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In <br />MORTGAGE 85,_ 006V5, <br />THIS INDENTURE, made this__ . _1.61 h day of_— Dec.elntier _. _ _.__ 19$.5_.., by and betweer <br />LINDA M _ROOKSTOOL,_FORMERLY._ KNOWN <br />of Hal I -County, Nebraska, as mortgagor--, and Home Federal Savings and Loan Association of Grand Island, a corporation <br />organized and existing under the lav-s of the United States of America with its principal office and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as <br />morippo : <br />WITNESSETH: That said mortgagor , for and inconsideration of the sum of _.NINE_ MO M,= ,= FIGHT HI INDRED _ <br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do _PS_ —_ by these presents mortgage anttrqpV^upjg;atd mortgaegee its successors and assigns, <br />Of <br />forever, all the following described real estate, situated in the County of — HAI:L- <br />anol State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br />THE WESTERLY ONE- FOURTH (lJQ OF THE NORTHERLY ONE -HALF ( N12) OF BLOCK. NINE (9) IN <br />WINDOLPH'S ADDITION TO 'THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />Together with all heating, air conditioning, lighting, and plumbing equipment and fixtures. including screens, awnings. storm windows and <br />doors, and window shades or blinds, used on or in connection with said property. whether the same are now located on said prol,ert y or hereafter <br />placed thereon. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME. together with all and singular the tenements. hererditaments and appurtenances thenwnto be <br />longing. or in anywise appertaining, forever, and warrant the title to the same Said morgagor hereby covenant S with said <br />mortgagee that $ he , is , at the delivery hereof, the lawful owner of the pmmises above conveyers and descnitetl. <br />and . -_7$. seized of a good lord indefeasible estate of inheritance therein, free and clear of all encumbrances. and that S he will <br />warrant and defend the title thereto forever against the claims and demands of all persons whomsoever <br />PROVIDED ALWAYS. and this instrument is executed and delivered to secure the payment of the sum of NINE THOUSAND EIGHT <br />_HUNDRED_ SIXTY- SEMEN DOLLARS AND 25/100 ------- - - - - -- Dollars tS 9,367.25 i• <br />with mreotoot thereon. together with such charges and udvemces as may be due and payable to said mortgagee under the terms and conditions <br />of the promissory note of even date herewith and secured hereby. executed by said mortgagor to said mortgagee, payable as expo -ssmd <br />in sold note. and to secure the performance of all the terms and conditions containod the•re.m. The terms of said note are hereby inc.rporated <br />borrow by this reference. <br />It is the intention and agreernent of the parties ht rho that this mortgage shall also secure any future advances made to said mortgagor <br />by said mortgagee. and any and all indebtedness in addition to the amount atxive stated which sand mortgagnn, or any of them. may etwe to <br />said mortgagee, however evidenced, whether by note. took account or otherwise This mtirtgage shall remain in full force and effort between <br />the parties herew and their heirs, personal reprvaentatives, successors and assigns, until all amounts secured hereunder, including future <br />advaroow►, are paid in lui: with interest. <br />The mortgagor ..... hereby assign $, to said mortgagee all rents and income arising at any and all tut" from said property and <br />MMiy authorise said mortgagee or its agent. at its option. upon default, to take charge of said property and collect all rents and income <br />therefrom and apply the same to the payment of interest, principal, insurance premiums. text.,, assessments, repairs or improvements <br />trmea mom ary to keep said property in tenantable condition, or to other charges or payments provided for herem or in the note he,"y secured. Thos <br />rent assignment shall continue in face until the unpaid balance of said note is fully peal d The taking of possession ssion hereunder shall in no manner <br />prevent or retard saki mortgages in the collection of said sums by foreclosure or otherwise <br />The failure of the moKITUIor to assort any of its rights hereunder at any time .hell not he ronstrud as n waiver of its right to asset the <br />same at. any later time, and to insist upon and enforce strict compliance with all the terns and prnvtsions of sand note and of this nairignge <br />It said mortgagor shall cause to he paid to said mortgagee the entire amount due it hereunder, and under the terms and provisions <br />of said ,rote hereby secured, including future advances, and any extensions or renewals thersof in accordance with the arms and pmvisams <br />tbanm. Wool if said moRpga shall comply with all the previsions of said not+ and of this mortgage. then these presents shall he void. <br />ad warsto W remain in fall force wedtrNaet, antlsaid mortgagee shall he entitled w the possession of all of said property, and may, at iLs option. <br />declare Un whole of mW rote red all itrdobtednew represented thereby w he immediately due am] payable, and may foreclose this mortgage <br />a take any other legit action to protect its right. Appraisement waived. <br />Thin mortgage shall he binding upon and shall enure to the benefit of the heirs, exisutors, administrator.. succeswvs and assigns of Ube <br />"wortve parties beret.. <br />IN WITNKSS WHEREOF. said Mortgagor Its S herminto vet her hand the dry and year first sloes,• <br />written ? <br />LINDA M. RnnKSTnn1. <br />