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<br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />'84,- 006432 <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. HT - ,Q3 (FAA) <br />Robert H. Lanners and Hildamae C. Lanners, each in his <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />KNOW ALL MEN flY TIfESE PRESENTS: ThaI <br /> <br />and her own right and as sp;:lU8e of each other, ~.wIIlctJIa_or_,iR.~ ..J........elfu._aC <br />Eight 'i'hnI,..<md ~ HuncirliId. Sewnty Six and no/l00 DOI..IAItS <br />..... to!llilllllCltlpp by 11lc ~ BuiWias'" u- ~ elfGnad lsbml. Nctmab, ~,lIpOlI 83 .... elflllllCk elf <br />!IIill ASSOCIATION. CmiflCllte No, L HI-793 (FHA) . do "-by pant. COIiWY ami Il!IlItlIIP unto 1M !IIill ASSOCIA11ON 1M foIIawiIIs <br />deIuiIIed mol estate. situoated ... IfalI Coouty. ~: <br /> <br />Lot Ten (10), in Block Fifteen (15), J.n <br /> <br />WallLch's Addition to the City of <br /> <br />Grand Islana, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />"'Ft- with all the I_..U, hnedita....ou ..00 oppurlelW'l<%$ the",....lo lleluogiojj. mcl...w.a allacMd 600r oowriRp, all window -. <br />--- ~.I>IislI&. storm ....iMows.~, """'I~. "" conditlO1\in@,andpiumtlingllftdwalcrll<JllipmDDt&ad--.tlINwto,JIIIIIIPI,--. <br />reffillmtton. aud otloo, IIJt[IMeS llftd equipmenl now Of hefeaflef altached to Of UJCd III ronnccIil.1tt with Slid real_. <br />.\lid IIflwmR lhe Slid m<>flPIOt has ~ an<! don hereby..., ,hal ttJe lOOftPl'lO' ... &ad will .-y all ~ &ad II InW or <br />-.l upr>rI Slid .-- _ upr>rI tlds mort/lllS<' oM .be baRd occund thereby bet"", lbe _ .. llec:osM ~; to 6ImiIh ......... <br />............. ..... lhe ~ 011 Slid I'rcmioruotllaled it>!he ......ofS 8,376.00 payatNe 10 !IIill ASSOCIATION &ad 10 dlIIhw to'" <br />ASSOCIATION lhe "'** fOf Slid i_.uroe; am! noIlo oommi.I Of permit any wure on or Rout SIid~; <br />1ft c=- 'M defaWI ... lhe ~ rM MY of lbe te,_ &ad ~ of 1M lI1t1fIIlIIe Of lbe bcmd uand bemIy, 1M ........ .... <br />011 .--.., be ....ldIRd 10 ~ po""" of tbe mortppd.-- me! IIle IIIl\lftpIof "-by ....... trlIII8n IIIll ... _ 40 1M <br />~ aliI"" renu. f_ &ad income 10 be dcrnood flom tile ~ ""'..... duriRc tudl time a1M -... illldlhll 18....-- <br />1I8piIi<l; &ad lbe morlfillllll!C .. ItIm: IIle power 10 appoinl ....y .... (If ....~ .. -V daft fOf I"" plIfJIOIlI of flIIIIIiriIlI .., pnIIliIIIlIIll ...... <br />lbe - me! ooIIec:t,,11le _5,............. """ iR<lOmC. _ il -V !'BY out of _ i_ all ~ of IIIfIIirinI !IIill ~ 1IIll' ~ <br />.. "l,' '.................. in ,CfttUll: _ ~ lbe ..._ _ 'M ooIIec:t~ matals IbersfJOlll; 1M ___ R!IIIIiJIIJIL .if ..,.. to lie <br />~ .......... I"" .l:idtaap of HfIl ~ ,~......; 1"- ,ipts of tile mor~ -V bre exm:illd at lIIII)' lime duriIIa 1M exiIIeMe aC IUCIa <br />tWauIt.~oflllll)'lemporary_.ollbe_, . <br />'.".,.., I'mrml$. :., -"". are upm ttJe C"Rd'hOff.i1la1 .f the ..Id Mt1fIPl!!''' <hall fepey Mfd kaa 011 Of befOftl lbe lJIIturity of ! <br />JlIII)w..m; pey -.w.. ;... .._rd !\S.'>OCIATlON 1M tlle """ spoaI"led '" I"" BottrIlICCUICd hereby as illt_ &ad priacipaI 011 Slid .....01101 IIefom <br />lbe 1, '''''.ll'lllay of' ~"dune! cw'y monlh,....",1 MId ~.. tully plIIfI; pey aliI..."" ___IS........