UNIFORM CC>};yg1'tti. $orrowrr and Lender covenant end agree as foillou s 'g-5-006157 .
<br />I. Pavaiettt el' Princiylnal and laaer'est; Preiay'ment and L..ate Charges. Bori-ouer shall prompily pay a hen due
<br />the principal of and interesi on the dc�bt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the \oi e
<br />2. FutrdsfarTaxtstrodlnmrmice. Subjectanapplicablela nrae ?aurittenualtcrbylender ,Tinrrnuershall; pay
<br />to Lender :on the day monthly payments are due under the Norte, until the Note is paid in full. a sum (" Fund% ") equal to
<br />one - twelfth of (a) -yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this Security lnsirument: (bi yearly
<br />easeb6id ,payments or ground .rents on the Property, if any; :(c) yearly haz.:ird insurance premiums: and (d) yearly
<br />mortgageinsurance premiums, •if any, These items are called "'escrow items" Lender may estimate the Fund, due on the
<br />hasis of:eurrent data and reasonable:estimaies off futureescrow• items.
<br />The Funds -hall he bcld m an institution the •depcnits Or.accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a federal or
<br />state agency (including lender if Lender is such an :inmilution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the escrow items.
<br />Lender may not charge for balding and applying The Funds, analyzing the account or verifying the escrow items, unless
<br />Lender pays Borrower interest on tine Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge Borrower and
<br />Lender may agree in writing itim interest shall be ,paid on the Funds. finless an agreemem is made or applicable last
<br />requires interest to be paid, lender shall not he required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds Lender
<br />%hall giveto Borrower, without.charge,.an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and dehils to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to The Funds was made. The Funds are fledged as additional scc-urity for the sums secured h-.
<br />this Security instrument.
<br />If the amount of the Funds hold by Lender, together with the future monthly payments of Fund; payable prior to
<br />the due date%of the escrow items, shall exceed the amount required to pay the escrow items when due, the excess shall be.
<br />at Borrower's option, either promptly repaid to :Borrower or credited to Borrower cm momhly p aymenis of Funds if iflc
<br />amount ofthe Funds held by Lender to, not sufficient to pay the escrow items when due. Borr o'%CT shall pay to Lender any
<br />amount necessary to makeup the deficiency in one or more payments as required by Lender
<br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, lender shall prompik refund to Borrower
<br />any Funds held tiv Lender. if under paragraph 19 the Property is sold or acquired by Lender. Lender shall apply . nn later
<br />than imtnediately Prior to the sale of the Property car its acquisition by Lender. any Funds held by Lender at the time of
<br />application as a credit against the sums secured by this Security Instrument.
<br />3. Application of Payments. finless applicable lain provide% otherwise, all payments receiycd b% Lender under
<br />paragraphs Land 2 shall he apphed:first, to late charges due under the Note: second, to prepayment charges date under the
<br />None; third, to amounts payable under paragraph 2: fourth, to interest due: and last, to principal due
<br />i. CJtwww, Lim. Borrower :shall flay all taxes, assessments, charges, fines and impositions attributable to the
<br />Property which may attain priority over this Securnly instrument, and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any
<br />-
<br />Borrower shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2, or if non paid in that manner, Borrower shall
<br />My them on time directly to the person owed payment. Borrower %hall promptly furnish )o Lender all nOt1Ce% oi':unounis
<br />to he paid under this paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments directly, Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender
<br />roompts tvidencing the payments.
<br />Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Insirumeni unless Borrr,uer: (ai
<br />agrees in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable w Lender. (b) contests In g(l0d
<br />faith the lien by. or defends against enforcement of the lien in. legal proceedings which ut the lender's OPnllnn operate io
<br />prevent the enforcement oft he Nett or forfeiture of any part of the Property: or (cI secures from 1tie holder of the hen an
<br />agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to This Security instrument. If Lender dctetTttules that and pan of
<br />the Property is subject to a hen which may attain prionty over this Securty Instrument, Lender :nay give Borrower .1
<br />notice identifyingthe lien. Borrower shall satisfy the hen or lake one c,r more of i he actions set for. h ahoc c ua hm tit day,
<br />of the giving of notice.
<br />3. Hazard insaranee. Borrower shall keep the tmprmements now cxlsnng nr hereafter crertrd on he Proper,.
