0. t- andemnatioo ih• �„.: I•- ,I ..— ,, a, and nr .1a of !, ;L, �t:;n:,'+ drrc,t t.,.•; ::it n ...n„e, non ,. III, alas
<br />,findcmnainIn of other nk,n)t it the rrei.:m, or part thereof. lift Ins .on,r%,il : +, ilna of z•nndetnnslwn, air htrehy as „Ford
<br />and shall he {laid In i ender
<br />In the evrnt of a total is ►mg of the prop.rrty, the putted. shat Iv .•elf! „•d ,. per ,urns ,c „red h: thfs 1)"d „f l rue
<br />with the egress, 4 any. paid to Aurrower in the event of a parboil tat,n); the i'a:a1w,Il.. unirs, Rnrrnwtr and i endc,
<br />otherwise agree m writing, their shall he applied in the Sums se, uTrd I•s ,fin I feed „I I nisi ,urh ;4(f r ...n of the pr,wcrds
<br />as nequai 14, that proportion which the amount of the sums sI,,mrd I•y ih„ 1),-r,t ,nt! an.nwll,,!IrIk prior to the dale oft
<br />taking helm to the fair market value of the property immediately prior to the it.iir of tskmg. with the hrtance of the procerd,
<br />pad to Borrower
<br />If th; i,., pens .. I•atfdr.u,d M Jilin r,n,t m d Ale, nut.. r by I rml. , t., it, 0,0 the . ,, f, li mm�l ,.tlfr, I„ milk,
<br />an award of vclllt � Hann l,n d.nnjF R,•, I—c, I"ll, n, n'�; —ld t,. 1 , -I- .ih n to :,i,,,, all,, ';hc date Bitch notstc i..
<br />mailed, lender is aulhorired n, collect and apply the prncerda at I endr, , orn<,n e,Ihrr in Icstvraltnn or repair of the
<br />Property rn to the sums secured by -his Deed of 'trust.
<br />Unless l.ender and Borrower mhenvne agreee in writing ,m such appitcauor of procvrds piinopal shah Tint cuen:
<br />nr poslprmr the dire dart of the monthly installments referred in in paragrrl,ha + and hereof or harge the amain Tit
<br />weir irtata1141ls
<br />10. Bmrowar Net avieased. Exienaon of the time lot rayment • IT modiPt ation of amnn,zata„a, Tit the sums sr, mrd
<br />fay this Deed of Trust granted by t ender to am• successor to mferest ;+l Rnrrnwtr +Stall n:,t rfpCrait !o rrttrisc, in an, manner
<br />fee liability of the original Blutowtr and Borrower's successors in itnrrer I rnder shall not tic required to commence
<br />prsteeedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for payment of mhrr —w modtt. amortization of the urns
<br />secured by this feed of Trust by talon of any demand made ny thr original Rnrrnwtr and Rnrrower s successors In ,nir•rri
<br />1t. Forllress ire by Lender Net a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender In cscrct log ails Ttghl oar remedy hrrrundtr or
<br />otherwise afforded I- onplicahle taw_ Shall not tic a waiver of or preclude the escrc,sr ,t any such ngltt or renrd;
<br />The procurement of rttnsrance or the payment of iaxn or other hens t,, chargrs t,y ; rnder shall not be a waiver of f.tndrr
<br />mitt to accelerate the maturity of the mdchittine%% secured by Ihi, Deed of i,ust
<br />11. Rewndio%('Mwiralive. All remedies prr-i&d in this fired of Trust air dtsfin, 1 arc c•imI`asive si, at•* ot>fe, right
<br />or remedy under this Teed of Trent or aflmdrd by law or equity. and may Sr river:ised :nncurrrntly, independentir of
<br />succ'eletveiv
<br />33. Surcrssafs and Aswigns Boned; Joint and Severs( Liability; ('atifinrn. i h,- ,,„rnar.is and agrrtm -nil hei-ri
<br />contained shall blind, and the rights hrnnnder shall ,nine In. the Trspectrvr silk eesue, acid ass +Fns of L rnder and Bnrrowrr
<br />+obfeet to the pmvn,ons of paragraph !7 hrreol All covenants and agreements of Borrower ,hail he Inint and ,oarrsl
<br />The captions and headings of the paragraphs of in,$ feed of It are for conventence liull and art not tot tx used it
<br />interpret or Jefine the provisions hereof
<br />14, Nadel. Except im any notice required under appluabir taw to tic given In another marine, Sat anv n + +nkr li.
