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Exhibit B 5-.. 006404 <br />REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE <br />Bessie 1. Dubois, <br />d'v' K`e and in her own right, herein called <br />the Mortgagor, in consideration of Forty -five Thousand, Five Hundred and NO /100 <br />(545,000.00) Dollars does hereby mortgage to Susan L. Jeffres, herein called <br />the Mortqaqee, the followinq- described real estate in Hall County, and State <br />of Nebraska. <br />.,ot 11, iil.ork, 1, I,.akeview, a- to the city of Grand Island, <br />n to cur E• he payment ::f the principal sum <br />The 3n: 3, No lOG (S45 (,00.00) Dollars and interest thereon, <br />>n, he' .:rr.s ,,f ;a c. r..ain Cr ..,rss,r)ty Note of even date, executed by <br />n;.rd, with r . and 48 /100 <br />54t­. 4R) ,:,liar S 2 or rY;e 22nd day of -a h month t)eqrnninq June 22, <br />95 .5 anl`. cntin..:..., , u_lr. P,ay 2', ,'( i)3, : =t which time entire indebtedness <br />hai _,►i_,. -.rr. -m.s and :`�n : :itio .: ref which note ace incorporated <br />r.h :.. C t =.. rnc,: . <br />!Da ail t ,x�< r clssessmentE -IpOn Said premises <br />,i es and a .,.._sr,tr1r levied upon this "•1ortgage and t_e <br />zs; i _.. to t4,. °ore the same bec..r^r delinquent. <br />it rye e,;enr tre ti ,rtaanorFr1 shall tail t.- pay such taxes before delinquent, <br />the Mortgagee ma) pay Suc1h taxes or other 1i -ns and shall have a lien secured <br />ere::•: for the am_unt so advanced with .nt there0(3 at the rate of fifteen <br />-,r cent tl� :,; per ,rrom. <br />In t ^e. a ent the Mortgagor ir. the payment of said indebtedness <br />in : :rai.-i�nr_ th cac:f, <br />in decor ranee with the terms the -reof, or otherwise <br />to 'urt)r7 ,ny or :e -tree arc trt -r.ts herein, the Mertaagee at her <br />'Iec•ion rrav dr :c;;,e , ".,r «;ntrre r. :e :, *_ -,. -cured r,y this Mortqaqe ;`or the satisfaction <br />-:r County, p.,s.') na11y cam° <br />ir, wr, eight, to me known to be <br />rhF am 1:.',! instrument an : z,cknowledged <br />r" .;r �, :. �r snd deed. <br />i j n ;r.: ,tail J _ - - 1983. <br />61k a MC' +% 53•x• M �rM�•y '�f�. j s � � ��. <br />u Y aoBERT9 -- <br />'^- "' AC +u; '. 1911.. <br />Is <br />01 <br />