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insurance premiums, ground rents, and all other charges whatsoever levied upon or assessed, placed or made against the Trust <br />Property. Trustor further agrees, upon written request by Beneficiary, to promptly deliver to Beneficiary all receipts for the payment of <br />such charges. Trustor likewise agrees to pay all taxes, assessments and other charges levied upon or assessed, placed or made <br />against, or measured by, this Deed of Trust or the recordation hereof. <br />0 5. Application of Payments. All payments received by Beneficiary as to any debt, liability or obligation owed to Beneficiary by Trustor <br />` may be applied by Beneficiary to the payment of the Indebtedness or to any such other debt, liability or obligation, in any order or <br />Q( manner of application which Beneficiary, in its absolute discretion, deems appropriate. Unless otherwise elected by Beneficiary. any <br />such payment shall be deemed applied first to the payment of any debt, liability or obligation other than the Note. <br />U') 6. Charges; Liens. Trustor will keep the Trust Property free from all liens and encumbrances which in any way may, in the judgment of <br />00 Beneficiary, have priority over, or impair the security of, this Deed of Trust but Trustor need not discharge any such lien so long as <br />Trustor shall agree, in writing, to pay the obligation secured by such lien in a manner acceptable to Beneficiary and shall in good faith <br />contest such lien by appropriate legal proceedings effective to prevent the enforcement of the lien and the loss of any interest in or <br />part of the Trust Property. <br />T. Hazard insurance. Trustor shall keep the buildings and other improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the Trust Property <br />insured by insurance carriers satisfactory to Beneficiary against loss by fire, hazards included in the term "extended coverage" and <br />such other hazards, casualties and contingencies as may be required by Beneficiary, in such amounts and for such periods as may be <br />required by Beneficiary. The policy of insurance shall be in form acceptable to Beneficiary, provide that the same may not be <br />cancelled or modified without fifteen (15) days prior written notice to Beneficiary, and shall have loss payable provisions In favor of and <br />in form acceptable to Beneficiary. All premiums on insurance policies shall be paid in the manner provided under paragraph 4 hereof <br />or, if not paid in such manner, by Trustor making payment at least fifteen 175) days prior to the due date, directly to the insurance <br />carver. Beneficiary shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals thereof and Trustor shall promptly furnish to Beneficiary all <br />renewal notices and all paid premium receipts received by it. In no event shall Beneficiary or Trustee be held responsible for failure to <br />pay insurance premiums or for any loss or damage ahsing out of a defect in any policy or arising out of any failure of any insurance <br />company to pay for any loss or damage insured against or !or failure by Trustor to effect the insurance required hereunder. In the event <br />of loss. Trustor shall give prompt notice by mail to the insurance carrier and Beneficiary Beneficiary may make proof of loss if not <br />made promptly or in proper form by Trustor. All policies of insurance and any and all refunds of unearned premiums are hereby <br />assigned to Beneficiary as additional security for the payment of the indebtedness. In the event of Beneficiary's exercise of the power <br />of sale contained herein, or in the event of foreclosure, all right, title and interest of Trustor in and to any insurance policy then in force <br />shall pass to the purchaser at the trustee's sale or foreclosure sale. In case of any loss, the insurance proceeds may. at the option of <br />Beneficiary, be applied by Beneficiary upon the Indebtedness, or any pan thereof, and in such order and amount as Beneficiary may <br />determine: or said insurance proceeds, at the option of Beneficiary, may either be used in replacing or restoring the Trust Property <br />partially or totally destroyed to a condition satisfactory to Beneficiary; or said insurance proceeds, or any portion thereof, may be <br />released to Trustor. Unless Beneficiary and Trustor otherwise agree in writing, any such application of insurance proceeds shall not <br />extend or postpone the due date of the Note, or any installments called for therein, or change the amount of such installments. if the <br />Trust Property is acquired by Beneficiary pursuant to the exercise of the power of sale or other foreclosure, all right. title and interest of <br />Trustor m and to any insurance proceeds payable as a result of damage to the Trust Property prior to the sale or acquisition shall pass <br />to Beneficiary and shall be applied first to the costs and expenses, including attorney fees, incurred in collecting such proceeds. then <br />in the manner and in the order provided herein. <br />8. Preservation and Maintenance of Trust Property. Trustor will keep the buildings and other improvements now or hereafter erected on <br />the Trust Property in good repair and condition and will not commit or permit waste, will not alter the design or structural character <br />constituting any building now or hereafter erected on and constituting the Trust Property without the prior written consent of <br />Beneficiary, will not do any act or thing which would unduly impair or depreciate the value of the Trust Property and will not abandon <br />the Trust Property. Trustor will not remove any fixtures constituting the Trust Property unless the same are immediately replaced with <br />like property subject to the lien and security interest of this Deed of Trust and of at least equal value and utility. Trustor will comply with <br />all present and future ordinances, regulations