<br />THIS TRUST DEED, made and entered into this .............. 19 ................ day of ....December lq tl5
<br />...............................
<br />by and between Gai"r „D. Statler and Jeans ate Stater Trustor,
<br />......................................................................................................... ..........................
<br />...............................
<br />'Arm ..Aal 4tle „Insurance Compatf�r ............................... Trustee,
<br />.. r .... ........... .............................
<br />and BENEFICIAL NEBRASKA INC. dlbla BENEFICIAL MORTGAGE CO., a Nebraska corporation, Beneficiary.
<br />WITNESSETH: That, Trustor, by these presents, does grant, bargain and sell, convey and confirm with Power of Sale unto Trustee the
<br />real property, including all buildings, improvements, and fixtu>I• ill every kind now or hereafter erected or placed on the real property
<br />(hereafter referred to as the "Property ") situate in .................... ri.. aa..... 11........................................... ............................... County, State of Nebraska.
<br />Lot seven ('(). Block six (6), Dale Roush Second Subdivision to Grand Island,
<br />Ball County, Nebraska.
<br />1 Posse�cion of the Property having now been delivered lit Trustee:
<br />JOf thi box is checked. this Trust Deed is subject to a prior trust deed dated ...................................... ............................... 19 . °- °... executed hyQ
<br />....I... as trustorfs) u,
<br />j c.
<br />. ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ...............................
<br />as trustee for the
<br />benefit of .................................................................................................................................................................... ............................... s beneficiary.
<br />.. a
<br />securing payment of a promissory noir in the principal amount it c ............................... That prior trust derd was recorded on
<br />........... ............................... 19....... Willi the Recorder nf ........................ ............................... County. Nebraska in Rook .....................
<br />r page ................
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the saniv, with all rights, privdeges and appurtenance, u, such Property belonging unto Trustee. and
<br />executors. administrators, heirs, successors and assigns of Trustee forever. And Trustor in this Trust Deed expressly waives, releases
<br />and refinquishes unto Trustee all right, title, claim, interest, benefit and (-staff- whatever, to and to the Property which is given by or
<br />results from all laws of the State of Nebraska pertaining to the exemption of homestead. And Trustor covenants with Truster. that he
<br />will forever warrant and defend the title to the Property against the lawful claims of all persons whomsuever.
<br />IN TRUST HOWEVER, for the purposes described, a. follows: Trustor on this date has executed a promissory Note or loan
<br />Agreement (hereafter ";`ate %Agret•rne•nt' ), winch evidences a loan in the .Actual :amount of iwtan of $....s0.12a50 ..............
<br />(hereafter referred to as the "Principal"). together with interest on unpaid balance•s�+f the t rineitt from lime to U''ve (outstanding at
<br />the !late of Char or set forth in the Note,Agreernew, the Final Due Dail• being ......(-gem er D 19 ........ all of which is
<br />payable at the office of Beneficiary.
<br />In the event of the death of uric of the Trusints, at the option of Bencficiaty, the unpaid balance of the Artual Amount of Loan, together
<br />with accrued interest, inunediate•ly may become due and payablr.
<br />Until the filing of a Notice of Default, Trustor shall: (1) pay all present and future taxes and assessments, general and special, against
<br />the Property before the taxes become delinquent or actionable: (2) keep all imprmentents erected on the Property insured as may be
<br />required from time to time by Beneficiary against loss by fire and ether hazards, casualties and contingencies, in such amounts and for
<br />SUrh pernNlY as are reeasonable and ntay be required hr Beneficiary, and to keep all policies of such in.urance in lorre or effi•ct upon the
<br />Property ronstantly assigned and drlivered to Beneficiary. and (3) pay and comply With all the terms and conditions of any lien. claim
<br />or indebtedness that may be senior to or take precedence• of this,7'rust Deed as shun as any such payment on nr of such lien• claim or
<br />indrbtednest+ shall become dui.. Upon failure of Trustor to keep any agreements made in lift. Trust Deed, Beneficiary ntay pay arrrued
<br />taxi. and insuraner premiums err pay off any (inns or claims or indehtedne.., its the rase may he. The money so expended by
<br />Benvfitiary for this purpose .hall bear interest at the Bate of Charge and shall ht. serured by this Trust Devil. T'ruar(r agree. to repay
<br />the, same upon demand. Upon failure sn to do, the Iran irumrdiawly shall heron+'. due and payahie, at life• op +two of ltroefir•uer.
<br />Trustor sprc•ifically confers upon Truster that Power of Sale as provided in Nebraska law, and shall remot looaes-ion of fits Properiy
<br />and collect flip rents and re•venurs Iherefront until filing of surh Notice•.
<br />L '('rustctrs Will pay and keep rurreol the monthly instalment on the prior trust d'.ed and w prevent dcbttth Ihrn• under. Trusters
<br />further agrer that should any default be tirade in the payment +d any imtalrnent of principal or silty mivrest on the prior trod de•rd, or
<br />sbuuld any suit be• rornmenced or other action taken to horrlosc the prior truss deed. then the anonrltt ecured bf tau+ Trust Deed shall
<br />hrcnrftr and by (file 11114 payable tit full at aoy time ihe•rvaUrr, at the opwon of ltrnrl). far% and to aevordance with the Nute Agre'.rnrnt.
