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Tsx L <br />s�' <br />®r"m"imap t! N1011MMME Will <br />� (1 <br />Eleventh all �Oenaby K bat P �aento, C�ywhereas, In an action in ue District Courwherelin the <br />sleFat_.saxinss... and... fain... A. a. aacl. ai.inn..o.£... Grand ...Is.l.anA............................. ...._.._ ........ plainlid...and <br />;j Darrel D. Sanburg and Darlyne R. Sanburg, et al..x ......................................... . .... ....... ................. deJendant9.. I <br />January 1st £35 Hnme Federal Savings and Loan Association <br />at ae.......,.. ............... Term. A. D: f9..... , oJsatd marl ...................... ........ <br />.....�f.._Gren�t._IgI'anA <br />Darrel D. 5anbur ne R. Ssnbur$ ....... inadsfindiphat mdd ro h <br />r� <br />p H�me•._feligral -- Savings•_ sort - -_Lan Ag- Rgca[inn, ranj <br />C _. .. ............. . . the sum <br />` ¢_Fifty five-.Thous_anti.Nine._ivm�. .1 Th.l...t�en.and..6�1��� <br />........... .... .._.... -- ......... _..._ .. .............................._ <br />,' and costs of suit taxed at . <br />... __.. .... __ ....... - .. ........dollars. nod, whereas, it was then and flare <br />Darrel D. Sanbur and <br />fw& ordered in the said action that in default of the payment of the sum so found due by the $aid ... .. .... ..............................€ .. .. <br />Darlyne R. Sanbur n Charles Fairbanks <br />. <br />Sheriff of said County rf. -. _ . . ........... .... ... H 11 ......... - - ........ . -should cause the lands and tenements hereinafter described to be <br />`.` adwdiwd and sold according to law to pay the same, and, whereas, default having been made !herein, the said.. -.. ...... _ <br />Charles Fairbanks .Sheriff of said county, under and by virtue of the said decree and <br />- .. <br />the order of sale to him duly directed, did on the _ ....... ..... _.. _ .- of......November ...... A. D. f9.951 _ <br />atthe.laxer... lobby YAb of the County Court llo,a+e in flu..... City. o f Grand Island <br />... ....... ............. . _.- ..__..... <br />in said County of... _......_.......... .Ha 11..... _.... -... _. . ...... . having first given due and legal notice of the lime and pince of said sale <br />Granrl Island Dail Independent <br />by ptaWiratiort unrr in each urrk for four sucreaeirr urrkx in the ............... ..........................._... ......... a newspaper printed and in general <br />t irralation in said County of... - ....... lia l l._ .. ,- .. . _---..... _ ....... sell said premises at public auction to._Knme -. Feder a l <br />savings�i L�.an, Ass2C.ia.[.i an ..n.f ..Grand _ sl. an4 .... for the sum iY_._TWo..T <br />dollars, which sale was aflentard al theJan. _ 14 t ......Term of said court, <br />!y, <br />A. D., 19.�.r--`., examined and confirmed and the said..._ ... . Fairbanks- _.w such .Sheriff, ordered <br />t oconwy the saidpremiserinfre simple to the said Home. Fe• {era l._S_AVings, ani.Loan Association nf_ Gram <br />Island <br />Bola Zbeceiore, 1, the said. . -. CharlCS_ Fat -bank6 Sheriff of the Courtly of <br />..iii 11 _ ,_ras ,aforesaid, in consideration of the premises and by virtue of the prneers rested in me by law andthe <br />Hnme Federal Savings and Loan Assnriation <br />decree of said mart. do hereby Give, Grant and Convey to the said... _ _......._ . .. - .... .. .. <br />of Crand Islam! <br />_ .... .._ ... . . ....... .. _ heirs and assigns, the premises so as aforesaid std, to cost <br />Lot Ter, i10)t 'Nest ern Heights Thir .Subdivision, HaII County,Nebraska <br />NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY t <br />cTAw TAX <br />�V <br />910, <br />AU <br />._... <br />BY <br />with the appurtenances. <br />1910 Y#Abe anb to Y#olb tbt game undo the said Home Federal_, .anri Loan <br />As soc i a t ion of G a,n.l I s l and ................. . ........heirs and assigns, and to them and their usr and beharJ forever. <br />3n 'Me0timonp Vbtreot, l have, as such Sheriff, herrunha set my land this....... 4th day of <br />December A. D., M..R.5. <br />ExwuHd wul delivered in the presence of <br />Sh"iff ",...........1171 % _ (Awdy. Nebraska. <br />R.L. Williams <br />STATE OF' NEBRASKA, I th *! f ec ®coke r <br />ila l l On this.. Jay r <br />beforr rte, the undersigned ........Rodger L. i 1 I isms <br />Lin and Joe said eounle. prrson ally appotre d the said <br />Chnrii•s I'sirltynk.R ....tilrerif►vfsard(:rrwttr, <br />to me personally known fu be the iderdtml lruson tvho signed the forettoin g instrument as grantor, and <br />he acknowledgrel the rime to be his voluntary act and deed, as such sheriff, for the two and parposa <br />itAL &Min set forth. <br />WE111900 my hand and rrJ sal out the day and year above uriUrn. <br />ssat�rtr <br />�K M ff ......._.._. . <br />� <br />