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In <br />�5--- vuvUa� <br />2.1— WARRANTY DEED Feiton L WciF Company, Lmcofn, Nsbr. <br />WARRANTY DEED <br />Janice D. Pfeifle and DuWyne G. Pfeifle, Husband and Wife, <br />, herein mailed the grantor whether one or more, <br />in consideration of One Hundred Forty Thousand and No /100 $140,000.00) <br />received from grantee, does grant, bargain, sell. eon•,ey and eonfirm unto <br />Little E Eagle, Inc., A Nebraska Corporation, <br />herein called Sire _ratrtee whether enc.. or more. tlu inlL t aa_r described real property in <br />_ 4a. 1. 1 ................... . ........................... . . .. ... County. 'Nebraska: <br />Part of the Northeast Quarter (NE;) of the Southeast Quarter (SEI) of Section <br />Twenty Eight (28), Township Ten (10) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., <br />Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a <br />point being on the West Right -of -way line of Old Highway 281 and the South Line <br />of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NEsSE;) of Said Section <br />Twenty Eight (28) which is South 89 58'20" West for 51.30 feet from the Southeast <br />Corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE4SE4') of said Section <br />Twenty Eight (28); thence S89 58'20" West for 610.82 feet along the said South Line <br />of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NESEQ) of Sec ion Twenty Eight <br />(28); thence North 0 46'05" East for 328.95 Feet; thence North 8958'20" East for <br />610.50 feet to a point on the said West Right -of -Way Line of Old Highway 281; <br />thence South 0042'43" West for 328.95 feet along the said West Right -of -way line <br />of Old Highway 281 to the point of beginning. <br />To hilN, and to 11-1(i the lremises Together with :ill t._�nenv_nts, hereditaments <br />1 t Gam- ante eir> :n 1 orc-ver. <br />and apuurteuanees tiera-to rr ongin�� un ^the erxntce :nc. to , <br />And the grantor dotfs hereby CoN-enant with the grants, and with < and asaigns <br />that grantor is lawfully sei-sed of ,air'. pren:;ses; till, they are free froin enr•umbna'r Subject to any <br />easements of record. <br />that grantor has good richt and lawful authority to con e�• the same: and that antor warrants and will <br />defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of nil persons whomsoever. <br />Dated December 9, 1" 85 <br />........... <br />.... ............ <br />y NEBRASt(AADC T� ENTARY <br />....................... ..... ... ........ ............................... <br />DEC 10 19' <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, Country' -A ... ..... .... ....... HA11 ........ ... I .... ........ .... : <br />�t <br />j <br />Before n:e, a notary ptJllie yualifie-3 for aid mint } cam.• <br />Janice D. Pfeifle and DuWyne G. Pfeifle <br />kn<, n 'tr ern to I..• a 7 •� "' n)1- Imr.��n•• +h.. C1,-i , C�,.ri_ m,trimw; t ;and .n knnvlrri�e•d <br />' <br />t } ?,• sixrri;Uun ttl"reof to ha his. ht'r or -h"Ir - rt "rid <br />no- 'sawed -1-al ')II Oecelnber 9, f5 <br />�iMY/MfYr- MrwrMwNr <br />OSM i r: °hrudry ", <br />R <br />