i fl 104L 2S7 H. IL hKMT41k469 4a� ce� V Vol% 0
<br />TGAE
<br />M
<br />OR G
<br />Made and awcuted of D
<br />Darlene Des
<br />er & Rene Des Laurier (wife &.hqgj�4i J.
<br />id
<br />of the first pan,
<br />__ SIDi,BSGgtEDIT -IJNON -of .7302 Pacific- lip
<br />of the second part.
<br />I1 ESSErE. that the add party of the firstpart, for and in consideration f_.A1_1_,_000_.(E_ leven Thousand and . ...... .
<br />------------------------------------------------------
<br />--- --------- — - _XGLLARS, paid I)y said party of the
<br />Jahereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by them presents, don grant, b&T-
<br />gain. @all and coaray, unto said party of the second part, the following described real property situate in the County of _Hal l
<br />aad Buse of Nebroulta, to-wit-
<br />Packer & Barr Second
<br />Lot (Section)#2, Block #24
<br />.... 14.141nd ......
<br />..._.-- .- _..--- -.- _._....° ........... ___ - - ----------------------- -
<br />togetherwithall-thetenements, hereditamenteandappurtenances to the same belonging, and all the estate, title, dower right olhomenami,
<br />elaims =W demands whatsoever of the and party of the first part of, in Maid part, thered; and said party of the first
<br />seised JV
<br />or to ssil=,rth any premises am free from metuabrance
<br />part dam herby covenant, that said party the first part u lawfully
<br />other than First mortgage .--- and that said party of the first part will
<br />warrant and defend the title to said preman against the lawful claims and demands of all persons
<br />PItOVIDED ALWAYS, and them presents an upon theft conditions:
<br />WHIMEAS, mid party of the first part has executed and delivered to the said party of the emond part-- _._.._. —.._ -. -----
<br />promissory in the amount of $11,000 with terms :
<br />----- ------- ----
<br />Principal of $11,000 plus interest at
<br />- -- ..................... . ..... - -- --------------- ----- - ------ L ------ --------
<br />14.0% APR
<br />and whm", the PutY Of the first Pan has agreed to keep the buildings, if any, upon said premises. insured in some company
<br />Or companies
<br />apQroved by said party of the second part, for the sum not lees - --------
<br />sad
<br />deliver to x&W party of the emend part the policy or policies containing a clause with the loss payable t said
<br />or an"gon. and has to pay all tL%w and assessm ants against said premises before the same. by law, become delinquent, of t'sud"has nd. Put
<br />that if saidparty ofmvfst part does not provide such insurance, or rails. to pay all t axes as sto i�ft_ U
<br />ressid, them said party of the second part, or
<br />holder hereof, may Pay such insurance and taxes, or either of them, and all ' ts so paid by said party of the ow- end part shall bear in-
<br />ternt AZ the rate of nine per met per annum fron: the date of payment, and this mortgage shall stand U security therefor, and said sum mar
<br />be added to the amount of the mortgage debt, and the same recovered as a part thereof. Now, if the said V of first shall we
<br />part. the part 11
<br />red truly pay or cause to be paid the said sum of money in said note--... mentioned, with interest thereon according to the Umor and effect
<br />of said note--_ and shall keep said buildings insured im aforesaid, and shall keep all taxes and fta"onmentle Paid, and shall doly keep, and
<br />perform all the other covenants and &freem cuts herein contained then these prepants to be mull and void. But if said som of money or any
<br />put therad, or any interest thereon, a not paid when the same in due. or if said buildings shall not be kept insured as aforesaid, or if the
<br />Um sad sommientm against said premises we not paid at or before the time the same become by law delinquent, or if askd party of as
<br />fta part $hall fail to kG0P mud POrfolzu Any covenants herein contained, the holder hereof shall have the option to declare the whole of said
<br />hidebtedown due and payable at my time after sach failure or default, d 03 tam an action at law or equity to recover the same,
<br />and the essaaaaceamt or mob action shall be the only notice of the mte'rneise ma
<br />required.
<br />AND IT IS FURTHER PROVIDED AND A(I$EED, That the said Mortgagor xhLU and will pay all tazw levied v9so this mort-
<br />gaJw the debt secured tbereby, together with any other tame or aseenments Which May be levied Oder the Laws of Nebraska, again" the
<br />used Mortgages at the legal holder or the said principal noft__ an account or this indebtednqa.
<br />Ij
<br />We our Am set, 0
<br />the 4,U above written.
<br />.... . ............... .............. .... ...... ............
<br />..........
<br />..... ........ ...... ....... . ..... ..... ........... ...
<br />d7ATZ OF WENUMA,
<br />00
<br />before wis, a Nelary Public in and for the said County panumlly came on above mmm*d
<br />Darlene Des Laurier & Rene Des Laurier (wife & husb
<br />... . ...... -------
<br />------- ------- .-Per"aftfly known to Mr
<br />Et4t' >t o; Fyd err be the identical person.—t- whose
<br />..affmd to the above metnomact i
<br />they I
<br />IA grentor- arknowledow said instragnent to voluntary
<br />set red i@vw
<br />WITNEKS my head and No"--m-sal the date last ai r.0ka.
<br />JAAi:_i 5717 VA K
<br />Pubilt
<br />Mir dav oil
<br />I
<br />