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85— 00630' ("fKWKxl't[OC` "'mfnKKxzxft="'mI *xKM <br />"x <br />FctxacocPttwW xtx xrwc <br />x' iri�Rx�ltFiF�th!> z�( h�lwaftM�ttx�3dxnodtawtatiotai�taiix�ptatant :>Kxboorttaxxhcaxsxxxx <br />( pl) Cxxx�pttxli6Xx81t�JH4�Fr1(lti4? fat# fit' F2ftYti�t4i��ftlFlxtliii�E434x fv x <br />�kkacKRt! �dapooetlexxKK�wlht} tX( IWfat7C�IW1) f[ Xxl�xaOPMI[ �ta�lKILL Y0mfr1CY�14l�xiixlN {i0K>M161q�Nty�xf� <br />1t1NlC�ik�Cl�5L7 1�1h11Kl�Jf�4�J( tR�C 1bC >�1Z�7�KRXtR�7170f7t�tRI117I�C <br />yKOtKt[[xKxdOx}[ Oral% ttOhiDYKlGIti[ 1j{ 71KIWG�CYyflEit741i1 !{()ilfiiiii%iFi}Y�1)iHiiflti7f x <br />(a) (1* A sum equal to the ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that will next become due and payable on <br />policies of rite and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next due <br />on the mortgaged property (all as estitnated bit the Mortgagee) less all sums already paid therefor divided by the <br />number of months to elapse before one month prior to the date when such ground rents, premiums, taxes and <br />«ssessments will became delinquent, such sums to he held by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground rents, pre- <br />miums, taxes and special assessments; and <br />(b) (q) All payments mentioned in the two preceding subsections of this paragraph and all payments to be made under <br />the note scow(-, hereby shall be added together, and rite aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by tine Mortgagor <br />each month in a single payment to be applied by the Mortgagee to the following items in file order :et forth: <br />W) xacto�i�aoex�lnae�9co�xbea�lxxaaxtixtcvwctcocKxxKsaracemttxatmimtuoawtgx !nuxltKraclacotxttcx <br />KKamoKltatpt�atg�! hbxkaxAgdoxxderrggxlDxxiemxac }taexxm>��xexkxxwrdtapx�Cx�:xxx <br />(j)► gn,und !ents. taxes, assessments, fire and other hazard insurance premiums: <br />interest on the note secured herchy: and <br />(III) a!'norhiatton of the pthwipal of said note. <br />Any deficiency In the amount of any such aggregate nututhty payment shall.. unless manic good by the Mort- <br />gagor prior to the ,tire date of the next such litylliellt, constitute au (-%cal of ,(-Grunt uncle: this nuirtgage. the <br />Morigage�c mat .Ale':t a "laic charge- nor to o cecd tout coots 144) Col each dollar IS 1) of caeb pasnieot more <br />;hall fifteen ( i `) 0:1,.s !t, atrea!s to cover the extra expense involved in handling delinquent payments. <br />a <br />That if the total of the pa%ment- made by the Mortgagor under rEi of paragraph 2 prec-vding -hall exc (-ed <br />the :[mount of payment- ac•tunily made hr the Morlgaget- for (-round runt tax(-- and a�w <- mint_= or in-ur twit pre - <br />miums. as the cat. -e may be, -ueh excess. if the loan is current, .et the option of the Mortgagor, shall be credited by <br />the Mortgagee on ;uh- equent payment:^ to he madeab) the Mortgagor. or refunded to the Mortgagor. If, however, tht• <br />,nonthlN partments made bs the Mortgagor under ,X of paragraph _' prec•c•ding shall not he sufficient to pas ground <br />rent, taxes and a­i= a «mont - or in -umnue premium a- the ea. -e ma% be, when the -ante -ita.11 become due and pa%- <br />able then the Mortgagor =hall pay tf Ih(- Mortga we :nit amount n(-cv- iir1 