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85,,,. 0062P7 <br />TRUSTEE'S DEED <br />XNOW, ALL VEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That JOSEPH F. BADAMI, Trustee, upon <br />a Deed of Trust made and entered into on or about July 21, 1983, by <br />and between Gary H. Carson and Marilyn 11. Carson, Trustors, and Joseph <br />H. Badami, Trustee and First Federal Savings and Loan Association of <br />Lincoln., Beneficiary, of the T9ortgage Records of the negister of reeds <br />office of Hall County., Nebraska, herein called the i'RANTOP, in consideration <br />of Ninety -seven Thousand One Hundred Six and 34%100 Dollars ($97,106.34), <br />and other valuable consideration, received from Grantee, does hereby <br />grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS <br />AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN, a United States Corporation, herein <br />called the GRANTEE, the followinq described real estate in Fall <br />County, Nebraska: <br />Lot Four (4), Block Two (2), in hestroads Estates, <br />Fall County, Nebraska. <br />TO HA'7E AND TO HOLD the above - described premises tocether <br />with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belongin.a <br />unto the Grantee, and to Grantee's successors and assigns forever. <br />Grantor does hereby covenant with the Grantee and with the <br />Grantee's successors and assigns: <br />(1) That Gary H. Carson and ?"arilyn ". Carson., Trustors, <br />failed to pay the Beneficiary payments which %•.ere contractually due, <br />and the Grantor, at the request of the Beneficiary, elected tc declare <br />the entire unpaid principal balance, together with interest thereon, <br />at once immediately due and payable; <br />(2) That a Notice of Default was filed by Crantor <br />16, 1985, in Document No. 85- 003354 of the `°iscellaneous ^ecorc,s in <br />the Req_ister of Deeds office of Hall County, Netrask a. . cony cf the <br />Notice of Default was served upon Gary E. Carson ant '•'ari lyn. ?'. risen <br />by certified mail, postage prepaid cn July 19, 1985. <br />(3) That Trustors, Gary F. Carson and "'arilyr. *'. Carson, <br />failed to cure the default referenced 4n the Notice of F`efault within <br />30 days after the service of the Notice of refault: <br />(4) That a Notice of Trustee_'s Sale was f ? led and a ccp%, r-f <br />the Notice of Trustee's Sale was served upon Cary F. Carson and * "arilvn. <br />Y. Carson, by certified mail, postace prepaic on September 24, 19 &5. <br />(5) Grantor published Notice of Trustee's Sale, to he held <br />on Friday, the 15t1: clay of November, 1985, at 10 o'clock a.m., at <br />Grand Island, 17all County, Nebraska, which rotice was published in <br />Grand Island Independent, Hall County, Nebraska, once a week f. ^r `i%e <br />(5) consecutive weeks, conumenci -nc on September 23, 1985, any enrinc nn <br />October 21, 1985. The last publication of Notice was at least ten <br />(2.0) days prior to the Trustee's Sale, and said sale %:as not later <br />than thirty (30) days after the last publicatic.n of Notice. <br />(6) nrantor conducted the sale of the real property .. -'t <br />public auction and has accepted the bid of First Federal Savings and <br />Loan Association of Lincoln in the sum of Ninety -seven ^housane me <br />Hundred? Six. and 341100 17gollars ($97,106.34), as the highest IAO upon <br />said real property. Grantor has complied with the requirements of the <br />above - referenced Deed of 'rust and the requirements of Nlebraska <br />Statutes, 576 -1001 throuclh 976 -1018, 1965, in the cs rcisr r -f the <br />of the real property described herein at the Trustee's Sal.+ ht -lea <br />November 15, 1.585. <br />This Deed shall operate to convey tr1 the ('ranted, without <br />rioht c >f redempt.ion, the Crantor's title: and all rir;ht, title:, irate reF;t <br />L and claim of the ' lrustoors, and their surcess, rs in interest. Inc° r,i <a.' <br />pe rsons cla i minq b.", - hrnuclh QT under it, In arr? 4,' the �3f`r',l�e ���4�•- �!.5(>ta <br />real property, 9ncludinr: all such. right, title, 1nt(�-r(-,st It7d? lal °'n <br />and try such 1,rr .)erty ac qu7 i- ,0 the "T ug «t C'r rr: their :urn °c:: d�•r� g r. <br />rat _.T E'S _ lP��fB(t UE P.t tCr t }94 G>t.Pruti;7ri 'f t? C '`r P'f.' - d`• Wit. <br />