<br />03--M OQC21-83
<br />If Lcn&-T required morigilge inaurAmee as a zandirtim of makv* the lostri wxutzd kv 1111f; SeCurillY 1711irrument,
<br />prenitivintmquated-w-trunnuite -the ijmuTm=,mzffw.I,umjl,fiuch :tinw as thr requiremem for the
<br />munwwr'llemiriattwon or uytitfizable law.
<br />I. Uqpmabint. Lender,oT its upmt :may make .rea wtiabir tavyMes upon and InqwtiOns of the Prof—wrrs' Lender
<br />tskailt of nrpiariv aminitpecticm vwlfylrng ifexsmable muwfarlhe Ingpiection.
<br />41. Candinimakilm. The pwceedfi,oif any award,or claim for ;damages, dJTCCI or cartmqucifitial, inzonneettorli with
<br />may candannation Or other trkmg of,ariv;1part of the Propla-Tt - orfo- Don-vall- in jitfu Of rondemnstion, are hrjr�'
<br />-anigned and-shall he;paid lul-cluki-
<br />-,Ir:dw vvetv of it total taking of the Prnplerty,'the tinw-Cedl; ,hall be appilica fi-1 the sums sevured t-A ;this Swurirf►
<br />Imirurnew. iltilketinivoir nifn ithm due. with mr.N e s,7=d io RorrDwer. In rite mr-ni ni It ritirtuti talixqz of the -Prapen � �
<br />tuilew, Illorytwer lind Axialler otherwise agree in writ4, -the farms -r- jrad't-A I -rhm Seourvti, Instrument "hall tw Tedum-d,6i%
<br />-if the sums swurad ImmedwiciN
<br />the ammun of the prnetxid�. multiplied by rite �ioliiitwrng fraction: (a):r1w total amouni c . ,
<br />twittirrxillcial dyVided hA, (hYthefilurmitAci value oftheProperry immedialrN Ivefort the-taLing Any hala=:,--shall ftc
<br />vaid --tv"Scirrower.
<br />Ifthe'Property,h xhandone&by 1kirrower, or if, aftler,nottov hy Lendar to fiorrowm that the condeninur affrr- 1(,
<br /> 3tq6wd or--y-e-tic it,clatim for dam ages. Sorrower failsiv. rmpondro Lender within 'fit: date zhr liatux is
<br />given.1xvidariti authat-4--rd4v citiliecl,livid apply the proceeds, at ill, option, vitici it, Trstoratu,n ter repay ofibe -Propiff'"l, In
<br />�w the iwm-A=urzd1i-Ar this NSWUn
<br />r, Ingrijifyem. Whether Or not :then due
<br />-jivie-A lxnder and Jilorrower otherwittic agrzte w writing, any arrilicarlorl ofF--surzdh Lo"Prullipaishall "m rXiend Or
<br />'Znge r a
<br />priti-rpow the Aue ditic,cif the mcnithrit, payments referred to ill Tarugrapilf� 1 and 21, Or fir arniiint ofitich Tillyments
<br />36. Sinfrivow *401 Adleweii:- Filwinatifinuse Ilk- tender Nat a lKsivitlir, Extension ni; the !Imc ial. TV inicn 6 or
<br />MPAth.-87UOD Of UMMUZAIUCIn of =thy SUMS iiecurrd bk I thit, Security In4arumew granted hi, 1. --nder li, Unk iu.;Zessrn I,
<br />,micrew of Borrower shalt not operate u) release the luthifil v of the ol-Wirial B.irrtwt!r c it Wyrrowt!Tssuwmilars, ill lit I elvic
<br />Lender diall -rim be required to commmi= ;pro i=dings UPITIST U"% SM:c MNIIT In InICTIC-I&I (IT , =, rftitir U! V'XICTId tint: f
<br />payment or ntiwrwiw mocfify amim szat inni of the "-UM' , LS '.;e -tit -ic ol'am I -d,-m I niaor
<br />secured h% Ifil,
<br />_VLIri% livorum- ,% real, and
<br />I vnarr iv trii.- -- , T-1 -d,
<br />to The mMutalSorrower lit Sortvwf,-T',� htwcestiorsir interLst. kil,!` firrheartincr Si I.- fT ctsmp aiiii righ, 1- its
<br />.hail not * a warverof or prt-fuz k the rxt
<br />rome cvfuv} right or reyncd%
<br />it. Swwewwmad Usiom 3kmnd-. Joint md Sktweral'Liewlity: 'Co-atiptem. Till- L•1wriLanz, Lin-I zgrc trlrrtts of
<br />thts, Secuniv.111fitrummi shav hind and benefti thirsuixemors and awgiis w. nav and hor7ixwe . :uhiec,, r rn, v1slon
<br />iii Torug 4 4,reem--nis shall he iorril and %meral Ali Fk-jTTi lwc- who zt-Sigil, Itirs, Sni'1171!