<br />Mormarer provided for in this Deed of Trust shall he given by mailing such notic'r fly ceritfed mail addiessed in Bnrrnwrr ai
<br />she Property Addrm or N such Other address as Borrower may designate by notice to I ender as provided herein, anti
<br />Ib) any notice to Lender alaiI he given by certified ,nail, return receipt requested. to Lendei s address stated he -ein )r in
<br />such otbei address as Lender may designate by notice to Borrower as provided heretn Any notice provided in: ,n than
<br />Deed of Trust shall tel: deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when giver in be manner designated firritni
<br />15. iMdfiersw Deed of Treat; Gaeerwive Law; Sev*iWAMy. 1 his form of deed of :Tint .nmhmes uniform rovenanrs f-,.
<br />salimsal use end Rim- oniferm covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a un,fnrm secutaty ,- ,irurr"nt
<br />cooping realPrnpe V. This Deed of Trout shall he governed by the law of the jurisdiction to which ihr Propene ,s lecoitd
<br />In I* elows tal.awi''MMwiatos or clause of this Deed of Trust or the Nnle conflicts with appltcahie law such conflict shall
<br />riot afig.: -M this Deed of Trust or the Note -hock can he given effect without the conflicting pr-v
<br />rn or
<br />and to lh6 Ord t provisions of she Deed of Trust and the Note art declared m he severable.
<br />16. iarrwweei CaPy. Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of the Note and of this Deed of Ti use at the time
<br />of execution or aftet recordation hereof
<br />37. Tsssder of the Pillow sy: Aawmpdaa. 11 all or any part of the Property or an interest the,r,n ,s sold or :tandrnea;
<br />by tlonowet without lsnder's prim written consent_ excluding f a l the creanon of a i,rn nr encumnrance suhnr„ma:t !
<br />ih.s Deed of Trust. Shy the creation of a purchaw money srcuriry mterrst for household eppitance,. + c I a itansfrr b, .'.rv•se,
<br />descent or by nperatwm of few upon the death of a joint ienant or t d) the grant of any irasehtild ,ntc,tst of ;hcee vcar, IT iesa
<br />not containing an option m ptirchase. Lender may, Tit Lender s option, declare all the sums se.urr:i f,y this Deed of Trust to he
<br />immedrNely dtw and payable. f_trider shall have waived such option to accelerate if. print it, the sale or tfandc. 1 rnder,
<br />Moe the Person to whom - she Property is to he sold or transferred reach agreement m Is ming that the credit of such person
<br />is saNsfetusry to Lender and that the interest payable on the sums secured by this tired of Trust shall ire at such rate aI
<br />lender tholl rr,ptcst It L.rmkr has waived the option to accelerate provided in this paragraph 17, and if Borrower's succrwll
<br />in I Items t has executed a written assumption agreement accepted to writing by Lend-r, Lender shall release Borrcrwet from
<br />all ohitps.nws under this Deco of Trust and the Note
<br />11 Lender exercises such option to accitf -rate, lender shall mad Harrower "true of acceleration in accordance with
<br />pror-sitraph 14 hereof Such notice shall provide a period of not iris than 3U days from the dale the notice is marled within
<br />which Borrower may p�ay the sums declared dire If Borrower fads to pay such sums prim to the erpiratton of such period
<br />Lender may. without Critter notice or demalid on Borrower, invoke any remedies permitted by paragraph 11 heteof
<br />Noof.litvrtoeM t'oveNANTx Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as fnilnws
<br />10. Atrelerslion; Rearedin. Excrool as prowhkd M p rwh 17 hegeal, "MR asurower's breach of any covenant of
<br />aprratsreM of Bormoer in this fkee of Trrnf, ilsel*&M Ilse rovenanto in pair when doe any suns MKMted by this Deed
<br />of Ttrow. taodrr Friar to orctkroioh shall wAM mike to Borrower on Provided In pasgrat is 14 hereof grcffyiwg- (1) stir
<br />breMetr; (2) ifrr atfhm regssked to core am* breach; (3) a hoe, net lest to” 30 days from she doe the nutter is m f! .1 to
<br />Most ant by .hicis writ ►reerb moM be cod; sod (4) tMN fsRuee to core web !reach on or btefrrre eke slate We*”
<br />M the nafkr Say seadt in sccelovol on of Nee nest eeewd by this flied of Tree) Mid sale of the Property. The sod”
<br />shag foethrr Mfaror Barrow" of the tlgM to reMa me offer areeknilon Mod like v*M to bring a coses action to Mown
<br />Sire sontatriewcr of a dofm* or oily ocher defraw of Borrower to wc*ieroaw and rate. N the breoek if tam corral
<br />aw M 609N the date op-Mil in the oefke. Lender at Lewrer s opsius nay deele re MB of the roux rowed by dole Heed
<br />M Treat a be iwwadMlefy doe all paysible withes , two to demand and Ratty M"&" rte pow" a' safe and espy other tessedks
<br />po mNm— by tlpplk (ilk bar, lasrdet *0 k eMlNed a roNed ON n on*k retie and rapesttes Isear"d IN }onoirtg on
<br />mom" instilled M Air parsarsP - t1, Mdrilwg, bat nil NmMed Is. reswssYlr awtarrtt•'S less.