<br />Ifrneficiary, at its nphon. ntay pay flit. scheduled tnunthly in- 111hoenls tin Ili,• prno trots( d'.rd and, o- the ,,xwnt -.I the nwount .n 1,md,
<br />lirrn(nr suhrugawd rot th(• rtgl is -.1 Ihr brnrlw1arr identified in Ili+• poor trust .lied 111 pi"In tit• made h% Ilenrhrian "n the L +an
<br />,.rertrrd by tlo• prn'r (ur.t d' -d .Nell beer tout-- ;u tltr Italy ++t (auogr unlel in lull
<br />Nip
<br />"m�
<br />_j
<br />0
<br />n
<br />1 Posse�cion of the Property having now been delivered lit Trustee:
<br />JOf thi box is checked. this Trust Deed is subject to a prior trust deed dated ...................................... ............................... 19 . °- °... executed hyQ
<br />....I... as trustorfs) u,
<br />j c.
<br />. ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ...............................
<br />as trustee for the
<br />benefit of .................................................................................................................................................................... ............................... s beneficiary.
<br />.. a
<br />securing payment of a promissory noir in the principal amount it c ............................... That prior trust derd was recorded on
<br />........... ............................... 19....... Willi the Recorder nf ........................ ............................... County. Nebraska in Rook .....................
<br />r page ................
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the saniv, with all rights, privdeges and appurtenance, u, such Property belonging unto Trustee. and
<br />executors. administrators, heirs, successors and assigns of Trustee forever. And Trustor in this Trust Deed expressly waives, releases
<br />and refinquishes unto Trustee all right, title, claim, interest, benefit and (-staff- whatever, to and to the Property which is given by or
<br />results from all laws of the State of Nebraska pertaining to the exemption of homestead. And Trustor covenants with Truster. that he
<br />will forever warrant and defend the title to the Property against the lawful claims of all persons whomsuever.
<br />IN TRUST HOWEVER, for the purposes described, a. follows: Trustor on this date has executed a promissory Note or loan
<br />Agreement (hereafter ";`ate %Agret•rne•nt' ), winch evidences a loan in the .Actual :amount of iwtan of $....s0.12a50 ..............
<br />(hereafter referred to as the "Principal"). together with interest on unpaid balance•s�+f the t rineitt from lime to U''ve (outstanding at
<br />the !late of Char or set forth in the Note,Agreernew, the Final Due Dail• being ......(-gem er D 19 ........ all of which is
<br />payable at the office of Beneficiary.
<br />In the event of the death of uric of the Trusints, at the option of Bencficiaty, the unpaid balance of the Artual Amount of Loan, together
<br />with accrued interest, inunediate•ly may become due and payablr.
<br />Until the filing of a Notice of Default, Trustor shall: (1) pay all present and future taxes and assessments, general and special, against
<br />the Property before the taxes become delinquent or actionable: (2) keep all imprmentents erected on the Property insured as may be
<br />required from time to time by Beneficiary against loss by fire and ether hazards, casualties and contingencies, in such amounts and for
<br />SUrh pernNlY as are reeasonable and ntay be required hr Beneficiary, and to keep all policies of such in.urance in lorre or effi•ct upon the
<br />Property ronstantly assigned and drlivered to Beneficiary. and (3) pay and comply With all the terms and conditions of any lien. claim
<br />or indebtedness that may be senior to or take precedence• of this,7'rust Deed as shun as any such payment on nr of such lien• claim or
<br />indrbtednest+ shall become dui.. Upon failure of Trustor to keep any agreements made in lift. Trust Deed, Beneficiary ntay pay arrrued
<br />taxi. and insuraner premiums err pay off any (inns or claims or indehtedne.., its the rase may he. The money so expended by
<br />Benvfitiary for this purpose .hall bear interest at the Bate of Charge and shall ht. serured by this Trust Devil. T'ruar(r agree. to repay
<br />the, same upon demand. Upon failure sn to do, the Iran irumrdiawly shall heron+'. due and payahie, at life• op +two of ltroefir•uer.
<br />Trustor sprc•ifically confers upon Truster that Power of Sale as provided in Nebraska law, and shall remot looaes-ion of fits Properiy
<br />and collect flip rents and re•venurs Iherefront until filing of surh Notice•.
<br />L '('rustctrs Will pay and keep rurreol the monthly instalment on the prior trust d'.ed and w prevent dcbttth Ihrn• under. Trusters
<br />further agrer that should any default be tirade in the payment +d any imtalrnent of principal or silty mivrest on the prior trod de•rd, or
<br />sbuuld any suit be• rornmenced or other action taken to horrlosc the prior truss deed. then the anonrltt ecured bf tau+ Trust Deed shall
<br />hrcnrftr and by (file 11114 payable tit full at aoy time ihe•rvaUrr, at the opwon of ltrnrl). far% and to aevordance with the Nute Agre'.rnrnt.
<br />Ifrneficiary, at its nphon. ntay pay flit. scheduled tnunthly in- 111hoenls tin Ili,• prno trots( d'.rd and, o- the ,,xwnt -.I the nwount .n 1,md,
<br />lirrn(nr suhrugawd rot th(• rtgl is -.1 Ihr brnrlw1arr identified in Ili+• poor trust .lied 111 pi"In tit• made h% Ilenrhrian "n the L +an
<br />,.rertrrd by tlo• prn'r (ur.t d' -d .Nell beer tout-- ;u tltr Italy ++t (auogr unlel in lull
<br />Nip
<br />"m�
<br />_j
<br />