<br />"083A t I+tw~ ~U "H' Itet' offto..ltIlfl"ti-fflltl't~ iftllUl'tIRt. jt~-ift.etdef.-4e-I'__~
<br />84.--V . ':I ;ilk f1t11l.t&o~"'1'feMiuftl.-4e-iftcrSe':I.H8", ~f lI"tl8i~ftI111 Urbe..-Dneltop....ftl ~-4e-tbe
<br />~"'Iv~u$ A<.t. is,'5 GlIIRooUti....d, dud ap,A;\o4t1ft. ResufdliulI~ 1I11jiI~Uud"'l, VI
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />tlH._-#-~'-I!_...~et-_~tll'ld-tftis-iM"Il.I"lll M'e~th( ScGlttAI)' "f 11811q m.d
<br />YteM LlevdA,,"uDt.Lt. .00000tftly cl\tilC f;ft-In-ot.. "'''''6ve~ ;.....~_,..~ -p".Jli~J.J) \'...hich JI..ldl b~ it~ 1ft
<br />M~",.tULl equal t& mK (."Im. (1 Ji-~me-hatfott+!t' pel ,","nl~II-of-t+"e- A"~I.~ uut1.talldih& h.d..~
<br />....__ Holll _1'11.". wi6kulI.l lIIIioin8-iltlll I&li9l1nt delillll_li" IIr Pfllp8Y_RIII
<br />(a) ~ A sum equal 10 lhe ground rents, if any. next due, plus the premiums that will next become due and payable on
<br />policies of fire and olher hlWlrd insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next due
<br />011 the mortgallCd property (1111 as estimtlted by the Mortgs.gee) less all sums already paid therefor divided by the
<br />number of monlhs to elapse before one month prior to the date when such ground rents, premiums, taxes and
<br />USftIiR1Cnts will become delinquent. such sums to be held by Mortgagee in tmsl to pay said ground rents, pre-
<br />miwm. taxes and special owessmenu; and
<br />(b) ~ All payments mentioned in the two preceding subsections of this paragraph and all payments to be madeumkr
<br />the nOle secured hereby shall be added together. and the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Mortpgor
<br />each month in a single payment to be applied by Ihe Mortgagee to the following items in the order set forth:
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />~----~Wt1 (lller.- WRMr lh. JORlraat 8f iR..ra~~-iMM~t: N81UtiR!: and birean DI\~.l.p"'Rt.
<br />_~"~lHw-~~ iltl!l<l.WIUt--f'","'i"".), .. Hie e_ ~ 1M;
<br />Il) ground ICllIi. laxes. assessmenls, fire and olher hazard insurance premiums;
<br />_ intereSl on the note secured hereby: and
<br />~ amortilalion of the prinCipal of said nOle.
<br />Any defJctcncy Ifl the amount of any such aggregate monthly payment shall, unless made good by the Mort-
<br />gagor prior to the due date of the next such payment. ,:ollstitute an event of default under this mortPF- The
<br />Mortgagee may collect a "Iale charge" not In exceed four <:eRts (4il) for each dollar (51) of each payment more
<br />than fifteen (15) days in arrears to cover the extra expense involved in hand1ing delinquent payments.
<br />
<br />;t That if the totlll of thp paym{ont,. made b}. lh.. \lnrtl':~or under p\.,tf paragraph 2 pre{,eding shall exceed
<br />the _unt of payment.." actually madt> by' the '\kHtl[al<e.' for /UOIInd rents. taxes and asse;;sment.... or insunmc<: pre-
<br />miums, ail the case may'"'. ,.;udl exccss. if the J(lWl is ('UrK'fll, at the option of the Mortgagor. shall be credited ~
<br />tht> 'l4ertgag.... on subsequt>nt plty'ments to bt> made by Ih., '\lortllagor. or refunded til the \lortgagor. If. he_vet'. tile
<br />_thly pllylllt\nts made by the Mortga8Ol' uoder maCd\>ar"graph .2 preceding shall !I(){ be sufficient to pav ~
<br />ren, aXl'!llUllL."st>SSlM'llt,. or m"tlranct> premium~. as the' ('lL"f' mllY be, when the same shldl become due aIld pay-
<br />able. thoo the ~llf!OI' shldl PllY 10 the '\lort~~..e an~ lU\I()unt np{'essllr)' to makp up the deficiency, on or bef_
<br />tilt'! dale when payment of such ~round rents. lax..,', aSSN<"ments or in8UrllRce premiums shldl be due. Ifat say
<br />tilllt' the \lort~.r shall tender in thp '\lort~a~... in a('t'on!ucp with tht> provbioos of tht> note secured h_tiy,
<br />fun payment of the {'IItil'(' indebtl'llne"" J'('pl'l'~"nted thm'by'. the '\lortgaget' ,;hall, in computing lite --.t of lIlHlh.
