " . . ...... .. .. . (herein "Leader").
<br />
<br />W D__ . ._.....btif Lcnde' be "paI f Thi rtv Thousand and no/100----
<br />_______~R_~~_.~=_=~~_I~~_ j8 .000, bRl. ~__~nncJ sum,o,,' . .. . , .O{..:. . ........ .. .. .. ...... ....
<br />. .. . . ., .. .. . . ., ,. .. . . .. . , " '.. ,'. , . . '. ,,-! I. .. . . Dollars. whICh Indebtedness IS evidenced by Borrowers DOte
<br />dated. . .O~~~e.r: .l~.. ~.9f3~. . . , . ,(herein "Note"). providing for monlhly instal'mellts ofprjnci~ aadinterelt,
<br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if no! sooner paid, due and payable on,.... ~.a.1'!4~rY. J..... .Q~~:.......
<br />
<br />......a.... ......... '.
<br />
<br />
<br />To Sacuu rol.ender (a> the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon. the
<br />payment of all other sums. wirh interest thereon. advanced in accordance berewith to protect tbe security of tIIia
<br />Mortpac. aad rhe perfonnaacc of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and (b) the repay...
<br />of any f1lt1lfe advances, with interest thereon. made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to parqtaph 21hercof (...
<br />"FutUrC Adnaces"), Borrower does here:'1 mortpBe, IranI and convey to Lender the foBowiDa dacribedpmpeItJ
<br />Iocatcdia the County of. '" ... '... .~{l.. J.........,..."",......... StafIl of Nebrasb: .
<br />
<br />The Southerly Sixty Feet (60') of Lot Five (5), in Block
<br />7-h'+rt.~!t ~ii ~:iui-'~~~ ~u."iiiC:i";) 'RuJii-iufl l..U toe i.rity err-
<br />Grand Island. Hall County. Nebraska
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />.............. of......, ~JJ. .~tltb.~l1................ ..... .'&r.tl)(l. b.1.Md;..,. ....
<br />m-tJ .....
<br />~.~\tt . ~1. . . . . . . . . . . . (..... "Property Address");
<br />...... lilt c-..
<br />
<br />~ widI all t"" illlproft_ts now or hereafter e~ on rhe propIt1y, and all tlUIILJIIlI"rtpII.
<br />."tn'.JI 10m. fIIRlI. ..... mtnera!, oit and pa riJhtI and prollts. wacer. wacer ripta. and ..... .... .. all
<br />1Itums.... ., ~ ~ to die prgperty, d of which. includhts replace-.ts and addidons '....... shall be.
<br />...... to be and temIIiIs . part of file prgperty covered by this Mortpp; _ all of the f~ toptJlw wtdt ....
<br />~ (or the ~... it.1Itis ~ Is on Illeate:hoId) are benlin referred 10 as the "Pr1IpIny",
<br />
<br />~ ~~ajl"lIt. IMe IIorroMr is lllwfutly HMd of the mare hereby conveyed and" the rip! to~.
<br />I'ant .. ~ .1Ie f'nlp<<:rty. lbet lhe Property ill tmeooumbered. and Ihm Bofrowor wtfl WlIIrrllnt und cWtIM
<br />~ 1M I~ 10 11M Property ..11-51 aU claims 1100 demands. !ub;ect 10 IIny dol:llIl'1IItiom, Cilnmcmts or rlllltril:dont
<br />~ ill II IK~ ,If u4'eptltltt~ 10 LUVtlf8F ill allY Ittte IMYf.nee pelky InsUril'llUrnlef'S interest in the Proporty.
<br />
<br />..J
<br />
<br />~U'A tJ/U
<br />
<br /><<l'_...." ,on,"'" <~ I')~ Ai"
<br />