<br />85--006144
<br />THUS ;DEED OF TRUST ismadle this_ of .. _ ........................ .
<br />1`9 ...., atnong the Tt,ustor, ... Rabert . C. - Chase. and. Mary . J.. CCh•ass . ,.. bu slsand aced. wife .........
<br />.......... .............. .........(herein
<br />. .. . ........ ... . .......... . ('herein "Trustee ") , and the Be,nwficiary.
<br />&obtrt E Ch,� M D,, P
<br />. .. . C ....... . .. .. ......
<br />.................... a corporation organized and
<br />. ..
<br />existing:under the laws of... ;ThA Iluited. State s..of. Amex ira ......... . whose .address is ............... .
<br />231 Diorth. Custer, -: Grand .Island,- Nebraska 68603 .. ............ (herein . Lender °) .
<br />BORAOW:ER. -in consideration of the indebtedness herein recited and the truce hcrcin created. trrevocabl% _rang
<br />and conveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale. the following described property located in the Comuy of
<br />Rail .................... _ ............... State of Nehraska:
<br />Lot seven (7) Brentwood, Third subdivision, City of Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />I
<br />which has the address of. ..2611. Lakewood. Dr.ivte Grand Island•; -Nebraska •68801
<br />I Streer; 1 C , s;
<br />(herein "Property Address'*).
<br />18tste and Zip Code)
<br />Tocuf, HtsK with all file inipim'C"Icills llou nr hVIL•atter er¢cied ern tilt- pn,pern. and .:II cdsc7ninl, r;chth.
<br />appurtenances. rents (subject however to the rights and authorities grvcn herein to Lender to :olivo and apPh sueh
<br />rents), royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rights. and water steak. and all tixturc, Inca nr
<br />hereafter attached to tht, property, all of which, including, replacements and additions thereto, sha111 he c)eentcd ui h;
<br />and remain a part of the property covered by this Deed of Trust: and all of the toresaulg. tngethcr wnh said propcln
<br />for the lcaschoid estate if this Deed of Trust Is on it leasehold) arc hcrcm rcicrrci to as the "Pr;rperrt
<br />To SEcuitr to rLender f a ) the repayment of the Indehiudness rc tdenced hti Btrl' OWO'N note dated.
<br />(herein "!vote "), in the principal sum of. One Hiindred Fifty. Thousaad..and
<br />�• • • • - � ".".° ° "'..' Dolluts, with m(crest thereon, pro .,hng for monihh mstalimrnl,
<br />of principal and Interest with the balance of the rtufehtedncss. it not sooner paid. due and pavahiv oil
<br />u0s.. • • .......... • • . • , .. the paytnent of all other sums, with mtvrusi ihereon, ;id %anCV,!
<br />In accordance herewith to protect the security ill tilts laced of IrtiNt, anti lilt' PV1` rnlatici nt lilt' 01%t'n2nth ant9
<br />agreemc1114% of Rorrower herein cotituined: and I h) tilt- repaynu•nl of am lutan dikarcc-1. "ith rt,It•rest them, >n ririd
<br />to &xrower by Under pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof ( herein °i ururc adt:,ncc." )
<br />Borrower covenants that Borrower is lawftlll\ wised of the cshttc heruht :tmt�c I'd ItTIO hair l'hc rlabia 11•
<br />com,cy the P'roper'm than the Properiy Is uncncunthcrc�d. mid that Hommcr "It ch;traini and rot IcnJ nrrz,ili Ih,
<br />utic to the P'tojvrly agaimsl all charms a.nd demands. m1h1c•ci in mo ticr!arItitni' - I it,iAmr71". .,t ir5 u„ u,1r1 111,1c,4 n1 ..
<br />schedule• of t, %cc°plions it, ctwrramc in pine title insutum( in"tilmc I , )d, _ i,;�„. • N, ,I„ ri,
<br />NEWSRA 14a a 1, , '6 ANMh%FMLMC UNIFORM tN&1ROMi til unh,• W . , '' M' , "., "kip. '*'h . rvt
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