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<br />84'-' 006270
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<br />LNlfO~ t:~~^",1' Jl,'rrmH'r ,ll,J Lender (ovenant and agree ", tollcl\\'
<br />1. Pm~.......1 of Prindpml amd Interest. !It'fn''''''r shaH pwooplly p'y when due the "nndp,,1 01 ;llId IOterest ,)11 Ihe
<br />IOdcbtedne>> e"denced by the Nore. prepayment and l,te charge, ." proVIded JO the NOle. and Ihe prinCIpal of and IOlereSI
<br />on any Future"d';an(c~ se(:ured b'!t-" thiS Mpngagc
<br />2. FuRds for Taxes Dad IBliIll'lllD<<'. SubJecl W applicable law or \0 a wrinen WaIVer by Lender. Borrower shall pay
<br />to l.ender on I~ day monthly Installments of prinCIpal and IOterest are rayahle under the NOle, unlillhe "'ole is paid in full.
<br />a sum therein "Funds") equal !<) one-twelfth of Ihe vearly taxes and assessments which mllY attain priorilY over lhis
<br />Mortgage. and ground rems on Ihe Property. If any. plus one-Iwelflh of vearly premium instllllmenls for hazard insurance.
<br />pll's one-Iwelflh ,)f yearly premIum installmenls for m()rtgag~ msurance. If any. all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />tIme to lime b\ L.:nder on thc' ba,1S of a.sessmcnt. and hlil> and rea,onabl.: esllmates Ihereof.
<br />The Funds shall be held," an Instltulion !he depoS!ls or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal 01'
<br />'laic ag<"n", 'induding Lender ,f Lender" such an instltulion I I ender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes. assessments.
<br />Insurance premIUms and ground r"nts Lender may not charge 10f '" ho:dlllg and applying Ihe Funds. analyzin~ said aCCount.
<br />or venfymg and compiling saId ""e"mems ;md hIlls, unless Lender n2\'S Borrower inleresl on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender to make \uch l:J ..:hargc B(~rrower and Lender ma) ;lgrcc in writmg at the time of execution of this
<br />\f{)rt~ge !h~! lH!ere~! ,':, :ht' Fup.d!o "h3!! ~ p~Hd to Borrower. and unle~~ such agreement is. made or Allplic:able law
<br />requIres such interest to he pa,d. I.ender shall ",'1 he reqUired to pay Borrower any inleresl or earnings on tbI: Funds. LcnOcr
<br />,hall I!l\e to Borrower, ",thout charge, an annual a;:count:ng of the Funds show.ng credils and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose I." whICh each Jeh;t I,' Ihe hlllJs w,,, !padc. The Funds are pledged as addllional security for the sums secured
<br />hy 11'1" Mortgage
<br />If Ihe amoun' 01 tbe Fund; neld hy Lcnder. hlgether \/ollh Ihe future monlhly inslallments of Funds payable prior 10
<br />the due d.lle~ ()f : a",-c", , a~...c",!-.r:1C::1h. ms.UfJ,ncc prcmlluns and grnund rents. shall exceed the amount required to pay said tu.ea,
<br />a~\~ssment\,. msurance premmm~ and ground rent.. a\ rhey 10..1.11 due. slIch excess shaH be, at Borrower~s option. either
<br />prompt'.. repaid 1i'I Born''''a or credlled In !S,',rower on monthly installmcnts of Fund~. If the amount of the FutIds
<br />held by Lender ,hall lIot b.: sulliclent 10 I'll\' t;;xes, a.s.essmenlS, in.urance premIUms and ground rents lIS they fall due.
