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S5. -- 006083 <br />EASEMENT AGREEMENT <br />Michael L. NkCord and Cindy R. McCord, herein called the <br />GRANTOR, for One Dollar fS1.00) and other valuable consideration. <br />hereby grants and conveys unto ;weal E. Selley and Dianne G. <br />Kelley, husband and knife, herein called the uRrANTEE, a permanent <br />and perpetual easement for the purpose of giving the grantees <br />ingress and egress rights to properi they own using motor vehicles <br />or in person, upon, over and across the following described real <br />estate in Hal County, Nebraska. <br />A tract of land in Lots Ten "10) and Eleven t 71 !, Block One <br />(I Stewart Place Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island, <br />Hail County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />$eginn3ng at a point on the nest line of said Lot Eleven '11). <br />said point being 130 feet South of the Northwest corner of <br />said Lot Ten i10): thence Easterly parallel to the ]worth line <br />of said Lot 10, a distance of 92.01 feet: thence Southerly <br />parallel to the West line of said Lot Eleven � 11 i a distance <br />of 53.0 feet. thence Westeriv parallel to the South line of <br />said Lot Eleven !lli, a distance of 92.3 feet to a point on <br />the West lire of said Lot Eleven fill. thence North along <br />the West line of said Lot Eleven ; 11 i, a distance of _;3.0 feet, <br />to the point of beginning, <br />together with the unrestricted ingress and egress, through and <br />across the above— described easement _or the 1purpose of txerising <br />the rights herein granted. <br />This Easement shall be nonexclusive as between the Grantor <br />and the Grantee, and both parties agree not to obstr u_t. impede, <br />or interfere, one with the other, to the reasonable nse � such <br />driveway. <br />The gran *.ors further assign to the grantees The right of <br />ingress and egress upon, over and ac.ros� the real fate described <br />.•s <br />in the easement to them from Thomas Dolton and KT -istie Do ton, <br />husband and wife, filed as Document :No. 77- 1103951 in the Register <br />of Deeds office of Hall County, %ebraska. T e grantors retain the <br />right to use and enjoy the premises referred to this easement <br />and assume no responsibility for maimenance 0 a -;v driveway <br />extcting or to be con�,trucled on and ? „`ie groper'y referred io <br />in this asreetnent. <br />This Easement shall �-)e perpetual and shall r -un with the lard <br />and sha;i be binding upon the t?ariies hereto. their respective <br />successors and assrpns. <br />Dated: ;?;s-,. <br />GRANT:)RZ <br />indy 9. McCord <br />PA!,"I E <br />W <br />