to make up the deficient•%. on or before <br />the date when payment of -ueh ground rent -, tax(- -. a=- e- =merit= or in- urance• premium- -hall he due If at am <br />time the 11ortgagor hall tender to the Mortgagee, lit accordance with the prod -ion- of the note - ec•ured herehy_ <br />full payment of the entire indebtedne -- repre-ented therehy. the Mortgagee -hall. in computing the amoue! of -ueh <br />utdebteclness, credit to the account of the Mortgagor >i�j7¢ p}CK�QpgEgtkK O[kt�X7i1[9ty!)Eif A]f7�X7t<XSQ�tR�k 7Eit <br />xlWf any halanee remaining in the fundk accumulated under the prosi -ion- of X'!t of paragraph S here,eil'. If their(- <br />-hall he a default under an% of the pot %i -ion- of this mortgaue n•- ultin-, in a public -:le of the premi -e- co%ered <br />herehti, or if the lilorti,,agee acquire- the property oth(-rMso after de fault, the Mortea,v•t• -hall apply. :it lilt- time :if <br />the commencement of -ueh proceeding+, or at the time the pnipert% i- wher%t i -I• at quired. the balance then remain <br />ing in the fund- accumulated under %'8 of paragraph 2 preceding. a- a rrediI a_lain -r lilt- amount of principai then <br />remaining unpaid under -aid little. XMkXkj f)p)LJtick X3oX tDL2=R.7Nm[)[C[X Oft'Qlxxk3ftjmxK:bn xxolAKxawKKXXXXx <br />ndii�[xao�vRkltxx <br />4. That the Mortgagor %,ill pan ground run[,. Cr\c's. essrs,mrnls. %,aler r;,t%•,. end other co%enuncnC :! of niunlclpo: <br />charges. fine,, or impo,nion,. for %%bleb provision ha. not beers made• here!nhc•torr.. lid nn default lhercoi the M,,rig:1_c, <br />pay the same: and that the Mortgagor k ill pronnplly dcli%ci the olfic!i,l receipt, therefor !I, Ihc \brig :t-_cc <br />fhe Mortgagor. aill ray all trio, %khlch may he icved upon Ihc Mortgagee , interest In , :tut real rsietc .ind <br />rne'nt.. and which m.ry he Ic %u•d upon this rttorigage or Ihr dcht secured hercM thur oil% to the cme•nt th,1t ,u %h,% nl.t pr,,tnhn <br />ed by Ian , :nd onl% to the extent that such %, it! not n1, ke this loan u,urioust, fill[ e%cludu%e .m% Inco:nr `Lie ,,r I i. <br />impf,ed on Mortgagee. and ill! 1110 the official receipt shoo inu si,h payment %kith the \tortL :ICCC I poll k I11Lrl1on.,f !ills under <br />taking;. sir If the ylutiearoi its preh!hned M :,m law now or heic.lflct c%i,ting from payn,g the ikholc or .Inv ; oruo!t of ;hr (-tole <br />said taxes. or upon the rendering of am court decree prohibiting [he pan )tent h% the Mortgagor or en% s(;ctl te%c,. or If ,u,t! !.all <br />or decree pro%ldc, that an% .,mount „ ,^,,,,Ili I,% the Moritzagoi ,hal! he credrtt'd „1, the morig :,gc dchi. the MortLagvc ,h.ill <br />the right to g1ke meet% da:y, written n„ii :c b. file „crier of the mollga ed pier,),(-,. rcquinng the panrncw of the m, rtc.Iee <br />cieht. If ,ueh notice he gi%en. the %,ud tight shall hc:orne due. ay able .,lid co!Jcstlhfe .a the espirauovl of .old nunct% <br />h. That should Ile fad Ill pay any stir) or keep ,Im c„%c'n.wt pnl%ulcd for in this then the Mo! ip.wec•.. :i n, oI, <br />Ellin, may pay or perform the ,aunt. and all etpc•nditme, ,k, In.Idc ,hall he „ tided Io the pnnklp.!: sum m%n,g on the .,hose' no!e <br />shall he secured herchy . and ,hall hear intc•re,l it the rate ,et forth In the ,and nofc, until p,od <br />That he hcre•hy a,slgns. transfer, and set% mer to the Mortgagee. to he .tprifictl toward the par, meal „f the note ,nd .dl <br />,rim,, ,ecurcd hrrrhy In case of a defacdl in the prrfornianee of tin% of the Icrnt, soot condition, of ihl, Mwigage of the ,.lid <br />note. all the rents. re%enue, :slid income to he derktid front [fie inorigaced !