<br />Borrowcr "hali pa~ '0 Lcnder ,m~ amount nocessaf\ 10 make up the defii:len<:y within 30 days from the date llOIicc is mailocl
<br />hy Lender to Borr~)"~-er rc.quc:!l.ung pa) menI then..'et
<br />Upon pa\'melll In fu!! .of aU sums ,,;curcd b., ,hi' \le'rlgar,e, Lender shall promf'tl~ refund to Borrower any FumIs
<br />h<:!d hy Lender H under paragraph 11-i hercn1 lhe Proper<'. i!'. ...old or the Prop:ny IS otheru.'s5,c acquired uy Lender.. Lender
<br />shall ap(" no ;aler lhan ,mm<:dlateh pnor !O the ,ak .'1 th" Properly or lIS acquisltlCin by Lender. lIllY. Flmds held by
<br />I ....~I-iPt~~~~ '~.!_u~.~~.'..-:-~~~__~~.u..:~.__._-r,?,~~_~~,-_.!l..,;. ~~~_~_~h.~ 'VJrt.rt.!~~
<br />
<br />J. 4pp&i<'lIlioe of PllY~, Lni"" applicahle law pH" Ides olherwi';c, all paymenls received by ~ UIIder tbc
<br />",,,Ie "r,d par.graph, : ;Uld 2 herenl ,haU be applied !w I...,ndcr first'" ['a\mem of amounts payable to l.c:odcc by ~
<br />under paragraph 2 hereo:' !hen to Ime'est pavat-Ie "n lhc "'Ole. Iher. ,,' the princIpal of the Note. and then to mterWt ami
<br />pnnclpa.i I,..'il ..Hl\ Future Advanc.es
<br />4. CMrgr!li: 1...kM.. Rl'rri.l"l!\('! ~,h~lll pa~ ,ill l,n.:" ,I',\cs\ml:nh .,od ~,thC'r ;.:h~1fgcs. fine;; and Impositions. 3ttributablc to
<br />[he Property wtnch mSJY ~;t!am ~i pT,nrHY ~wer !hl>.. \Iongiigc" Jnd lea'lehotd payments or ground rents. if any. in the......
<br />prov.ded und.:::; paragraph 2 lH:rcClt ()f, If not paid m "uch manner, by Borrower making payment. wbeD due. di.rccdy to die
<br />payee iherc(.)f Borrllwer :...h"lIi pn.lmrfl~ turOl,h tl''! l.ender ail ru:l1ICC\ ot ~tmotlnts. due under this paragrapht aDd in tbc cveat
<br />Borrov.er ...nall tni.u.c pJ\-mem dlfect)\,. Bono'NL"!' ...h4lJ pTomptl~ turm!loh t..." Lender receipts e\iidencmg such pa~.
<br />Horn.lWCl ...haU promptiy .Ju.i.:harge any hen wht:.:h ha~ pTliJflt\ I.'H-r !hlS Mortgage: provided. that Borrower s.hall not be
<br />rt:'qUlred to dl!tchargc an\ ,.uch ilt~n 'l.,' long .1~ H.orri.Yi-C'r ...hat! Jgrcl.:: 10 "-filing in the p.eym-ent of the obh&ation secured by
<br />such lIen In a manoer aCtCcpldble 'el Lender. ,1; './tJ.i! '" good tonh "mle't "Ieh lten hy, or defend enforcement of $UCb lim m.
<br />legal pro'eeOms!-. Whl~:h operate h-' pr~vent lb': e_nhHLCnU!ot of rhc lief! ~'r tor!ellure of the Propeny or any part ~.
<br />S. Huanll....unmce. !lor,,'''',,' <,hall keep :h" 'mprp'cmenh nO\' e'''llOg or hereafter ere"led on the ProperlY ~
<br />agam5l IO~!:i n\' fin:, hazard~ included 'I--Irhm ~hc term .'c\tended I..i",{t~ragi:" and !'.u~h other hazards as Lender may fe'1uirc
<br />and 10 such amounts i.tnJ tnr ..u;.:h periods. ;.l" I ender m~~ require, pnn-,deJ. rhal l.ender ~haH not require that tbe a.mount of
<br />'\uch co\'eralS-c cf\.cecd !na! aH1.nu:nt t';f ((n.-t'"ragt: reqUIred I;' pa\ the ...um.. :-.e.:.:ured r,~' thiS Mongase.
<br />TIle l[i~urance .: arner pHwidmg the m")urani.~e ~hf!lU he chll~n b~' B-orrolA'cr ~U,b)e;i;1 10 approval by Lender:. ~,
<br />lhat such approval ,hall nOI t1c ""rea"mahl\ \/ouhhdd ,'Ill prc'fnmms on insurance pcllCleS >hall be paid in tbI: ......