and requirements of any governmental body which are applicable to the Trust Property <br />and to the occupancy and use thereof. If this Deed of Trust is on a unit in a condominium or a planned unit development. Trustor shall <br />perform all of Trustor s obligations under the declarations or covenants creating or governing the condominium or the planned unit <br />development, the bylaws and regulations of the condominium or planned unit development. and the constituent documents <br />9. inspection. Beneficiary or its agents may. at ali reasonable times, enter upon the Trust Property for me purpose of inspection <br />Beneficiary shall have no duty to rnake such inspection and shall nor be liable to Trustor or to any person in possession),' tt makes or <br />fails to make any such inspection <br />70. Protection of Security. If Trustor fails to perform any of the covenants and agreements contained in this Deed of Trust. or it any action <br />or proceeding is commenced which does or may adversely affect the Trust Property or the Interest of Trustor or Beneficiary therein or <br />the title of Trusror thereto. then Beneficiary, at its option, may perform such convenants and .agreements, make such appearances. <br />defend against and investigate such action or proceeding and take such other action as Beneficiary deems necessary to protect ,!s <br />interest mcludtng, but not limited to, disbursement of reasonable attorney fees and entry upon the Trust Property to make repairs Any <br />amounts disbursed by Beneficiary pursuant to this paragraph 10, wilt? Interest thereon shall constitute Indebtedness of Trustor <br />secured by this Deed of Trust Unless Trustor and Beneficiary agree rc other terms of payment, such amounts shall be payable upon <br />notice from Beneficiary to 7rustor requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest from the date of disbursement at the detautt rate. <br />If any, set forth in the Note. or otherwise at the highest rate permitted by law Nothing contained in this paragraph shall require <br />Beneficiary to incur any expense or take any action hereunder Trustor irrevocably authorizes and ompowers Beneficiary to enter upon <br />the Trust Property as Trustor s agent and, it) Trustor's name or otherwise to perform any and all covenants Brio agreements to be <br />performed by Trustor as herein provided Beneficiary shall, alas option. be subrogated ro any encumbrance lien, clam or demand <br />and to all rights and securities for the payment thereof paid or drschatged by Beneficiary under hie provisions hereof and any such <br />subrogation lights shall be additional and cuniuWive security for this Deeo (if Trust <br />11 Condemnation The proceeds of any award or Clain) for damages, direct or consequential ,n cOnnecllon with Any Cbnden)n afr(7n or <br />other taking of the Trust Properly. or any part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of or rn anticipation of condernnation are hereby <br />assigned to and shall be owd to Beneficiary Trustor will file and prosecute. in good lath and with due difigence, rs alarm for any s;ic h <br />award or payment. and will cause the same to be collected and paid to Beneficiary. and. should !t fair In do so. Trusror wevocabiy <br />authorizes and empowers Beneficiary In the name of Trustor or otherwise. to fire, prosecute, settle r» iYVnprorrise any such (Maim and <br />to collect, receipt for and retain the proceeds If the Trust Properly is abandoned by Trustor or, alter notice: by Beneficiary to Tnistor <br />,,hat the conderrinor offers to make an award or settle a ctairn for damages. 7ru3tor falls IC 'espono to Beneficiary within thirty i30' days <br />after the date such notice is mailed. Benellr•iary is Authorized to collect and apply the proceeds n1 the ,manner rnprc8ted herein The <br />proceeds of any award or claim may, aNvr deducting all reasonable costs And expenses 'nc:ludinq attorney fees, which may rave <br />been incurred by Beneficiary in the collection thereof. at the sole discretion of Benefciaryy, he released to 7rustor. applied to <br />restoration of Trust Property, or applied to the payment of the Indebtedness Unless f3rinehciaty and 7rustor otherwise agree ur anr.ny. <br />any such application tit proceeds to Indebtedness shall not extend or postpone fire clue date of the Note tit the payment of any: <br />installments callers for thereunder <br />12 Trustor Not Released Extension of the ittrio for payment or mochficefion of any amortization of the Indebtedness granted fly Betted, ,Ary <br />'c1 any .YuCcessor in interest of Trustor shall not operate to release, in any manner the trabdlty of rluslor and hush' s curt e� •ors, <br />rnferesf Beneficiary shall not be required to rornrnence proci!edinys against such succ essor of refuse to e.x )rind rime tin <br />otherwise modrly ampntzafKrn of the lndebledneis <; by reason of any demand rn:i(le by r•uti7ni arm Tru.eI,, ut ressr»s <br />rr1 interest <br />L 1:3 Financial Information Urwn requRSl of Rvriehriary Trrstor will lvovide to tlfvwfir iary ,a,lhn, i its of hi u,•:r 11 ,c 1 , 1. <br />year of lrustof, Inc. cansnbdafed huidrlr.e ,hint end Oiftelnoinl >I earnuul ,; ,0 rill Inn rind 11-r aril 111 i urriantiv .- ! 1 rt. 1. i ,rni <br />secured hereby if any_ and will provide and dehvor lo f3e lmll, rail. -,I,, h ,shit 4n,inr e' ,ii4.r lrit,ni, ,Im1 .p,•1e, 1 Y,npfq a +} <br />may rfowwonrrbly rrerlimst From fff??Fi to trine <br />!9 7rnanr rat Govb rujnis In addition 'o 11,y other lrnanr 1. ven,lr r, ! 'r r ,r.r<)r 1 ,y t a , <br />rnr:lnr Milli r rr, 11pIV With ,1nd "hall r rru:n ,1ny .111,1 .i'i l ni•al q,. i ,i,,, i i .r,. •, t r .,�„i, � ,�.,,, i <br />,,ompbanr e writ, the. 4 +ih,wirill rrr,,I, r,11 r i v,,ri.f . ihr, !•: u.1;1,. -rh' .r r ii,r.. .. r _ r .� <br />Igrne her!iiui . <br />t5 r.I!nihrlir of 7 nitSn , 7yllh•n h,r, r,h f.r, nNn, ,Jni!r. t; .1 .r , i ., , <br />;f {t .ill •nd,,i .l •I,r, , .. , , r..fy , , . , . ,... - r - , _. <br />