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0 ,7-- 0063?6 <br />6. The family farm described as the It 1/2 of the Sit 1 /4. <br />Se ctian 22. Towsublp 10 Wbtth, 2 10, nest of the 6th P.R. , <br />Hall County, Mebra ". is to be divided as follows: <br />Petltlaner Is to s+acsive the S 1/2 of the it 1/2 of the Sit <br />1/6. and the South 360 beet of the East 180 feet of the N i/2 of <br />the Salt 1/4, all in Section 22, Township 30 North. Range 10. best <br />of the 6th P.U., Ib31 County, MWbcaska. <br />am,g =5ont is to receive the R 1/2 of the SW 1/4. less the <br />South 360 feet of the Est 180 feet thereto of Section 22, <br />T=ff ihip 30 "Ortds. Range 10. West of the 6th P.M.. Han county. <br />-a. including the mobile home and all appurtenances <br />presently situate on said property. <br />It Is agreed and understood that if either party desires to <br />sell his or her portion of the real eb-tate. that the other pq ty <br />will have a right of first refusal of any bona fide offer of <br />pease. and that if either party desires to sell his or her <br />Interest in the property, they will notify the other party in <br />writing with a copy of any bona fide offer and the other party <br />r will exercise: this right of refusal to purchase the property within <br />fifteen (IS) days of ths''recefpt of any offer. <br />7. Petitioner sbml3 bens set over unto his all farming <br />equiymatit and mKftjnary '- ,Petit1oner agrees to pay all costs for <br />the insts33Aittion of the irrigation well installed on the premises <br />during 198S. <br />a. Each patty shall assume, 'pay and be individually liable <br />for any and all debts incurred by such party from and after the <br />date of the filing of the Petition herein. <br />-3- <br />In <br />1W <br />