<br />insured against loss by fire., hazards included within the iciin "extended coveragc" and any other hazards for which i cadet
<br />requires insurance. This insurance shall he maintamed in the amounts and for the periods that 1- .ender requires The
<br />insurance carrier providing the insurance shall he chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's upprosai winch shall ~lot he
<br />unrra%cnably withheld.
<br />All Insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender and shall include :i standard mortgage L lause
<br />Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals. if Lender requrrrs. BOY r,rwet shall Pr+,mpi1% pisc t:, Lon dcr
<br />all receipts of paid Premiums and renewal notices. In the event of loss. Borrower shall give• prompt notice in the insurance
<br />carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof of loss if not triads promptly by Borrower
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, insurance proceeds shall be applied if, rcwtoratton m reps„
<br />of the Property damaged, if the restoration o r repair is rconomically feasible• and Isnder's security is not lessened If the
<br />risioratioin or repair is not economically feasible or Lendc7 s %county would be lessened, the Insurance PT4Vr.0 fs shall be
<br />applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with any c%cc%s paid to &>rrowct It
<br />$rnrower abandons the Property, or does not answer within 30 days a noticc from Lender that the insurance carrier has
<br />offered to settle a Jann, then Lender ma} collect the insurance prcxceds. Lender may use the Proceeds to repair or rest +uc
<br />the Property or to pay sutras secured by this Security Itistrumew. whether of not thcn due 'The 30-day period rill hcgin
<br />when the notice is given.
<br />Unlciia Lender and Borrower otherw'isc agter in writing. any application of proceeds io principal shall not extend , +r
<br />postpone the due date of the rnonthh payments referred u, m paragraphs I and 2 or change the amount of the pacrncnt% It
<br />tender paragraph 14 the Pre.peny is acquired by Lender. Borrower', right to am msut;mcc pohcics and proceeds i c•sultmg
<br />from damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass it, Ixtider io the extern of the sums % -cured Ia this Secures
<br />Instrunent immediately pnortothe acquisition.
<br />6. m%rrorafiun and MaiateMace of Property; Leatlei olds, Borrower shall i ,I dcstrr,t. datnat'e ill sul,st :11111.111,
<br />change the Prc,perty. allow the Property to delerloratc or comma waste If this Sc urlty Irntrinneut n on ;, leasehold
<br />&9irrower shall comply will, the prerv).s1011%Oi the lease, and If Borrower acquirrs fee title err the Propern. the Iea%cholci .aid
<br />fee title shall not merge unims, L.tnndet agrees tot he n/erger ill writing
<br />7. Preelection of Lender's RightK in the Property: Mtort(,Taite insurance. If Borrower tails 1„ riertorrr, the
<br />covenant%acid agtecments contained in till %Securily Instrument. or there is it legal i imce:•.dmy that may slf:nliicantl} :aticct
<br />Letider'% rights m the Property (such as a proccedmg in hankruptc%, probate, far rondeninalit'll oI to cnfnicc lai,. 01
<br />tegulaluals), then lender may do and pay for whalevei n necessary n, protect the value ,f the• Il„q,erit ;rod Lender's r:ch1%
<br />111 the eittiperty fender 's action% may include paying any sums soculed ill a hen much his pr,,nin O%el till' "e: unl,
<br />L Insitutncni, amicarltig ul court. paymlf t rao, able agelrncys' fees and crncriny; the 1'n,perts nlakc Iepalrs 111huug.l,
<br />Lender may taker action under %his Paragraph 7, lender does not ha%c to do sit
<br />Any amnuril% drhur.ed t,y Lattice under thls paragraph " %Bail brooms adelin011JI dehl ,d i`10111'ut 1 %c, tiled ht II1IN
<br />4ea`urity Nstrutnrirt 1 rah•vs fionz+uert and lerxler agree tr, oboe terms „f pa�omei:r_ Ihcse n,u =,u11is ol.ill hear nu crest horn
<br />the r„j'are,a( d1%hurs.•in ill at lh( %,.ir tae.° and %hall he t +atiablr, with 1111eic'L ut,,m .,rr,c ,.•„ I, ^alts it h,:r,:ar.,
<br />rc4l eft• %inch ;�,a . %poi °111
<br />