<br />indebtedness. (''l'edit It) the act'llUlll of the Mortpgor <AI !".:..~..t.. ~ llmler lilt "Mi"..,.. Bf (aJ4JS ,m~ ......1
<br />kerelof wt.;ch tit.. \tM"U!..........___~....-ll...."., Ie till! t>e.t!It""- e(IIt_lJin,l; ....1I-4!ritM-~. 1 ~ ,(
<br />"lIIIY ba!lUK~e remaining in the funds accumulated undt>r the pn"'isioos of~plU'llgraph 2 b_f. If 1It_
<br />shall bt> a default undt>r any of thl' provision" of thi" \Il()rqzllllf' re"ultinj! in a publi(~ ,..Illt> of the premises covered
<br />h_~', or if thp 'lIortg~ee acquire" Ihe property olh,'rwi".. afler default. thl' \lortg~ ,.;hall appl)'. at the tilllt\ of
<br />the cc_C'emtont of "UC'h procet'din/ls 1(1' al thl' liml' tb,' propt'rty' i" othM\\i"t> acquired, the bldance theft remain-
<br />inll: in tht> fund;; lIc{'umulated under ~<Wlpal'lllo(raph :! pn'(',odiRj!, aJ' a nedi I ~ain"t the amuunt of principal then
<br />remainin.a: unpaid undt>r "aid nOI...........'"-I ~~~~.,.FRtf.... "".11 "au '- 11111.... _nli..,<:.1
<br />'"" paI'lIf!""~
<br />4. Thill lhe: "-tllftpjitOr Will pav ground rent,. laxe" ",'e\>menh. ...ater rate', and othe:r llovernmenlal or municipa!
<br />c~.,rll'''' lines. or ;mpl"ltions. f,.r which provisilln h:I' nol heen made hereinhefore, and in default thereof lilt> Mortptlee may
<br />pa, 'n. >ame; and thltl the: Mortgagor wdJ promplly deliver the official receipts It.erefor to the: "-tortptlee.
<br />. The: Mortgqt'r WIll pay aU taxc, whkh may be levied lIpI'" the "-tortpgce's interesl in !.aid real eMllte and improve-
<br />ment.. and whKh ma' he le.ied upon this mvrtgallc ,ll the debt secured hercby lbut only to lite cXlenllhal such is not prohibit-
<br />ed by l.1.. ..nd onl\. !O the: C","t thaI ,uch will nol make Ihis loan usuriou,), bUI ucludillll any income lax. State or Federal.
<br />iml'O~ ,1lI "-tortgagce. and 1".11 tile Ihe officlallcccipl showin!l ,uch pay'men! with the M~e. Ul'On violation of lhis uRder.
<br />~, of If the: "-tOl'l~'r IS prohibilcd by any law OI\W or hcreafter existing frum plIyilllltlte whole or any portion of tile afore-
<br />;.aj;j taus. (l((' UI'l'" the renderml! 1'1' any court decree prohibili"j! the payment Ily' lhe: MorllllllJOr or any S!l<:h llUes, or if sudllaw
<br />(lI'de\:ree pI',)\ides that an, amount '" paid hy the Mortgagor shall he crediled ,'n the: m(}rt~ debt. the: MortPICC ,hall have
<br />the: rilbt to JPvc ninely da.y." writlen notice 10 the: owner o( [he: mortpged premi'Cs. requiring lhe payment of the mort~
<br />debt. If ~h notice he !II"en.lhe.....d debt "hall become due. pay'able and colle\:tibJe at the expiration of said ninely days.
<br />b. Tlmt ,mmW he fail to pay any 'urn Of keep any covenant provided for in this Monpge, then lhe Morl~e. al its op-
<br />rWt'I. may' I'll> or perf{lfm r.he: same. and all expenditures so made shall he added to [he: principal ,um owilll( on lhe: aoove note.
<br />~I he 'lCcllred hereby. imd ,hall hear interest alllte mle ,et forlh in Ihe ,a.id nOle,lInlil paid.
<br />i 1'!tI&11Ie hereby a,sign" Irans(ers and 'e!s over to lhe Mortgagee. !o h~ applied lOward the payment of the Mle and all
<br />>44m~ 'l<<ured he:rehy in case "f a default in the: perfllrman<:c of any IIf lhe: terms and coniitions of Ihi, MOrlpge or tlte ,aid
<br />oote. all the: renh. revenucs and iocome 10 he derived from lhe: mortpged premiM's during ,u.:h time as the: mortpge indehted,
<br />Bes~ slmll rt'main unpaid: and the: Mortltll8ee shall have power 10 appI,int any' agent "r alreots 'I mar desire (or the purpose of
<br />rel'llirina'lltid premiffs and of renlina the: 'lime and colle,'Mg the renl,. revenues and iocllme. ,md il may' rill" 11111 .,f 'aid in.
