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85- 00610D <br />AFFIDAVIT AS SURVIVING JOINT TENANTS <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />(ss: <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />Ruth Kutscher and Erma Kutscher, being_ first duly sworn <br />upon oath, depose and say: <br />1. Thev are the surviving sisters of Edward Kutscher, <br />deceased, who died on August 6, 1984. <br />2. Determination of Inheritance Tax on deceased's <br />estate was done by Hall County Court in Case No. P85 -152 <br />3. &s the surviving joint tenants of Edward Kutscher, <br />Ruth Kutscher and Erma Kutscher do hereby declare and contract <br />with each other that they do now continue to hold the following <br />described real estate as joint tenants with right of survivor- <br />ship and not as tenants in common. The real estate is: <br />The Southeast Quarter (SE4), Section One (1), <br />Township Twelve (12) North, Range Ten (10), <br />',pest of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Executed this 20th day of November, i98 -5. <br />Ruth Kutscher <br />Erma butscher <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />!ss: <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />On this 20th day of November, 1955, before me, the <br />undersigned, a ?votary Public, duly commissioned and cualified <br />for in said County, personally came Ruth Kutscher and Erma <br />Kutscher, to me known to be the identical persons whose <br />names are affixed to the fcregoinq instrument and acknowledced <br />the execution thereof to be their voluntary act and deed. <br />Witness my hand and Notarial Sea! the day and .gear last <br />above written. f_ <br />?votary I'ubl i c <br />L <br />i <br />