<br />#%I- — — —
<br />g a
<br />{$ �'beiFt =. Made and Executed this 26th day of
<br />by and between 71— nA TTCnc To"Jar. 141 N- 1& mil.
<br />FinanraAmari ra rnrp of NE —__
<br />y
<br />VARIAnE
<br />November A, D. _ 1985
<br />_ Nt 688 01--—
<br />ll1 __
<br />— _ party ofthe first part.
<br />and 2460 S 120th Omaha NE 68144
<br />_ l
<br />party ofthe second pan. �I
<br />WITNESSETH, that the said party ofthe irrat part, for and in considerin ion of >;'o— «F .. i r t.. area «,.n «,. cie la;F
<br />and thirty nine ---- ---------- -----•--------------- •d)OLLARS, paid by said party oft.'.
<br />second pan, the receipt whereofis Iberby acknowledged, has,gramed, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents, does grant, bargain, sell and rover, ;
<br />nmosa idpart yofabesecondpan, ibe' fallowingdescribedteat propertysituateintheCoumcnf —_ and StateofNrbrasks,to -w•it:
<br />South 41.1' of the N 85.1' of lots 4 & 5 Block 73
<br />WIt Plpr and Ronnatt -tc lrrd ArMitinn
<br />-
<br />A /I: /A 1417 N. Wheeler, Grand Island, NE 58801
<br />together with all tbe tenements, hereditamems and appurtenances to the same belonging., and all the estate. title, dower, right of homestead, claims and demands
<br />whacstarm afthe said party oft he first pan of, in or to said premises or any part, thereof; and said party of the first part does hereby covenant, that said party of
<br />the fstsu p ant is ]nrftiMy wind of said premises, thin said premises are free from encumbrance Cg„e„e.r-ri- ' 'h d @r— Q t e c T
<br />Cr-3 T l MA r•NT? and that said party of the first part will warrant and defend the titir to
<br />said premises agairm slat lawful claims and demands ofall persons whomsoever
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and these presents arc upon these conditions:
<br />WHEREAS, said party oftbe fat part has executed and delivered tout said party of the second part
<br />promissory, note 1, t7,a ,l I- f cr, ?ZZn za , 1,;b and r :.10 @Z- t p T-arp Af
<br />interest as herein indirateri hPlow-
<br />This Mortyac;e c ,r s a Note with y-griahle rate rot ovic; ns which may vary the note,:
<br />aid whereas, the party of the first part has agreed to keep the buildings, if any, upon said premises, insured in some company or companies approved I) said party
<br />ofthe second pact, for the sum not Less i han ---------- - - -531s 270. 39------------------------------ D011_riRSand
<br />deliver to amid party of the second part the policy or policies containing a clause with the loss payabit to said part y of the second part, or assigns, and has agreed to
<br />pay all Tate and aaseattents against said premise be fore the same, by .law, become delinmtent, and has agreed that if said party of the fits, part does not prova<it
<br />such insurance, or fails to pay all taxes as aforesaid, then said party oft he second pan, in hoider hereof, may pay such insurance and tames, or caher of them, and all
<br />amounts so paid by said pony oft he second part shall bear interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum from the dal a of payment, and i his mortgaSe shall stand as
<br />security therefor, and said sum may be added to the amount of the mortgage debt, and the same recovered as a pan thereof. Now, if the said part y of the first pan
<br />shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid the said sum of money in sai d note..... mentioned, with interest thereon according t the tenor and etka of said note.....
<br />and shall keep said buildings insured as aforesaid, and shall keep all taxes and assessments paid, and shall duly keep, and perform all the other ctnenams and
<br />agreements herein contained, then these presents to be null and void. But if said sum of money or any part thereof, or any interest thrreon, n not paid when the
<br />same is doe, or if" buildings shall not be kept insured as aforesaid, or if the taxes and assessments against said premises are not paid at or before the time the
<br />sum, by law delinquent, or if said party of the first part shall fail io keep and perform any covenants herein contained, i he holder hereof shall have the op-
<br />tion to deckae the whisk t f said indebtedness due and payable at anytime after such failure or default, and may maintain an action at law or equity to rtcrnet the
<br />sane, and the contmescemem of such action shall be I he only notice of-the exercise of said option required.
<br />AND IT IS FURTHER PROVIDED AND AGREED, That the said Mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes levied upon this mortgage or the debt secured
<br />thereby, together with any other taxes or assessments which may be levied under the laws of Nebraska, against the said Mortgagee nr the legal hnldr; of the said
<br />principal nest..... on account of this indebtedness.
<br />NOTICE TO CONSUMER: 1. Do NOT sign this paper before you read u. 2. You are "titled to a copy of this paper. 3 You may prepay the unpaid
<br />balance at any time without penalty and may be entitled to recta e a refund of unearned charges in accordance with law
<br />Jtt t'Ies#ittwttgereof. _ __
<br />We hereunto sec our and � 5 theme date aF oyt w•nncn
<br />J tO/sAw/
<br />IN PRESENCE OF _ �_•'�+� _— _ —..___ __
<br />�Donov n Jenkins G7
<br />- _Irene Jenkins__ r— r
<br />STATE OF LA.
<br />County of ^
<br />as. On this _ 1.-- -._ des}
<br />) �
<br />hcfttrc me, a Notary Public to and Iur the s. ,d (Dunn pal rsr.nallc e. me the chins name <I
<br />Mareake s war awl
<br />10- 02146111 sip
<br />/ I r
<br />to be the identical person.. whose name 1dL.S,c -�.. - a!fivrJ �ui�.!��
<br />asgnntor..._ and ._._— .— _— ._.____. — a. innwJ +dqn: said mstrumcl7t n. hr of -1_.t- ,„!unrn,
<br />an and deed. /
<br />WITNESS my hand and Not,o of 6tal , hr dar< s I
<br />��s !d tat a,e inh,r
<br />d.y tat - -L_�! 'i✓ A n
<br />l
<br />term.
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