<br />IGE MORTGAGE LOAN NO, t � van
<br />KTiDX AI L trhhN By ThiFSF. PRFSFNTs: That Leonard A. Shiutek and Lorene R. Shimek, each in his
<br />of et3ch other, r'. vrhether CM or Mm, 0 coraidrera lea of the ctws of
<br />and her can right and as spcxase lx►u axe
<br />;moan T}b�;%ad F-j,gf,t 13»rvrlMd d,Fyd tY] /100-- —
<br />and Ltan Atatoeiatirm of Grand Land, Nebraiu, f>rlortgstgoe, tgson 168 stbsrt of
<br />issued to said trnnft�or by The Equitable )Stnikling TION the foiowisg
<br />Pant . von and mortgage unto the said AMOCIA
<br />OW ASStI[9ATlON, Certifuatc No. L U,440 *Iebrat�a: , do htefeiry, gta ere!'
<br />desrw0aid rs91 estate, situated in Hal County,
<br />Lot Four (4) , in Block Seventy 0M (71) , in Wheeler
<br />ana Bennett r s Second arird t i on to the City of Grano
<br />Island, Hall County. Nebraska-
<br />ttspether wilt) all life tenements, heredttaments and appurtenariws thereunto t)edongmg. Including attached lino) caverin6s, al window serorns.
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awtungs, heating, au cunditiuning, and plumbing and water equipmem and a:cessarin thereto, PUMPS- 510"s.
<br />refriperators, slid other fixtures and equipment now, or bercafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate -
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will paY all taxes and asstssineuts levied or
<br />atiaeaed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured therebv before the same shall became ddmquenl_ to furnish approved
<br />imnance upon the buildings cur said pnmriacs situated in the sum of S 16, 800.40 payable to said ASSWIATICYN and to ddfva to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the pt.rlices for said inium mm and not to commit or permit any waste on o f aboa said premises:
<br />hn caw of defaul in the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this mortgage Or��i,onad secure hereby. the
<br />and M ova tin
<br />Iii demand, be entitled to immediate possession of the mortgaged premises grid the ter
<br />crrertgrpee a0 the rents. reveries and In agents to be derived from the mortgaged premises during such trine as the mortp�e indebtedues shall rasm
<br />unpaid: and the csianptapee shall have the pimwer to appoint any agent or agents it may dcae for the purpose re airing said said presses and �y
<br />the same and Collecting the rents, revenues and tnrxrnre, and it may pay out of card curig r all expenses m repay Said presses ds any, tO be
<br />Weinnicaons and expenses intoned n renting and managing the sane and n( culfectirng rental therefrom: the baLna ceuaioing, y
<br />applied toward the discharge Of sad mortgage indebtedness: them rights of t tw m :gages stay he rxereued at any time during the existeuce of such
<br />default, inespetAive of arty temporary waives of the Same.
<br />These Presents. however • ate uptm the Condition, -that if the said Mortgagor shall repay soul loan on or before the nattxity of aid sieves by
<br />payment. pay nrmthly to s. d kSS(WIATION of the sum specfited in chc liond secured herchy a$ interest and principal on said soars. on tit fxftm
<br />the Twerrticth day of ear h and rverY Mon h. nrtil said roan is fully nand: pay all taxes and assessments levied against said premises and on this Mor4W
<br />and the Bond saasred thereby. before delinqut tscy: furnish approved unurimm np rn the buildings Hereon in the nmm of S 16, 800.00 payable
<br />to said ASSMAT10%; repay to said ASSOMATION upon demand all money by it pad for such taxes, asaessluent: and ivatrrsnce ep d aetn at
<br />the msicimum legal rune thereon fiom drtc of payment all of which Mortgagor hcrebv shpecs so pay. permit rmo waste tin raid pferfrnes: keep and omtPlY
<br />with all the agrecmenss and mmdnarns col rte Band for S 16 $00.00 this :lay given by the said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, and comply
<br />with an the requirements of the 4'.onitAuton and Bylaws of sari ASS(V1ATIU%; then theac pmemi. shal become nul and void. otherwise they
<br />shat remain in fall force aid may he foreclosed at the option of the said ASS(K'IAiI()N after failure for three months to make any of said
<br />#syments err be three ninth, ire arrears in )waking said monthly payments. (u to keep and comply with the ageeumentr and axsdaians of said Band,
<br />smd ptlkr,rgasm apses to have a receiver rppuireed forthwith in such foreclosure pfocros dWP
<br />If there is any chugc in owricrsh ip cif the real cstatr mtrtgtped herein, by sale or otherwise. then the entire remain" indebtedness hereby
<br />new" rani. at the optin of Time Equitable Building and Umm Asvociatunt of Grated ]Sismd, Ncbradca,hiecoune iuutlodiattly due and psyabk witboal
<br />faKtba Dollar, and the rnurwut remaining due under said hard, and any othe, band fix any additional advallm made thcMuldor, *ado- fiom the
<br />I� of exercise, of asud option, bear mtciest at rte maximum legal rate, surd this mortgage may then be foreclosed to satisfy Use atern>wmt die ere said
<br />buiod,aud any nthof bond for xWcuonal advances, together with all suffix paid by said The Equitable Building and Lanz Ann sUon of Graved hdand,
<br />Nd"sAs ices insurance, taxes and assessments. and abstrat sung extension charges, with mtesem there m, from date of payscat at the fumm mu
<br />heel catc.
<br />A, provided n the Bond secured hcrebv, wit this mortgage reitian, m etfecl time ttrtrtptgoe may hereafter � a �icxial to the
<br />rashes, Id said Brind, their &signs of ttrrrccsacn mr Interest. whine mum shall be within the security of this mortgtpe y
<br />so med tfloieliv. the tail a)pouut of prrncfp&1 des ton i o exorwd at anv 1im&, the turgrtatl amount of this mortgitpt
<br />fMtsd this 2 9 / day of / LK?Q(',Iribe.r
<br />%I AD (th' ttft?MA.SK.A, t , (in oils ]nth day of I ecurl}.t@ r 14 ba , before se,
<br />i "fi NPr't>F lfAh[
<br />the uroderstgricst , I ataxy 1'uhhc in and for sand Ctowny. pltxaonalh'saaane
<br />jtm)rmrd A. SYumtrsk wid Lurene K. 5himek, etch: era his aria rser _-wn r.i& air -Is Aja*k",ach
<br />mrier, r evenlhy'
<br />me to tic the uktitrarl pesx'ng whrsrir Itrtne, ti al-e arlsxooi ro loin ahavr tests utnent as nxnrt ut , and Z31L j'
<br />u;kiaswivdW't1 ihr unit niAtunent It, t,r th tL .X vutumy,. a,.r boil also i
<br />A9'p'+v INS ;r;r Wald and Nocnrwl Seal chc slat) nh,n•t.vtd
<br />pit ( :,ritm,A%MNn exltiml ^
<br />'1i.,tary i'trhlu
<br />.v ,= sew x $ OEt 1101141" • Hats M ""I. /�
<br />X MNf G. ROttSH
<br />i/ assist faits tram 39, ION 1
<br />