<br />ruith I florrowei's L�-ienaflts a-,
<br />Instrumely! bui does -not.cit-wuir thrNate w o. cc"itgnitty, div, -W.C.I.171IN Ins-rumviv oul.- lkr Miyrgw- �-- Po Arlti ZMIV-!5
<br />that FtM-nvWM'1% Mterest in the Proper*l under the terms Of this SeLurit ' k I mar-Urritfilf if, l I, MT oh4zaio� u! Tw+
<br />the •win, %coured h-* this Sccurv% "Jitstrunivent; anti Vic) itgrtfm thil! I.eilde- anti avlS othtr fvirs -atf! rtw agree 1 t7.1cmd.
<br />modlifl,, turbicaT or Mkbix aria itccarrimocianall'i with rr4ard to the terms of lnti,rtirrsvrlt z)- lite Nriie wirfulti.,
<br />hart :iiu7rrtt+rres `s e:rmiiratt
<br />Law-C11inriptc lfiftr- itian wcurcld hN this Sczurm Inst-.urrernt z, .ut%!rci w a law whi-J, -ct- rilAxi'lluln itwl
<br />Aai,,gn and that 'taw is final!' % intivireted 4o that the inwTv-sl i--r ititv. AaqxA, - u, tx- in
<br />zi-nmemion wait rite laun vvxrd rite permuted hrnit%, tbtfr; lit) alj3 stij.:t, i0ar, --nairpt. ,huv tx- -ruourcd t,, mv arrunjill
<br />n,w---iiiary to redutm- the charge to ttt-: riertnitied limit-and fli,p ays LjlrtfIjCf-% c:AIC1.1ttd 7M h0ITil1A-:T U; 111CL VXt!.=UrLl
<br />h T1 17t4i 1%
<br />ivirmitwd limit-. Will t1C Tt!TUIIdCd -,0111oruwv Lencia! rrw� zh(kt,;.t: i:, rrutisr tmf, rviund �--. -.tdt;r:mq :hr rriw: ,, r4
<br />Maisrilg ij Cilyt:r- pityment to Wirrowel If re fund pn-w-l"I".. 1ie redlivoor will rt(' li-Calr4i 41s, a
<br />pa rota prepayment withow ast-, prepayment chtirpe utiam t hC%mv
<br />U. jApkilwitim Mhwthw lender'it 3691:1%. 1, w -!,:Tr:rwvv l! nnlicahir h— Ilas -hr
<br />rendering an , li,pirttivititcle of'Itir Nutror this Sm-uri!N I rH;-,om--w wwworminit A� ern::. X 'Iti ; Iritioli
<br />nwio TNU?r)rr t"Iffifterhair Poviricill In full ot all Iiflls .eoulvd hi, Jj, jj1I7tjMtf!l1 arld tral 111104-V inli TvMIVdle.1
<br />pcirmitiza in parugrapb 114 V Linide, this liptiaii Iv tide 41uli talc tti!• of
<br />14. %atim. Ai-,d iifawt it, 1401-10WeT TVNIVIChtd f0T in thl, sm wrl-, instrunrrtu ~hall Ist- g:vtni rr; avitv-rITIF 11 tr, "m
<br />mall"w 31 hk first L;Iaiis, mAii kinim., arlpficahic ill% ro-gutrm uitr of aittr her TTtf1h,14! Tha' TIONct sWkfl it dI!=IC0 '10 'he
<br />ftopl:--�4 AiiWrms or xvti othcr atSCtress tterrrirwer.deuigratt ill tililliLT 1t: Lumici Am mui,�t- it, Letiom Oil& to vi,ten ?i%
<br />fim LA&A mail I;, addre4s slauf!,O hVIECITI OT 1111% Utht!T Sodl---Ns 1AVII(ki it sl crate Ia rlfql�V It, J0rtF14A'Lt Alfal IWIVT
<br />Virtyvided fin itt this fvevvnti Instrumetil shuV lit dwrtiff(I Tv huvv ti-c-r-1 lvvrr 1(3 OT LVIldel Whr` a' 111 ni'ldt!0