<br />provllkd under p'~ragrap-h :! hercoJ or. ,~ aui p.:.1ld In s\!..:h mianne:-" h~ borrower rnakm. pay&nCflt~ when due, dimctly to the
<br />Insurance carner.
<br />All insurance pohCle; .nd rene..ah therer'! ,hail he m 'orm .,,"crt.ibk to ! enda and shall mdude a ,tandard ~
<br />dause In fa"", "t and m lmm a,"cplable \(, Lellder LL'IH.lcr .,h"L h.," tbe "Ilhl '" h,)ld tile pclicies dlld rellCwaIs I~.
<br />and Borrower "hail pfompti~ lurUlZih 10 Lender all rcnl:104.al not:re-.. and o.tll receIpts of paKi prenuums. In the eves of loll,
<br />Bonl)w-er m'<H g~ve pro")?t no-H-.:c ~o the 1!l.'!>Ur.,Hl(C ...~ilorricr df.d Lenllr:r Lender m.a~ make prooj of klU if not made ~y
<br />by Borrower
<br />VnJefill Lender and BoITe'wer nlhcrn''>1: a&re~ m '","Img. Imur..".e proceed, shall be applied I" restoration or replIir of
<br />tile I''''pert~ ctam.~'J. proVided s\,\\;h re.toral>f'n or repal[ " ecoll<>m.ullv tea8lbJ.r and tile <'ocurity of tlatS ~ ~
<br />not thereby Impi;\~~ed H ,:;u..:h ;t:"-Iq.()!a.tH~-n or n:palr Ii rH't L"..;\Hh,ml!.:aU~' fCAs.lh~e or It the secunty of this MOft:pp: would
<br />b.: ,mpalfed, Ihe ill.urarn:e proceed, ,hall b.: applied 10 the ,urn. """".red by thIS M"fti~. wlIll the el>ceM. it any, paid
<br />~o ftorrnwe-r If the Propen~ \~ ..thandnne..i M\ H~')rrr)wc~ l'r It Bo"(\wer huh 10 rc'iipooo to Lender wJdun 30 da)'i from. the
<br />date oot.u;e 1.\ m;,uhed b~' Lender t<' BOfrn.wcr the!! lhl,: !n!mra'O.ce C.lrner offcf'!i 1n ~u(c jJ, chum tor tn.stJram;.e ~~ Lender
<br />" aull"'''l.ed tn coHeel and Jpply the ,",mancr proceed. at Lender', optton :1lher 10 re$wratinn or repllir of tbI: l"roplll'ty
<br />or to the SUIm ,ecured by Ih.. Mortgage
<br />Unle~, Lender and BOTrnwe' "Ihen",,, agr".e !n """Img. any ,uc'h apph".uo!1 of proceeds 10 pnnclpal ~ltall no! eullOO
<br />of poslpone the due dale of tfle mmHhl' """,!lmen" relerred \(\ '" paragraphs I anil 2 here.ot nr dum", lhe lIfI'IQUlll of
<br />'Udl ",.tlIUment,. It under pilragraph I H hereol the P'op<:rl) IS acqum"d b, Lender, all npt. lille and InterWt of ~
<br />m and to any 10.""""" pOhClC~ and III and to Ihe p"",eeds therool ,,,,ulllng from dam,,#€! 10 tile ProperlY prior 10 the Hie
<br />or IOCqw..lmn .h.ll 1'1"' tf' Lemler :" lhe e~lem ,'I Ihe \un" ,,,cured hy thIS Mmlgal;'.t: Imrnooll&tely prior to sucb sale or
