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STATE OF ..........I ................. Coanty of ... ................. ........................... ............ <br />: <br />Before me, a notary public qualified for said county, personally came <br />known to me to be the identical person or persans wl:u si_*reci the foregoing, instrument:iad acknowledged <br />the raeeution thereof to be his, her or their voluntary act :ind deed. <br />Witness my hand and notarial seal on ................ ............................... ................ ...., 19............ <br />.. .... ... ............. .__._ Notary Public <br />7kiv commission expires ..................... ............................... 19.......... <br />STATE OF ........... Geunty of ......... .... ....... .............. ......................... <br />: <br />Before me, a notary ptthlii: qualified for sail county, Pers-11Y came <br />known to me to be ih.e identical person >r person +: h iznccd the foregoing instrument and acknowledged <br />the execution thereof to he his, her or their voluntary act and Ji ed. <br />E: <br />%Vitness my hand and notarial seal on .........._ ........................................._......... ..........._.................., 19.......... <br />r; ................................_........................ ............................... Notary Public <br />-Al eonwniti: >:mn expires ................... ............................._. 19............ <br />W <br />c <br />C <br />i=. <br />�A <br />V � ` <br />I <br />i <br />;n <br />J <br />r <br />� <br />Go <br />C <br />:u <br />I <br />