prapefty :at public auction to the higbeat bidder at the time -and place and under the terms designated in the notice of elite in
<br />we or more parcels and in any :order Trustee tietetminec. Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the Property by
<br />pig aasWatoaaert at the °tsar and place of spy previously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may purchase the
<br />Property at any Sale.
<br />up" vemi it of payment of the price bid, Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed coeveying the
<br />Property. The rectak is the Trustee's :deed shall be :prima facie evidence of the truth of the statements made therein.
<br />Trustee sYail apply the proceeds ofthe We in the faflowing order: (a) to an expenses of the sale, including, hat not limited
<br />to, Traaeee's fees as permitted by applicable kw and reasonable attorneys' fees (b) to all sums secured by this Security
<br />;ItaaratmaW. and (c) any esedstothe person or persons legally entitled to it.
<br />20. Lender in :Possession. Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 nr abandonment of the Property, Lender (in
<br />perm, by agent or by judicially appointed receiver) shall be entitled to enter upon• take possession of and manage the
<br />Property and to collect the rents of the Property including those past due. Any rents collected by Lender or the receiver
<br />shatl be applied first to payment of the costs of management of the Property and collection of rents, mciudmg, but not
<br />limited to, receiver's fees, premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable at arnevs' fees. and ther to the sums secured by
<br />this Security Instrument.
<br />21. Re_^onveyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by [his SeCUnty Instrument, Lender shall request Trustee to
<br />reeonvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and all notes ev!dencing debt secured by this Seeurty
<br />Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the person tar arsons
<br />legally entitled to i[. Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs.
<br />=. Substitute Trustee. Lende-. at its option, may from time m time remo,,e Truster and appoint a successor truster
<br />to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county iri whici• this Security Instrument is recorded .
<br />Without conveyance of the Property, the successor trustee shall succeed to ail the ritir power and duties conferred upon
<br />Trustee herein and by applicable law.
<br />23. Request for Notices. Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale m Sent to Bo, owes t
<br />address which is the Property Address. lorrowr further requests that copies of the not -'w of de =ault and
<br />notice of sais he sent to each person wno is a party berate, at the address of such person ors forth herein.
<br />24. Riders to this Security Instrument. If one or more ndcrs are executed h% Borrower and recorded together with
<br />this Security Instrument, the covenants and agreements of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and
<br />supplement the covenants and agreements of this Secunty Instrument as if the nder(,$) were z part of this Secuntv
<br />i nstrument. (Check applicable box(es )j
<br />Adjustable hate Rider ` Condominium Rider = : -; Farttly R .,der
<br />— Graduated Pavment Rider x Planned unit Deveiepmeni Rider
<br />_ 0ther(s) (specify]
<br />25. As long as this Deed o•. Trust is held b} the Hetrasra lrvestmert :manes Autnoritp, the Lender slay,
<br />at Lender's option, declare all setts secured by this *_seed ^'_ Trust _c be r�diatel' due and payatle
<br />if borrower emits or misrepresents a fact ;n an EaDlicat ton io: this Weed r,:" Trust. :nciud.nq. wir -hoot
<br />;.isiztation. anytt:tnc contained ill the Mcrteacor'a Affidavit and Zert'.£ication executed t,y BcrrO-er
<br />in conjuncti:ar. with this deed u£ Trust.
<br />B'+ SIGVi%, BELt1u Borrower accepts and agree-, to ; c teems an% �: +enants conuvned =n [has Security
<br />Instrument and in any ndert s i executed by Borrower and reca_ u ith a
<br />PEARL S. MEYERS 3e, tDMe
<br />iS:al;
<br />— aena,r
<br />5S.
<br />The foregc =ng ,n.strumer._ was ackncwiedaed before me '.n_s ! =TF. . • . .day of. .
<br />December :9 85 5y Pearl S. Mevers: A Single Person
<br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at. . . . i. :rand.I... _ _ . . .
<br />.n said County, the date aforesasd_
<br />tubue.ta.ta�. k-.W fL-
<br />NsMlltSHAWN L NAtM lt
<br />lti pmt ixp DtR lQ2YM SHARON I..' l,AK 'E1
<br />my ^--mission exp.ress:October 10, 1988
<br />ttF.OUEST FrR RFCOx TYAr.ct:
<br />L TO MSTEE :
<br />The undercic;ned .s the cirrldez f 'ae ,,r. :ta° ee, win _red _.:;s P, .rus"
<br />Sa..d tats or nOrea, pncttzrz vit:h all otner _ndettrdnebs ^e :sr:. . rise!,
<br />j.)a -id Y❑ S�Un. .4 •[`.Y is are list el:!V ... p,mr t°!y ' :. C: aft", °.! `•a .. : "t :e OS ❑ ^. and .sew
<br />have been -'� ..
<br />-.geed c:f wr.7r_i.., At P, 3e•1)vere �7r > :: q•i ter•.•, w wa.,�. `.he
<br />estate r,Ow "e d b, esnJa, t ,"weti
<br />treretn.
<br />