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�j <br />q. <br />0 Z__ <br />vb— 006049 <br />Rnots 0111 ten by Zbeot Prezento, That, Whereas, in an action in the District Court of the <br />Hall <br />Eleventh ..... .. .. ....-- •--•--. . judicial Dis&ivI of the Siak. ofNebraslva. within andfor the County of_ ......... ............. . ............... I ......... . -, wherein <br />National Bank of <br />.. . ..Comme-r-c! Trust & S a vi - n g s . A a 9 0 c at i . o . n .............. ......... p1aWiff and <br />.... ....... . . . . ... . ..... .. . .. . . - . , . . .. . <br />Arlan R. Ehlers, Donna K. Ehlers, et al.. ......... ........................... s <br />. . ......................... ........... ................. ... .. ....................... .. ..... ........ ........ .......... ........... ..... .................. <br />Bank of Commerce Trust & Savings <br />at Lji, ............................ ...... ... ...................... .. ... ...... <br />ofsidaao�qtonal <br />.......... _ Terns, A. D. f9..8 5, Association <br />E_h_.1..ers­._­1.. ­1 ...... <br />did obtain a decree finding ad Mere is due ............ ....... <br />National Hank of <br />Co_mT.e_r_c1e <br />.......................... .. .. ....... the sum <br />Trust &Savings Association Seven Thousand Six Hundred Ninety One and 011100 ($7,691.01) dollars, <br />qf. . . ..... ..... ... .................. ....... ...... ....................... ............... ­.­­­ .... . . ........ .. .. <br />_......-__..----•----_._. ..- .._ .... .............. ..................... ..... . ... ­ ....... .... .. ­1 ..... ..... . .. .. ....... <br />..-••----° ........ ................ .. ...... ­ .. ........ ....... <br />. . ........ .......... ....... ...................... ... ....... -------- - - 1 .... .. . . ­ <br />and coos of suit lazed at ....dollars, and, whereas, it was then and there <br />Juri1w ordered in the said action that in default of the payment of the sum so found due by the said E ' h i e " r S an ' r ' I ­ <br />Donna K. Ehlers ...... C.har-l-es- Fairbanks <br />---_---- ------- ........ . ......... ­_­­ .... ....... .............. ....... <br />Sheriff of said Courtly of._.._._......_..... ...Hal.1 _ should cause the lands and tenements hereinafter described to be <br />advertised and sold according to law to pay the same., and, whereas, defaull having been made therein. the said... _ __ - ---- ------ - . _ <br />Charles Fairbanks said courtly, under and by virtue of the said decree and <br />............................. 1.. -1 .. ­ _­ .... ..... _­1 . ...... . <br />the order ofsale to him duly directed. did on W.- dy.f __QctPbgr ---- ..__.. ...A. D. f9.- 8.9 <br />by )INAY" of the County Court Mime in the .... ..... Grand Island ................. <br />in said County of . .. .. ....... . Hell.. _ having first given due and legal notice of the time and place of said sale <br />by publication onre in each uvek for foursueressire urrk.� in the ... Grand, Islan.4 Daily Independent in general <br />.............. I ................. ......................... a newspaper printed and <br />circulation in said County of ....... Hall sell said premises at public auction to._.J_a,.ne! F. <br />Hinman and Steven H. Hinman ....... .. . Thousand Two Hundred <br />................. .. .......... .. ....... . ..... <br />............ <br />Fifty and 00/100 ($9,290.00) .. dollars, u tow which sale aftenrardat the. Jan, lst ._Term of said ccaul, .. . . .. ....... <br />A. D., p9 .�5, examined and confirmed and the sad......... _ Charles Fairbanks Sheriff, ordered <br />.. <br />... . ...... <br />to convey the said premises in fee simple to the said James F. Hinman and Steven H. Hinman ...... ....... . <br />­ .. .. .. ... ....... .. .... <br />the said. Charles Fairbanks Sheriff of the County of <br />Ha 11 as aforesaid, in consideration of the premises and by virtue of the powers rested in me by law and the <br />decree of said court, do hereby Give, Grant and Convey to the said- James F.... Hinman and , S_teven, H.., Hinman, <br />heirs and assigns, the premises so as aforesaid sold, to wiL- <br />- B-05K <br />NE A D040 ENTARY <br />6MENTARY <br />[11EB KA WC <br />:�T , <br />1.qTAM1?1 TAY, <br />STATEMENT ATTACK ED <br />A tract of land comprising the easterly <br />Eighteen and Six-Tenths feet (18.6 of Lot <br />•Nine (9) and all of Lot Ten (101 Block BY <br />,Eighty-One (81), Wheeler and Bennett's Fourth <br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska; <br />with the appurtenances. <br />Ito Yfabe area to *o1b tide 6ame unto the said JameR F. Hinman and, Steven H. Hinman. <br />. ...... . . .... __ ........... . .................... .... ... ....... heirs and assigns, and to Owun and their use and behoofforever, <br />3n 19totimonp Whereof, I haty, as such Sheriff, hereuniasri nay hand! this.. 13th day of <br />November A. <br />Executed and delivered in the presence of Shrrfff of - <br />(Artinly. Nebraska. <br />R.L. Williams <br />8��F NEBRASKA, lt,. On .1 th dayof Nov . ember <br />coolay ......... .......... JJ <br />tmfor, Pue, the nriders igned RnO ge r L. i I i arns <br />in unti for toot county, personally appear rd the said <br />Charles Fairbanks SheriJ7 Uf $n d County. <br />to me I"ret'llally known to IV Ow "I'lairal person tiho sig"i thef-mming iiuIrurneril as granlor, and <br />he aek)Pru44•dgwd the same In be hu witintary act and deed, as surh sheriff, for the tars anti purpums <br />GZAL therein 0,11ort). <br />Oftntff my hand and o#ieial sral the day and year alxxw urdirn <br />L MUM <br />r4 Llllllt 4 <br />:�J <br />