C%%MA91 Mull I all'u4n, p"'."'onof --k—,
<br />Ie -sl,,h,c-
<br />ol I r, SOU tO L
<br />-mrnt of more Inv Z16r, 7,h,- �.- ;Vritiazs. or,1% hbrz Me riplz 1,
<br />—ee t,
<br />-TRACT: --Fhz•coilnra�! ziiii-" -1 cl`31-�Cz "a a In
<br />jC-Ompl,F,-FF'sESS OF THIS CON
<br />The it -,lion tie —act sold 10 a fjnd,.c,aj 'Ile por
<br />ht, lb.,aj I c, z- � I,— i, on or a end I houij notice that 1, im
<br />,—i(m Is s �jjs,,r. aranzeinelipc
<br />. tres TV
<br />jailer of ibis pr, III NOTICE 85-006091
<br />This credit contract finances a purchase. All legal rights Which the Buyer has against the Seller arising
<br />out of this transaction, including all Claims and defenses, are also valid against any holder of this contract.
<br />The right to recover money from the holder under this provision is limited to the arluxud paid by the buyer
<br />under this contract reason for not Paying
<br />A claim is a legally valid reason for suing the Seller. A defense is a "ally valid PS
<br />this SeNer. A holder is anyone by" to collect for the purchase.
<br />MURANCE CANC11U.I.ATION' If I have requested insurance 7 n this pulchise. I mb, cani: el such reqquect for Insurance for any reason within filifeen ( 15) dax s truir, the
<br />date of this contract 4,% wnf%-mg vow or the holder of this contrac; in wrtame. I kim— that the L anornation of m% coverage will lie WT—Cd with the insurance cairter.i s i and
<br />a charm wil I ie credited to t:has co ntract
<br />ftIlirefurkjol-mN prjrmum�s;ioiNherwjTb applicable imancr char
<br />pt.FAsE N nbinghe Insuranae Coverage
<br />VOTE' if I m,e requesioij insurance x this purchase. I xill receive witmn lh,� 3 U)i alty, accrilficale 01 Insurance more tuik JCC
<br />,he fo!j(_,jj: Nc,t3,r or propose covered -n - Proposal intsuranct- that I am cover only to
<br />I krko� that there is err Lon, a cc and
<br />,h 11, :n tile c�overaee jr i;,e lanatiage of the cz incax of ir,,ur n - lleeq ed for it
<br />'ke,tem eim, oNeragroni; i! i have,
<br />tile l kificiwi,
<br />] take n,xl.T,hav either cTr4iii-t4c,ir Credit Accident end Health ln.lar3J'ce,',r both - ,, `ales on,,,icTrverc side only :',I have chcKtr,
<br />This insurance w ill .vnl% cover .he per signin--tit- mqucs, al",he ZOsl T01 each Type Ol :nlil-411,�e shown lqatjecl lo acceinlaticc
<br />I t - rmm*bm
<br />bvit.e'.s6,;ancC comnalt% t--,t 'Psurame will be effe4mve a, (): uldLN and ilil continuir ord% ior the numher of minins after the effe�-tivc dale equal 10 the of
<br />mininthly pav- rL r . - nod of nine I x ill not have all%
<br />insurance ,ricrils I itildiIi-siaxiltial this particular Insurance may nf�, V vidr zmerua iorrn� ,as, ic� payments. and !but Vurml! that PC
<br />R&� e
<br />he im - u 10 the of I
<br />Id 'o ' v" or 7
<br />Interests and % amount ill i-redit Life InsuTatice, is the mquire-j to re a� the Tou:ll of Payments. thm-eatter. *,Ile insurance
<br />jan na1anc&wijjs- and we have bath simd
<br />e pavable to me. The initial -act with a Co-Buv-r. a
<br />i -m�em (in a �chedtiled ;ft day basis If I am )oInIl% ahm!atzi on the Sales ontr
<br />% the amourn,vi eacti month1% pa- waxing period stated
