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85- 006195 <br />NEBRASKA DEED OF TRUST <br />(With Power of Sale) <br />Amount of First Instalment 00. Amount of Other Instalments <br />Total of Payments •00 First Instalment Due Date _ %- OVetliber• D 105, <br />Number of Monthly Instalments —_ -.—. Final Instalment Due Date Qctobei Z__ 19M) <br />THIS DEED OF TAUST, made this _ d day of ._----- -_ - - -- ---------- -- _-- ---- _- - -Ue tem'e ;Er ____ -- 1935-- <br />between nerFO_r._ _ ___---- ._ - - -- -__ - ------- :-- - - -- -- - - -- <br />whose mailing address is -211, Vik R Road Grand Is1n ^dam__ E 4_ -- <br />as Trustors, First America.^. Title Com7.�n�'____ -_ -- -- ,------- ,_ -- -- - - - - - -- -------------____-- <br />whose mailing address is __ 1Q0 i ar_re�' St. u ; <br />—S ( <br />+e 23 _ Gm te. "_^ 2 <br />"- - as Trustee, and Norwest Financial Nebraska, Inc., whose mailing address is -_4ort" , gt J ,d t. -1._1QX la' ___ <br />Grand Island :r <°502 <br />— — -- -- a -'= -- -- -- - - -- - -- - -- - -- - - __ — -- -- as Beneficiary, <br />WM'ESSETH, Trustors hereby irrevocably, grant, bargain, sell, and convey to Trustee in trust, with power of sale, the following de- <br />scribed property in -- -- _ __ -- -- - --- _ ---- -- J11311 -- - -_ --- County. Nebraska. <br />-sot _or +c -moo (µ2), LeHeights :'ourtn :.�ubuivjsior, ;ount;, : {e raska. <br />Together with tenements, hereditament', and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertatmng and the rent_,-. issues and <br />profits thereof. <br />This conveyance is intended for the purpose of securing the payment to Beneficiary of Tnastors promissory note of even date to the <br />amount stated above as "Total of Payments' Said "Total of Payments" is repayable in the number of monthly instalments stated above. <br />The amount of the instalment payments due on said loan is stated above The first and final instalment due dates on said loan are stated <br />above. Payment may be made in advance tit any amount at any time Default in making any payment shall, at the Beneficiary's option <br />and without notice or demand, render the entire unpaid balance of said loan at once due, and pavahle. less any required rebate of charges <br />To protect the security of'thu Deed of Trust. Trustor covenants and agrees <br />1 To 'keep the property in good rondrtna-. and repair, to pe•rrntt no w., sir th —i-of, ,niplei, :am 1,midn:g rructure .,r miproveme•nt <br />being built or about to be built th.•reun. t,, r.•storr pr'omptic any building. - truotti- ,�r itopr —evnnt •r,., n•,.�n v.hich may fro darnaged or <br />destroyed s <br />, and to comply with all law., ordinances. regulation, covenants, r,nditiun.s and restrictions :fleeting the property <br />To pay before delinquent all lawful taxes and :assessments upon the prep vrty. to keep !fie property trre and clear of all other charges, <br />hens or encumbranc :•s Impairing the — c -urity of chi- deed of Trust <br />3 To keep all buildings now or hereafter arected on the property dt•scnl,ed herrrn continuously in,urrd against loss by lire or other <br />faurardw in an amount not less titan Inc- total d,•b; secured h, th1, U.-. -d tit r t All pobrws .hall he held by the Beneficiary, and Ise <br />rat such companies as the Beneficiary may approve scud have Ins, payable first to the IB•neficr,ary at, its interest may appear and then <br />to the Trustor The amount collected under any insurance policy may N- applied upon a,y indebtedness her•bv serure'd in such order as <br />the Beneficiary shall determine Such application by the Beneficiary ,hall not cats dtscontmu:ance• of any proceedings to foreclose this <br />IX,d of Trust or cure or waive am default or nonce of default of ui,andate in, act done pursuant :n such notice in the event of Foreclosure, <br />all right -s of the Trustor in insurance policies then in force shall pass to the purchaser at the f,ireclosure :.fie <br />.1 To obtain the written consent of Beneficiary before selhrg, conveying it other%si- translefring the property or in part thereof and <br />arty such sale, conveyance or rransier without the Benelicirary :s written consent +hall ron,lituie a default under the terms her—f <br />5 To defend any action or proceeding purporting it, alf ct the srcurit, h, n -i or the right• or ; -%vr. of Beneficia ry m Truster <br />h Should Trustor fail to p:a when due env taxi,, a- srs,invnts in,urenrr pr•nuuni, bun, or other charges against the <br />property hereinalove dvscnbed. Benrfic;an may ;);is the ,:Fine, sand th, am,nun ,,rth ;nie•rrst i ih,. rotor se•1 u,rth ua the note <br />—cured hereby, shall I »r added to and hrcnme i part oft ^., debt —1 tif"d ;n tt— DI-11 1 -1 1 -rua a, ln•rnIO!erl t., l:au <br />IT IS MUTi'ALLY AGHERD THAT <br />in the event- any portion of the properiv ;s taken nr d:unag.•d In an a•nnnrni ,iorn:un par,- rdu;g, the entire amount of the award <br />nr sorb portion thereof as may to- necrssary to fully ,atiS!v the nbhgauou "cured h.•r, -f,,. 0-11 hr paid u, lienefici -fry t, lit, applied to <br />said oldigation <br />Z fly accepting puayinent of any '11111 sic urrd hereby after its rite date, Bene•fir Far, d,-- not u,u , �t, tight !u roqu,ry prompt paamrnt <br />when due of all ether sums so w•ci recd or Iu deebarr default for fmlure ra a. p.o, <br />'i The Truslee ,boll rrcun, r, -ill ur am n,ti n! th-• props rh u-rn•d b% chi, herd ..I Trit., t- I- -n ..ntub•d thereto „n written <br />request of the Truster and the Brne•1'u Cara. or upon mat rlat win ..I th. obbgahon .rv,n rd .; r,d wruten rry,o-t made b, <br />I <br />he: Beneficiary or the per.on rnhried rhrreto <br />L <br />U <br />I <br />1 <br />-i <br />