<br />try this paragraph
<br />15, Y(itavanift JA#w: Stwerabfti. Tins Scvurii I us, runiew -,t wo% 411, a tlkj 1h", iij is : ii Tilt
<br />jun%dvci", to which the flrrnwrte is lociliciJ III lhe evetil tha; alt-, Provfmot, cv' r 41U,t 911 fill, smtjtrra I;C
<br />I it o 1,
<br />with appitz;Ahir In%. sucil 4�onfhcl "hall "kil affect rite' TTM� t1ii'll, ill Mt'� SCCU-�14`, Alt ti?, :a
<br />whst;* call tw given 0111w wilitivul the tionflieting prevision 'I I, ihis eltij thf: jl-,1UjslM11 Of lil,SWCUTVt 1114 :rot MIC1.1 UIIZ' :tr`-
<br />arc dat'larvd 141 ttr wVC-abit
<br />W lVirrowct ittall tw. wVC11 lillf, i +'llfitl7rlml co-p, o' lip N'll.. allO Of OW St!citr-1, lt1,t1'Lmwfv
<br />17. InniNdelf Of ONE' PrUPOM Iff It bliffile"I 4111111-TOM in lillortirwet. if a3- 41, al-, liar! I' the 17, dl)k
<br />interviii if; it tsONW w rI-al!4icrf*w (m if a twitencial mirr�, it; borr-we; -, ill !ransiurltxi atto horiowt.-? l, I,- i, nwu'a;
<br />por%m.) witnou; ixtider'% rit-jov written c.fintienE. I audw Ttw - a: :l, firilloN, rZIULW!" Mirliv-dwiv va,rim-111 III itill of wil wltly
<br />wGutitid tsy tht, lwlcilrlt4 litsiril"wlit Howevcl. tilts ;lrlloff 11"Fi poll fit, 0 r"vI-cll* I' monshlied t-,
<br />fAKICrai k#* jtb kif the date 40 this Savurm'Instrunit"Ilt
<br />It Ivildel- nerclws this optlon, 1,entiar 4nitil in t' fikTriown wrlic"t. ni Vlrt IlwlC t- bill! Iti, "IrIl • is 1K."loi;
<br />tif I"If fews thall 30 "". ftitral the date the Ilkwilite. is deilverec!'It Itlaiiev wilhm wilwi, 6'rrolAct l"U'l 11414 all sum, *r, twx ?'k
<br />thr, Swum% Instruirmlit, V birrowrt fails Ill owe thest 411111% prtw If' the t•Xrilralwrl of till' 1-t-I'Liel nw,
<br />this. Swvrii? In4truittlent with4wi lurtlic: nottii-, w dentattO ots hwi-Ar:
<br />JlWMWW* PAO" tit jaiti If WV"ejVVVT "IrVv- ceriniv r,maif,wr-, fio; toArl Ii"k hv,t lists , tiA, -I tW,lL
<br />ell tSas Ift-CUll I rpitril"Itilt C114colitilluerl ill aff t1rile i,fti'l J; h� t:,Il u, ! Al Ilvi lw,t ,l w.
<br />et{:tjtt6� hfw pray h]tt6 let• rrrl,WtiitL'ntGTif i Ttv`iutP Visit s,l tilt i• t7 rtKT7E lull. sylu hi it;. ;,.rw, t :ai tit ,a!nt t. it'
<br />it'i tail'., w it 1U411will Ill IllJ: 'I h-ij
<br />,6 I'MyN Len all luirri. Wfil"'ri Ittel, woidtf t"• gate uwk!! lhl, 1wi-Irv%
<br />fr- 10-n am ill-igult of air; qi)t.,l
<br />se,arrs 111wty"t1tvi! ctrl,44dlflf, 41W Mil 1IFTWCO N, 11,:O�vllk
<br />"-"4t;OT - 04,111r !III$' illf hl-u :,f -o
<br />llttwpd tk. llw,
<br />