<br />L
<br />85-we 006254
<br />FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURC1,1 of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br />herein called the Grantor, in cor:si-fleration c:f
<br />A Y0s. -�o_ - -- - --
<br />receipt of which is hereby ac.knowl.ecigc_.d, herby grants and
<br />conveys unto the
<br />a municipal corporat.irn;1, in Hall County, Nebraska, herein c,_llcd
<br />the Grantee,.a permanent and perpetual easement and right -of -way
<br />to construct, Operate, maintain, exter,c ?, rcapai , replace, and
<br />remove public utilities, including but not limited t.�, sani +_ary
<br />sewers, storm drainage system, manholes, surface marx,!rs, an;,
<br />other appurtenances, upon, over, in, and throuclh a tract of l -and
<br />located in the Souttlwest Quarter Of Lhi' Soul hC aS?_ QUartc -r (S;W j ,';
<br />SE; 1/4) of cction wn (Z ), `I'o'.nshih El�vcn 11 ; Ivort.ti, Rangc> c -r�
<br />(10 ) West of the 6th P. M. , fia 11 Cc unt:y, Nebras'r:a, more parti-
<br />cularly descr ih•,r: as f!:)l.lows:
<br />Beginnin,3 at. the point of Inter °,ection i:etw •c,n ? h = IVort ii
<br />right -of -Y,,,y ) inr: of CaN.i._al Avenue anrt thr• r.;as!- right -c�f-
<br />way line Indepf = =?.lc:r?cc' Avenue; hen:.c :-unn.ng northei l.v
<br />along the Eaat right -of -way line of Independence Avenue %or
<br />a distance of three hundred seventy- fo•.1r (374) feet; thence
<br />running east::rly along a line perpendicular t.o the East
<br />right -of -way 1.inr of Independence, Avonu , for a distant, �f
<br />nine (9) f�c,r -; thr�nce r-unnind south,_�r:ly along a line
<br />naral7el to t!ie East right -ot -way line of Independence
<br />Avenue f.:;r a jist3nr-e of three hUricired seventy -four (37 <; )
<br />Eeet; thence running westerly along the North right -of -way
<br />1 1 ne of Ccil:; i t,i 1 Avenue to the point of br,g irrn? ng, said traci-
<br />eontai-ning 3,3k)() square: tact (0.(177 c�eres ). nnr <_ or less, as
<br />shown on the 171_at dat.cd Uctoher 7Z 198d, and marked i:•:hii�!t
<br />"A" attache' %i he ret <
<br />and i ncor.)orate;i h r :.in l,y
<br />refcr�mcr. ;
<br />togtYt.h�.r- wi_t.11 tl1e f�.�!Jvw:n;l rights, a;n+�1y, ur?r� ;tr i-ted .;;,:t�• s
<br />and egress urrdcr, �we� >-, ,;:ncl ..?crass -such land 1-1-
<br />rpos +_ n'
<br />U
<br />