<br />ttvere;;ae,i im-Crain Life Insaii-ance, %III be, pu%Abie onl% ,,.h rr,nezi to L)w
<br />mthe nisuranctpohc\ or certificate. CTeCllt Accident and Heal . - ;()Lh of each month's payment foreach day that lam loiadlv disabled
<br />I ore than -our-
<br />'33 j-'abillm for in
<br />Iae to an mjw,� nT sick-nes, while I oue x- payment to c-u, however 1 micir� ,tand tha! I ha'.r to ne pr::\,mrd Irom wominiz due to such lot
<br />t, also knoix h2 1 Cannot tiotain an,l toraimilbae from roc if I
<br />lerli, 14, consecuzz, " dav, before the )nsurance henefit �s paid back to the iii-st din, of m% 1013]1 Llisa, 1111% 1 ghat winch *ill nod W in somw
<br />m owff *5 year- ofar toda%. and I also knos tho itite iwawancv roveeW pr4kided in me may c4lain 2 maximum Amojolitofcaveraff % , Vic I an�
<br />Calm the erAWe arosawt that I owe v Due to the maximum amo.unt o! coN -ra;-C slaltil intlic i--,Nurxnce;�M1c%,I know dial any unpaid amount ill excess of "Isar e
<br />an - -4ncernr-
<br />zl-eTace will "lPhave 10 be pate If the Sales Contract is prepaid in, lull prior to [tic iasi pa, ineirldate. an., lateamed Insurance niii
<br />ne, errs gibed .. I will rt�c� U11CC �11)re li�LUN J SC" I M% jljsjarc I c If the insurailcers rlqt az--mec t,,
<br />bed bN ia. Within, ihim , ;01 d3% s -:�VlfjeZ u -tome
<br />wm, I have pa'd is
<br />% 4,�fthemsu-nirlctprrm .
<br />me insurance z�--"Mparl A-flineccive Z refund -A tl7la:kc X—f
<br />BUYER: The next two pairigrAphscomain wammue, relative to this al` j:jrerim js:-, inc-nnan U%trasi.ontrac,
<br />LA� i _ A�, ty, cp.,)
<br />FOR VkLVE RECL--.T%-ED, Seller tieTebA sell. con,,,-vs. transfers aiw dclrcr, za eA-12A
<br />, ; L
<br />iAssizrlee) al! lot- itkn-clht%. tnit and itiltres, m' and To tnt: install7wrl - Sales Contract �d Nlc�ng,2c - together u-1111, a;] iien, e I g to s re � payment and the properzx
<br />encuinberej herrh, . A"le-ine :s heirb% subaftuted aS Mortgagee under the Mortgage nmv; s ion, o' roll contract Seller warrants and represents, i 11 It i:3] the right to make
<br />ct: i
<br />this aiwiznrnent: (21 All slaleirxPls and TuTes in th:, contra:: and it. the Ruyer s lawn-itni are rnaticriall% true and corre, - j This contract arose `mrn the tiona fide sale
<br />c%f the j!&icL, and services d--sc-rl hed herein: f 41 The cash doe -ripaym-,ni shoe n I n thi, corltrazt war acruallt paid t- 8 rev and no part 04 said downtiayrivem was
<br />- -ti,, Z�rinainvclix h% SIler to Bu�cr: (fI, Each lecafl., competent to comr�ct, if- Thi� contra is not and 'Ij! nc-ire ubJectto an, claim de demand orrigh!
<br />.eL not xtoiatr ail% redera, or state lax . dixvcti%e. rile oTi-c-pulaii"nnow
<br />n or cancellik-
<br />M effect, (s) it,. the e-criz that lms contract ,r the ona-l-IN tic -Irs tra non 1 u�piei:! to 4 right 01-,CScISIlln or, canLeilation h% the Buyer. sulb rescls,10
<br />nsac
<br />non period has expirrz and neime7 the are nor this �Mtiil, I has i-teiro- celled o! rescinded THIS CONTRACT IS SOLD BY SELLER WITHOUT RECOURSE.
<br />TN - . ) \4 evll-t�111 *,�.e
<br />FSTINION -HERFOi-, mv d TrT s1iin,d on tehal, ol the Seiler or this
<br />day m
<br />Thefirrgoiliz in,-ovintro
<br />tSy the "thon?rd :L2till
<br />\1y c,,Tnmissior tprc,
<br />