~!IIill premillu_OII dUs~ <br />...... tlle \, 'IOdllCCUlCd lbeccby. belore ~"}'; II.nIlM "I'1"owd rfIIWMI<:C """" tbebwlol. ~ IIIl1lc_of$ 8,376.00 ,.,..... <br />10 Slid ~ XiATlON; Iep8)' I() .....t ASSOctATlON upr>rI ~ alI....-y by II plIIfI for sudt tun, ~s &ad iRIInIIcle willi iII1ereII at <br />lIlc _lliIItuoT. 'qp!l fllle tbereun ffOft date oj pey""'"1 all ,,( wftadt MortlJlilflOf ~by "III"'ft IU.-y;pcmMt 00 _ClOSIid~;u.p MlIIllIIlIpIr <br />willi all !be ._<\to"" wndilioN 1M !be Done! for $ a. 376 .00 chis <lay lIJWft by t"" Slid Moctppw to Slid AS50CIA 11ON. MlI IllIIlIpIr <br />\1IId\ all 1M ~ of ,"" C.-otution -a 01 ..... ASSOl1AllON: lhen 1.IIc1e ~. .. ""-- .... &ad .... otIienriI8lbey <br />.. .moaie ill full fma: _ '''''1 lie f~ al tile OjIlion of the _ A.SS<X:IA TION &ftet f~ for tIuM __ t.o IIIIU lIIII)' elf _ <br />...,.- Of he IIIne __ ift .ffCU$ HI ......~ .... _ftiy !'BY_I.. o. to keep ...... oompIy with 1M ~ MlI ootMIitilms elf........; <br />IIIll ~._ to ItIm: a '""""'" ~<ll<i fOfIIl.....ti1 ..._11 f<>r~~, <br />If there is lIIII)' doanp ill ~ ollbe res! _ ~ 1Iemn. by .. or otberwiII. U- 1M eatire ~ ;a.'I..... htnItIJ <br />-..... at tile optlonofThe I~ 1k1lWil1s...... u- AIIIOciat...... of(;.-IIIImtI.NcImnb.~' J1 ".wl)< c1RlIIll""" wWIout <br />I'trrItMr --. - !be - ~ d..., ...... Slid boad. ..... lIIII)' otloK bond for MY additiomIllMhuc;a IIIiIIdc IlIemmtIer.1IId, huo 1M <br />... of e~ of!llill 0jIl....... belIt __ at !be __Icpl rille."" tlds .00<lJIIitIe may !hen he fORdolld to lIIIiIfy 1M..... cIR 011_ <br />'-'l.1IIll aay oti1er bond !of aoWRioI1Il__,1cptber wit" all ..... plIid by Slid 11lc Ilqudable Bui!cIiI1c _ Lou ~ aC Gnmd IsIInd, <br />~ for ___.....&ad -.- obstnctmcexlemi<m dtlqca. with "'- Ihcraot.. f,om <We of pay-.M al tbe ~ <br />.... rille. <br />As ~ 1ft IIIe Bond _...Rd "-by, wlUIe this n~ renwt15 .n clJccl the 0l0f'PFC _y llereafler ad._ ad.diIioI1Il ..... 10 I.IIe <br />lI!IIIIen .ll.... Bond. the.. ~ Of __ "' IOle","" wl1icl1 ....... shall be within lbe _urity of this mortlllF lhe _ as tIte flllllls ~ <br />--00 ~. !be loW _ of ~ <lebt not 10 ex.'IICd al any lime lbe orltliMl a_I of lhis roortgIIp. <br />~.1 5~.....I <lay of DecemOOr A. 1>,. 19 84 <br />. "';-y .r->,l-C <::,i!.. ~ .' . or <.-, <br />-7'1.f~,"":':z.~.:... .__.._ <br />/~7...#- /,''/ <br />J:lj(Y..F.t'7.~..~.i"'" ':~ -::'li/~ 1l_2>."'" tL <br /> <br />$fA'11! Of' Ni!R.ASKA. ~ <br />IIil. <br />COtmn Of' I!AU.. <br /> <br />Oif,hlO <br /> <br />5th dlly"f <br /> <br />DeC€Sl'be r <br /> <br />19 84 ,bd'cnme, <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />tile ,....llll1Iftll<l. a Nt>tary I"tl>lre mlind to. ..... C:uUllly.~_ <br />elllcn \.II hi. and 1~1' (;wn~9ht~ ~ <br /> <br />~rt H. Lw'lmtx'lIJ <md liiild~ C. j"efll1fj)I'IIJ, <br />lNcll O't.hIer, <br />- flh'" rile ~... """_ i'A wll<"", ,.._ III are .m."" to tbe .Il<_ ",.fn",,,,," .. ",,,..I",,, l!i <br /> <br />~ clift_ iMt._llu'" thl1'i:r: "">I<",,.,y "'" ~ <1""",, <br />'Il'IT~_ _ ~I on>! Nt"If'!iol S-l I,"" dlll., .r.,,-..I <br />...,J, ( ,- J '/" ,) j,>' <br />w,fJ!~$'ftI!':'l~.J!tn/t<rtJ._J ,;YJ/ r,. 4" <br /> <br />.lId <br /> <br />U"!y ~ <br /> <br />''''', <br />/ <br />i / <br />, ,,//J<;' ,h ~/"- <br />-~.;,.,.;...&~- ~.~"',"/t. ~ <br />" <br /> <br />., <br /> <br />-.~;,;'!;~/ <br />"',,":'yf'tl!llt.: <br /> <br />'f$:&'- .~ <br /> <br />{J;-~~::;~~j <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />-1 <br />