<br />'CHIS INDENTURE, matte this .. lain dev of __.. - - . - _- nt ?E�Ttlt)2T 19 $ . -. by anti hetween
<br />of Hal l County.-Nebraska,as mortgagor -5 --and Home Federal Savings :and Loa rl Assuctation of Grand lstand.a.corporafitm
<br />,igtaahted and extsttag under the taws of the United - Siatec of America with it, prncfpal orrice and place of-business- at.Grand island. `Nebraska. as
<br />mort®a M;
<br />- WITNESSETH: That said - mortgagor __t , iorandin.considerationorthrsumoi IE_N THOUSAND FOUR HUNV_R ____
<br />'NI'NE DOLLARS -AND 39/100 --- — =_-- -- — Dollars($ I.D- 409 -39
<br />the recupt o' which is beech, acknewwlixlgtsl, de ___ thY theseprem:ts mortpagaraitFl�tart�t����(( Not 11 its gicassorsandassigns,
<br />forever, all the following described real estate. situated in the County of Ha 11
<br />:and - State ofNebraska, to-wit
<br />Together with all heatirwt air conditioning. fighting. and plumbing equipment and futures. including screens awnmgt storm windows ant:
<br />doors. and window shades or blinds useed on or in connection with said property . whether the same are now formed on said proprrn or There alter
<br />placed thereon
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SANIL together with all anti singular tht tenements hereditament, and appurtenances thereun'� e
<br />longing, or in anywise appertaining. forever and warrant the tai,. U, the sa: - Said morgagor L herehv covenant with aaa!
<br />moitgaga• that -t hey -a ne . at the delivers hereof the lawful nwm" S ni the pre rises ahn— convevetl and descnfirn
<br />and _ dre seized of a.good and indefeasible esuity of mhentanor therem free and clear of all encumhmnces. anti that t n, S' will
<br />warrant: and defend the• title thereur forever .against the chums and demands of all persons w•horn—ver
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS. min this instrument is esecui, xl and cieliverexl w rie— in,- p:ipmrnt of the sum o1 '•EN THOUSAND TOUR
<br />HUND_RED'NINE DOLLARS MD 39,1100 ---------------- - - - - -- Dahar.ts __'!',.,4D9_39
<br />with iutereat theream. together with such charges and advances as may be du,' and payable u, Said mortgaget- under the terms and conditions
<br />of the promissory rater of even date• herewith and securer I hereby. execut 1 hi said mortgagor S it said mortgagee pavaW, as eapr sseti
<br />in said rote, and air sersire Ow Periarrrtance of all the terms anti conditions container! therem The terms of said note are herehy uacorliomted
<br />1wran 1)), this - reference
<br />It is the intention and agmement of the parties hereto that this mortp age ;"1 aim- secure any future advances matte u, said mortgaleor S.
<br />by said mortgagee:. and any and all mdebtormess in addition ten the amount abaive stated whari said mortgagors or any of them. duel ,ntr to
<br />aid mortgagee. however ovdenced. whether by note hOrw aero ind or ot.hemm. This mortgage shall remain in full forty and effect fiefwe.•i-
<br />than parties hereto said their heirs. personal re:pme, Latoves successors mid assures until all amounts iecurrd hereunder including tutur,
<br />advances, are paid in full with interest
<br />Tfa- nrortgager S thereby assign Ui said mortgagee all rents and income arising at an} and all time truth said property anti
<br />irerehy authorize said morwagoe, or stn agent. at its option. upon default. to take charge of -"Ali property anti collect all rent_, anti income
<br />tfiarefrom and :apply the same to the Wilmot 01 interest, pnncapal, insurance premiums. taxes. assessments. repairs or improvenn•nt,
<br />.pauaaaarytolaesspauri Violist y antmautabNe condluon. er t, other charges or payments provided for faeaeua or in the note hereby secured This
<br />mat ,asagMS®tShall convolve, in farm until t.M. +unpaid balance of Said note,, fully nand The taking of possessaan hereunder shall in nr- mnnner
<br />prevent or reetard said mimgag w in the collection of amid sums by toreciosure or otherwrst
<br />Time, faidun of the mortgagee t, asaterf arly of it: ruthts hereunder at any tern,. shall not be construed are a waiver of its right in assert th,
<br />same at any later Lime. and ri, insist upon and enforce .tort eomplanee• with all the terms and prevision, of said now anti of this nwartgapr
<br />It sad taonpgors shall cause Lo be pail w said mortgagee• the emim amount dot id hereunder and under tM• term, ant pr avi.ion,
<br />of sail now hereby Secured. infiediag future advances. and any fawnsions or mywwnL- thereof m accanfanc, with the terms and provision,
<br />thenol, worl if �sald DMWUV gor.Fa -shall eompiy, with all the provisions of Said note anti of this mortgart . then the— presents shall be void
<br />ou%worms to romm in full IerovaaderNeet. and said mortgagee Shall tw, entnhaf U. the 1x,saesaaon of ah of Snad propertn anti tray, at it, {atinn
<br />i edw titre "too ofaald Hate attd Ali Uldebanhisaa represented tfaereby w he urmoiateh din and pavaha and own (nna-1 as,. tit- mnni;ag,.
<br />of Lsikrathv other:*W acuai to protect. eta -right Apprataemem waived
<br />This mortgage Shall he binding ulmn and shall enure to the iwnefit of t.to heir-. tie..,, aununrst rat ors •.dca ss,n and assaym, nit the
<br />nrapeenye pariws herd,
<br />tee WiTN;L,*, WiffAW01' @WJ Mnrtgtytor `� h"Vf' --um, .e, 1: �iNlt' .raw. the dxr anti .awe tn-sr ,il,dr.
<br />written -'
<br />.�L`4Leb -� t. 'j�-.. `v -! t•... ,,.
<br />M
<br />