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<br />84 - 006469" <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />LJNII'OftM COIIEN.\Nl~. 8orrower and Lender ~ovenaOl an" agree as follows: <br />, I. l'IIylRftlt of Princ:1paI and Interest. Burrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and inleresl 011 the <br />mdcbledne.s eVIdenced by Ihe Nole, prepayment and lale charge, as provided 10 Ihe Note. and Ihe princIpal of and interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by IhlS Mortgage, <br />1. Funds for Tues and Insul'llllCc. Subject 10 applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />10 Lender on Ihe day monthly in,tallments of principal and interest are payable under the Note. until the Note is paid in full. <br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal 10 one-twelfth of the yearly laxes and assessments which may attllin priority over this <br />Mortgage. and ground renls on the Property, if any. plus one-twelfth of yearly premium inslallmenl~ for hazard insurance. <br />plus o/IC-Iwelfth of yearly premium installments tor mortgage insurance. if any. all as reuonably estimated initially and from <br />time 10 time by Lender on the basis of a.\SCS$menls ano bills and reasonable estimates lhereof. <br />The Funds shall he held in an institulion the deposits or accounts of which are insured or suaranteed by a Federal or <br />Uale agency (including Lender if lender is such an institution), lender shall apply the Funds 10 pay said tllXe$. lII5CIUI1CDtS, <br />insurance premiums and ground renlS, Lender may not charae lor so holding and applyin/ilthe Funds. analyzillJ said alXOUnt. <br />or lIerifYIIIIl and compiling said asseSllments and bills. unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applieable law <br />pennilS Lender 10 make such a ~harae. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />Mortgage thai interest on the Funds shall he paid to Borrower, and unless such' a/ilreement is made or appIic:abIe law <br />requires such interest to he paid. lender shall nol he required to pay Borrower any interest 01' carninp QIl the Funds,. Lcoder <br />shall give [0 Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showin/il eredilll and debilll to the Funds IIIlCIthe <br />purpose for which each debi: to the Funds was made, The Funds are pledged as additional 5C<:urity for the IUlIIS secured <br />by this Mortgage. <br />If lhe amount of the Funds held by Lender, togelher with the future monlhly installments of Funds payallfc 1Irioc to <br />Ihe due dates of taxes, assessmen!s, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount roqQirec1to paysai4l11l1Oi111, <br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground renlS as they fall due. such excCS$ shall he, at Bortowcr's option. , ~ <br />promptly repaid 10 Borrower or credired to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds, If the aInount of the F1JIIiIa <br />held by Lender ,;ball nOI he sufficient to pay taxes, assessments, insurance pteJniums and around rentS It they fatf.' <br />Borrower shaH pay to Lender any amount l1C<::_ary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice,1s lIIlliIIlt: ~ <br />by Lender to Borrower requestin/il payment Ihereof. <br />Upon pa)'mem ID full of all SUIIU secured by th,s MnrtgJge, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by '",nder. II under paragraph I K hereof Ihe Property IS sold or thc Property il OIherwlse acqUired by I ilIIder. Lcoder <br />shall apply, no later than Immediately prior 10 the ,ale of the Property or itl acquisition by Lender, any Funds held bJ <br />Lender 041 th" lime oi applicalion as a ~redit agalOsl the sums secured by Ihis MOTtlale, <br />3, Applklldotl 01 I'IIyIllUts. Unless appl"able law provides otherwise. all payments received by Lender UIIder tM <br />:':v;~ M'-,ci-,,~;qm.