<br />~umtIDll,
<br />.. l"ruenallMo.. MRtftllllK"e of PffllK'r1)'; I.uilebmlb; Cuadalllliniu_ ~ t!1IiQ De> Ile,me-. ~r
<br />.hall kHp th<: I'r'>pe11~ 11l 6'-"':o;i rcp~" and ,hall IKll COml1UI "",".e or ~>el'm'l Iml'i1irme111 or detulORtwa of tile ~
<br />aK ~ha!l ,.omply .....th lhe provi"ono of any Ie""" !f t~'" M"ng~l:e " Oil . !<:ar>e!,,,ld If .n" Mo.l!lil#€! i. on ~ HOII in a
<br />'comlcml!HI,IlU m " planned "ml dc\ei"pmrnl. Bf'''l'"cl "h.lI perform ~II of Borrow.,!". obl'latKmi uoder the dlicluatmrl
<br />o-r C(lVcnanUi ""rc,&hllt Of &~{lvCrnm~ the ;.r,-ruhlI11lftIUm l\;' [.,iannea lInlt devclflpmt;'nt.. the hy.!aw$ and ~"ulaltom of ,be:
<br />';':',OfHi.{JUlH1H.iID Of r~IJitnMd I.lmt Ue'Veii_~p-rn(."n!, ",rid i.."'.'fI:'\tHiJcnt dfx:unw:ntll, If M tA.mdotnllnium lllT phuu~ IHHI ~:kve)t;~
<br />'Hlllr ,~ "'%'""~ by !;Iont.-r .,1<1 r~u"ded 10IIclhcr .",tb 'hl~ M"rt!l:"~' I'M: uwen~"t~ and ",..--rolo of Mid'! r.r
<br />ohalJ biIi '<><N'1""'lOlll<i H>I" MId .J>"iJ """""d and "'I'l'ktU~1l1 the C,'Y~""n" and allre.;f!\$nt, of th.. M'>I1i:age a~ If 1M ,.r
<br />"cr~ . I>l<Ti heflllC'!
<br />'7. ,~~... ~ 1>"~1I H n~lrrn'l{t'r fa:ill'< In pt.:tf(lfn'l 1he (l:wef1aot!l: a.nd a,ft-"Cf'l'lenli .:t'tfttauted tn lhi...
<br />!l"( if &fi)' ,}t:tl1)tl n-f 'I-, ~"nmf'nefl{.'fi1 'AihKh Frlilter'i_3H.. atfe~'t'!l 1. endCf"~ l.f1!ere!U in tM ~rnpefty.
<br />h\l\f r'H'lt tio'nf~ 10, {"n"llfl,en1J don'Uun 'TH~('I"Ij'~h ~ p,,-{!t> ('"fltorc('men1. Of ftfntnlM-wnht tt-f r~x'~ inv\'Mvu~ D
<br />hilint!;rq~ or dJlfI.,'fd'f.nt. \hel1 [("flOer <11 I o::ndt":I';, tipl!;"!l Oil)!1/! il~'tli,T I" B',lfrPWU- mit\ mAtLr 'i.lJl..:h aO'pcanilU'l.::lt1;\_ df!!>hUl"M' M.N.:n
<br />!;;IJ:~~ iU~ tlN~ .&i'. !~.m ,-tA 1.'$ !K1'4,',C'!i.@lA!\' 1,\\ I_~nd{',.~ IflH~le~L fh:ht'l.imffi:, hut not JmHicd b.', ,h$hur~f'nOOl ni
<br />!('A-!i>;Pf',Wf-f; .iilH4"fn~~:'~ ~ ~'iW 1;'nir)l ip\ln ihe" " !!l IH.,l;i.,t" lq'~!fo. l~ l X1Vj"('1 f{'.~\;l.f:d --,\,'ft~:.o\\!i[-c 111!j,\!r~'H.:t.' '" ,~
<br />, ,).-n-<_L11P~1 rpi'!!,k ;;~ InlilH '~c_\.u:Kd h\ ;h,'l, ""1,'nJfe~&:t H,'r. ;'''<\ 1 i'.n !h~ j'lnnnJl1".';' ~-(<..fl!;rcd ~" rlla~nhun '.1.1.+
<br />n'ili.H,.,f-H.:~ t1.!",I,IJ~"h ldl1C ,h dw 'rqilllf,'ffu'nl !nf !H\.Jf$:'l:.-~- Jl!;.u~n..11in'_l' \\',rh tinH""""t"T"" <i!nd
<br />
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<br />