<br />K she power of stale to Mvabd. Trwwe drift two rd a roodee or deemm M eat* eaooy is whkA Nae Prapaety at townie
<br />pas o tbeteaf If Ite sNd a" *%W +wall coon of web notice M Ibr wsaweer firm rMed by sppHcMMe law to SIR no" see to Nar
<br />~ foreseen pl oft rOff by applkohle Ise. Affer flat apse at tilt k time •way be r"idned by gpllcabk to", Trollies! *AM
<br />tows • dWk wMNce M aok a t*t Pi 5s sod M *t m wwet ptescrwed by *papa aw, Irmo". •rNbDW destawd wit
<br />Stanislaw, a*sB tag he Prgetfy at VoW sullen f e i*e figboot bidder at ter titan sand pace and soldier for i ensue Irslgwefrd
<br />M Ibe aalke al isN M Issue =prate sod IN Welk =do r 01 TaNO I may Ork wskse. Trrdre Ray pMegMwe !k of d
<br />or my Pulsed of the lrMpaAI b f aRRMaotesoeol w ale itewes sod piece of My preriawly arlsadsdsd oak. t.ewee► a
<br />l aaldar9 bs�a essay' 00 — the Properly at wry wk.
<br />eMl/
<br />Retrofit M of MR, overo of bed � be Willa chant deliver a rte psrehew Tronee's deed cawveyisg the ►rgeny
<br />Sire prfsse fork a oldentr of the "Will of On statatResss twatee IbereM. i nief"
<br />two apply Ale of the ask M Ibe 1 NMwIag osdw ial IM all taMeasmabk caw f sd eft ovoin of Are lok, flocife tg, bat
<br />sat On" lair Trimm"s fa= of oat ar=e tbsR % of Nse flea. ask rdtr. tewndk Olson yY fees and Sorg of
<br />wk etrlloller. 0 if oil asOl saeBeed'by dds Devi of TtiaMl ant (e) lbe "Cool. M say. a Nee fortme of ofmants kplly rom""
<br />tftlnsb.
<br />11111. BafeMrrrN RIgM a Meloelslt. NawtMtandirsg Lender's accekraitm of the sums secured by ten Died ill Tnnr
<br />BsRrswar Nall Mve the rtghl fa lave any p1motdings begun by Lender to enforce Ihn fared of Inns dtaeonlmrred of
<br />JOY tone prim to the earlier fa occur of it) the fifth day before the sale of the Property punusnl to the power of sale conlarntd
<br />in Aria Deed of T ruN of 4111 entry of o judill" ill enforcing this Deed of T tint if fat borrower pays Lender all suing which would
<br />be than doe under #hill Sled of Intel, the Note and noses securing Future Advance►. if any, had no acceleration nccurrtd ab
<br />4101, Bafower cane sN breaches of any Other covenants or Mgreemtnis of Borrower contained in this Deed of Trifst
<br />Id Bartaffer" paw all espenses i0torred by Lender and Truster it enforcing the rnverfants and sptemenn Tit
<br />Borrower contained in this Deed of Irwt and in enforcing iendet t and Tnnlef s nmed,r, *, p, —,tied to rfaragrarh to
<br />hrreot intlndints hsit Tint limned It, ,essnnatfir .Ilnrhey v fern *nit fill Mnren.tr !akfi aril r. x, lilac at 1 rndt, -ov etas<.nahh
<br />rr,lort In *Harr trial 1hf earn 0 Otm D ttf of lauu 1. trade, s ,nit rrtt ,n ihr la, ,.t +n, ar. rl rin.,.,,..r, , nh6t N.mf I„ i, *i
<br />