--. ...... ;: "CICU' "'.11 IIC .ppllCd ny Lenaer nrsllO paymen! 01 amounts payable 10Lender by IJor..- <br />under paraaraph 2 hereof, then to ,"terest payable on the NOle. Ihen 10 the principal of the Note. and lhen to interest IIIlCI <br />prmclpal on any' Future Advances, <br />4. C~ Uens. Borrower ,hall pay ;III I;lXC', ,,'scssmen!> 'lOd olher charges, tines and impositions atlributable to <br />the Property which may anain a prIOrity ,wer IhlS Mortgage. and leasehold payments or ground rents. if any, in the ......... <br />provll1ed under paragraph 2 hereof M, If nOI paId 10 such manner. by Borrower making payment, when due, directly to ... <br />payee thereof, Borrower shall promlllly furnISh 10 Lender all nollces ot amounts due under this plll1llraph, and in tM eYIIIIt <br />Borrower shall make parmeR! dtre.:lly. Burrnwcr shall prompt I} turnish 10 Lender receipts cvidencing such paymems. <br />Borrower shall promplly discharge IIny licn which has pflomy ilVer this Mortgage: provided, thai Bortowcr shaH not be <br />reqUired to dl!iCharge any such hen so long ;IS !l,mo"er shall agree In "riling to the payment of .he obligation S<<\IflId bJ <br />such !tcn In a manner acceptable to lender. 01 shall In good f,ulh contest su~h lien by. or defend enforcement of such licR iA, <br />legal proceedmgs whIch operale 10 l,rcvent the entur~emenl oj rhe lIen or forfcllure of the Property or any pan thenof. <br />5. Ifuar4 J..-e. Borrower shall keep rhc lmprMement' now e:<isling or hereafter erected on lhe Property i_red <br />lllainst 10.. bv fire, hazards mcluded wnhm Ihe term "extended ~o'erage", and such other hazards as lender may require <br />and m such "moun!J; and (or 'u<:h penod, as lender may require; pnwided. Ihat lender shall not reqmre that lhe amount of <br />such coverage exceed Ihal ,lmounl <>f Llweragc reqUITed 10 pay Ihe sums secured hy thiS Mortgaae. <br />TIle l!lliurance carner providing the insurum:e shall he (hosen by Borrower subject to approval by under; proYidId, <br />that such approval shall '101 be lInreasonably withheld, All premiums on insurance policies shall be paid in lhe _ <br />~rovided under paragraph 2 hereol ,)r. II nol paId JI1 such mllnner, by 80rrower making payment, when due, directly to'" <br />tOI-..... .;.~e camet'. <br />All in.uranee po!tcu:s "II. rencw,," thereof ,hall he m fonn ,lCccpt;lblc to Lenc:~ :::: .~,.ij mCllKlc a slandard morIJIIIII <br />clause m favor 01 and '" form Al:,,:plahie 10 Lender Lcndcr .hall ha\c Ihe righl 10 hold the policic1l aoo renewals thenof. <br />and Borrower shall promptly furorsh ro Lendcr all rcncwal m'lI~c' and all receipts of paid premiums. In the evetll of-. <br />Borrower sball live prompt nollCe to the IIUUran(e ~arrtcr and Lender, Lender may mHe proof of Ion if not made prompdy <br />by Borrower. <br />UnIeu Lender and Borrowe, ,-.lI>el""I'" allrec In "TilIng, ",'urance proceeds shall he applied to rntoratiOtl or repair of <br />the Property damaged, proVIded ,,,,,h 'eSIOl'al"'n or repaIr" cconomically feaSible aOO lhe iiCCurity of Ihis MOf1IeIO ic <br />not thereby impaIred. If such reswntlon or repaIr IS nof economIcally feulble