%ro/nlses dunnL such limo is the mortgage utdehtcd- <br />ne„ shall remain unpaid:: and the Mortgagee ,hail hauc power to appoint am ngenl or ,Lent it man desire for the rurpo,c oI <br />irp :tiring said prcnuscs anti of renting. Ihc same and :ollctnng ON rents. ic%critics and nncomc..mt1 it ina\ p,n )tit of said lit <br />come, all vxpeu%cii of repairing %aid premises and nccessar% comml,slons mid c%pcnw, nlcltrred lit renting end 171;I11ag[ng the <br />%arse and of collecting rental, Iherefrunt; the halance rcnl,uning, if in%. in he .irrhed io%%c.rd Ihc tit cO iec of stud nlorlgagc <br />indchtedne,s <br />A. 'Chat he will keep fhe Improvement, now existing u, hereafter crc,tcd on the rtoltgagcd propert%, in,urcd .1s trim he <br />r:yuned from omit it) lime by the Mortgagee agiun %t loss by file anti other ho/old'. cawahic, and conlingencn•s In %ueh <br />aemotint% and for such period% is may hr required by fhe Morigagcc and will p,s% tnompth . % % hen tic. in% premu nl, on such <br />utwrance provision for payntenl of Much has not I%t•en made hereinhetoic '111 m,mmi,c ,hall he earned in conilm ics . r <br />proycd by the Moriga give and the poficie% and renewal, thereof %hall he hod by the 'tforigacce end hir%c alt :ached Ihetrio h,s, <br />payable clau %cs lit fanttr of and in form accordable to the M•.,rtgagve In e%enl of lo„ Mortgagot it ill gi%c innlcdudc nouec M <br />marl tit the Mortgagee. who may make proof of nos% if not made pron,piN h% \Lalgagor, end eakh m%uran%c ,ornp,n% :on <br />crtncd is herchy authorved and directed to make payntenl for such ltt„ %hie fi% to the %lortgagce Instead of to the Mortgagor <br />itnd file lforriti ttec• jointly• and the insurance• proccelf %. or 'Ink earl (!,c're'el. rna% )4' ,plihed h% the Mortgagee It its option c•lilict <br />it, fire reduction of the tiulchtedne,s hetchN ,(-(-toed of lu (hc testolMlol) or icpan If the proper!% danintged In r%cnt of fate, In +fr <br />,tire of this murlgage or olhcr transfer of title to file mortgaged plorctn IF. Cmuigul,hnrt•nl of Ihc• ,rtdeNcdnc,s ,e% tired hvich% <br />all light. title amt untirt•,I fit the lortgagfl' lit and le art% In,IIl,iteC poll%IC% Own lit lot %v ,h,II t'.," to Ihc put% le vi Iii L'i mice .; <br />4 <br />lit II a% addlUotiA end %olkliend south% for Ihc t o merit of the little drs%ni,cd .,lid IH ,.urn, to I,c „.m, ling ur:de• 1111, <br />itwil ante•. fhe Mortgagor hurt+% 1%,Ign% In file Mollgagec .111 pnllit, rl•%rnucs. "IN "111c, );;his ,n%, hen, W' ,,, nuns• I„ 'h'. <br />M,dlgap,t ilnder any ,fill alt I'll and ga, lei[%<'% 1,11 +.Ind !,1l'Itli,l`• "ill) If),, ,ILhl l I; %,','.i •1:11 I l'Ip1 t,” '11,' .11;r y' J 11,1,'% <br />than b, sold mdchlednr'„ a, ,%01 h0l'o. a, Alcl drhnlll of th, , ondllwll. ,,f lilt, It', %i,­ <br />im all, 1r', (,,ct .,n6 •,ukf) p.nrnerll, µlll•[),bw .End I",i o'lv I'll! ,hall tint f,c r,g111,C,! I,'11, 1il , `1 _r1,' <br />.1'd +r, omc ; W, :.,d ,loll upon rc4•.1,r ,If thl, nlorfl!eec <br />