<br />'-'tomes Idl eXptMes af repairilltl '<lI.;d r "mise, and nece"ary commissuJR' and expenses in.:urred in rentillll alld manaBins lhe
<br />..- and of c~<:tinc rental, Ilterefwm: the: halllllce remaining. if any. III he applied toward lhe oischMge of ,aid mon~
<br />~ncs,
<br />~. That he will keep the: inll'wvemem, "0" ~,islinll or hercafter crecled on tlte mortgaged property. insured as ma)' be
<br />re~ (r(ltlll time 10 time hy 1m- "-tortptce again" II'" by tire alid othe:r halard" ('uualties and contingencies ill such
<br />illllk_U alld rot stICh period, as may he required hy rhe Mortl!aj!ee and willl'ay proml'*, when 011(', any flIenllum, ,'n such
<br />___ prn\'isio!l for payment "f whicb hl" not been made hercmheflllc. ;\III1lSllrllIlCe ,hall he ,'lImed In 'Omplllllt'S i1P'
<br />proved by the MOft..llCe and lhe llOlides and renewals lhe:reof ,hall he held Ill' lhe: MortplCe alld h....e allached fherelo 10"
<br />P3yat.le cia....,. III fa-'ll of and ,n f(\fm ",ceptahlc to Ihe "-tllrtJl'!!eC In evcnl o( I,,,s "-tortJl'liI"f wif! II"''' ,mmediate n"r;ce h\
<br />_illO tile ~, who mat make proof of ",,' if 1101 matk pr1.lml'rly hy MortlllltlOr. and ('a,h ltlMlfall.:e n'mpl"l~. ""0-
<br />~ ill ~ oothtll'uetlllfid due,.ted II> m"k~ paymerol fm 'I...h 10" dlre.-rl~ 10 lhe \fort~t' inSlIl';;\! d 101M MOrlll"l!II'l
<br />..!he Mort~ Jointly, and the ,","rall.e ph',eed'. or allV I'"rt lhe:renr, may' he awh<'1l hy lhe: Mtll11i\51Ct' a' it, "I'lion eilhe:!
<br />I4Itlte ~tiorl nl lhe l~illIhtedMM lM\lfhy 'e\:uled Of to the le'lm..tion or replIiir (If Ihe pwperly damailt'd. Int" em 1,1 h.redn.
<br />_ ,)( thi!. ~~ Of ntber Iralll,ler ,\1 rille WIlle mnrlPlled I'HlI't'rly rn exlillfll,mhment of lhe: illdehledne" '''(11'''.1 here"',
<br />11111'''. t.lIfid ifmrrc,t of the MOflp!!'.r ,n and 10 "")' in,uran"e I'ohcle, then ill forte shaH P"H I.. the I'"'" hase. (II ~ra'Hce.
<br /><; Th&Jt ,,,.lI4ldtlk,,,,,1 ~Iid rollnlcllIl 'e<:llnly (01 the plwlllcnl o( lhe I",Ie <Ie" 111",.1 , .md lilt ,um' I" I"'~"\l.lt'l"f .hl'
<br />Jm>N~. IIIe Mt>rI"'fWIr IIerehy "S"Il"' In Ih" I,lofl!l"i!fe :.11 p((llll5, re'CIltIC". r'lV"lti"s, ti!lhl' ,,"" h,,~illliltn the
<br />~~ IIlllkr ""l i4IlJ~ .11 .ltl ,,,kl/t1l5 fea'e' on '~Id "refill"". "illt rile nllhl '0 thel\<' ,mol rrccII" fIll II.... 'IImt' ,mil aPi'h
<br />I~ I~.,atof .RdeNc411€.\' .H well ~~t..'It' ;H .Her der.ull 'rlllwt 'OIl1l1li"I1' oj tlli, m"II.11"lle. ,mil rht' Mt>tl$illil"( 'l1:n dem,,,,,!. SUI'
<br />f'l'll Md re\.'(Jvet ...ud) rm~lftt"oe', Wht'fl due ;,md p.iI)'nbfe. h1i1ll.httJl rWI t't' rC4.iUlft'~' '<" {OJ d.\ 1'hl' ,~',"i~Ulmt'n'i I" It I t(nnHHilt~
<br />_ bt-i:'~f.! milt \'11<<1 Ur~tn n~'fli~t$"c H' ttu"< Illu,fllitJlW
<br />
<br />(I)
<br />(n)
<br />(III)
<br />
<br />~H ;09}'''' -~M If) :",)1
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />I
<br />
<br />-1
<br />