or If the iiCCunty (If thiS Mort,. would <br />he IlDpalTOO, the mauram:c procee,!. shall be applied to the sums .ccured by tbls Mortgaae. wilh lhe CXCCH, if aa)'. paid <br />to Borrower If lhe Property is ahandoned by Bvrwwer, or ,I 80rwwer falls ro rC1lpond 10 I.ender Within 30 days from ... <br />date notice: IS mailed by Lender 10 Borrower f hal the miurance carner offers to 5ellle a daim for insurance beacfilS. Lcoder <br />IS 10 c(ll!ecl "nd apply lhe: msurance proc<<<ls al Lender's optIOn clther to rftloration or repair of the Property <br />or to the mtt1l; >ccured by Ihis MorlPIC <br />Unlas Lender and Borrower <'><: agree III wlltmg, any SUdl appli~alioo ot proceeds 10 pllOClpll1 shall not ext_ <br />ar postpone the due date of I he lfIort ' Iy installments rderred to In paragraphs I and 2 hereol or change the amount of <br />sucb 1l1Otallmenu. If under parllllfaph I g hereof the Propetty " acqUIred h" Lender, all rishl. title and interesl of Borrower <br />in and 10 any 1Il5Urance: policlCS and 111 and to the proceeds Ihereol rC1lulllng Irol11 damage to lhe Property prior to lhe sale <br />or acquisition shall JlflSi to Lender 10 the e~lelll ,'f the sums ,ccured hy thIS Mortgage lmnlediately prior to sllCh sale or <br />acqWitioo. <br />6, .--........... M~ Df .....11": IA_......; Comlomllll~ ........ Unit J)e,.._..... Borrower <br />5IlaJIlIcep the Propcny in lJOOd repair and .llaIl not .ammit walIte or pennll Impalrmenl or deterioration of 1M Property <br />ami siuIIl comply wilh the provi$J<Jtlm of any leaM If Ih" Mortgage" on a leasehllld. If this MlIrtfl.age is on a unit in a <br />c~itlm or a planRlld Unit dev,~I"pment, Borrower shall perform ..iI lit 8QTr{iwer'l ohligallons under .he declaration <br />l)f c_1I <'feahq or BlIYCfnmg the ~olldoil1ml\llt1 or planned lIOII development. the hv.laws and fIlIulations of lhe <br />c<m<!omi!l'lIfIl or p1l1nncd unit dcvelopmt't1I, and "'''\SUlII''n' ,lo(unlt'nfS. It Ii COI1UOtT1l1I1I101 lIT planned lIllIl ,levelopll1<<lt <br />rnIcf 1$ _utlId by Borro_ and r<<ordtcl Il1Jcther wlIh Ihl> Morllllllle, the ({ivlloanl. and allJ'MffiCnlo lIf !iolICh "del' <br />siuIIllle inrofllOfllted .nto a.OO Shllll llnwnd and suppk:m<:nl the cnvenanh and allreements "I' this Mortllage as If the rider <br />""a\'lllI1~, <br />'t. "'~deft fill r~ :'iIecllnt" If B<lffower fall. fl, flt'r'nrm the (ovenant. and "lIrrements .,'lIl1tained in thi. <br />Mot1.., <If if MY 8(;limI or f>fO<CCltd'l1liI IS c,'mme",,,,j wi",,!> O1.teriall~' "ffee" lender', "'te",,1 in the Property, <br />.~ftI, rn..1 I1()t limIted In, IffllIl1Cl1:t d<:mulrn, .noohenq. l',>dt! <nt"'<:emem, "r arrllnl!$mllllts ','r I",oceedln.. IIlVolvml a <br />*kmp4 Of l~edenr, ,lien (t1mle. a' Illll<k:r'. "1'11<'11 "1"'Jl IlCIlKC In Rmrow,'r. ma~ make SIKh "1'Ilt'araJl~e" .!..bune ,ueh <br />,_ and tHe "",,11 ....110111 4~ I. 'l<!(e>llaty 10 pnll 1'< I I ,1tKk(, '1lt..eM, 'l1"h"IIIl~, I'lll lllll 1II1111ed I". dISbursement oj <br />t~nl&bkl. Jluurn>&:y':>i (~{~!.'II ~nd lOtnuy li~lOn lilt" PttJfterl>- to HU,..C ItPdll'~ If I (;'mk, a',\wH'.1 f'IWl1!ltlll~H~ lfl'\\HiHh,',(' A\ ~-t <br />lf~!ltt-(}t1 of m~im.. 1h'IJ: }ndtl ,,~~,...U11ed 0) thl!~ \.fprrltii4~. R.(lif'll\oh't' "lMil Pi'''' (he !l/('fllHlm<;, 'r'qwtcd It' rlHuntilllH ~ut.:h <br />j~fltM~ in ~"~t IJflhl 'fUth Utllf.' ill'" lht- reqmrNtleNt fHf' \!K'h 1f1'UJfl,tncl:' Ir-HfHfHltr", Iq ;ll:n"\rv.t.!tf1n~ w\~h Morn1wer', a.nt:! <br /> <br />L <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />.-J <br />