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( AlxiWri> 1x�iExdtxxtEPS�i16�XAfiEx�[ tt6X�idi8�9�Fife�t�Slp�Lxxxo0RK�4149frWiflhK ]Ei47fr�9XittxpR�mtiYae�xoGlikx <br />85--. 0060"' <br />11xOtaasdc #ia7txgr�lxot:xxarRROtx6ett� cur+ chapat +limobiemtboxxNxRxmYaercloKxx <br />( fir; �txxxlfxapolmNdlGxgY9pGRr7gixri7wf�W61GY�I0} 3G1ti�AlihKfGTi�4# 4Z9if�HW4 >EtL�i4�r��F>���r>�S�x�iei <br />ii> ti�x�d�exholox�exac�o�axmmbiSK�rac�t: Mxxrxatx�CSxfww�tgw�xxxuKrxxex 'r1f+�W�i�X,��fx.�t�p��c���,� <br />0IK9lW N7Q1gORbCIiXRKCE1�1CffK1Uf# xlf7Wil¢klilGfOl�C�fOtJQXI(N1trY 76K3}1dC�18Q>f,�X7Wilt:lh�Tf i�4St�1G1Fif <br />(a)(A A sum equal to the ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that will next become due and payable on <br />Policies of lire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property. plus taxes and assessments next due <br />nn the mortgaged property (all as estimated be fire Mortgagee) less all sums already paid therefor divided by file <br />number of months to elapse before one month prior tit the date when such eround rents, premiums• taxes and <br />assessments will become delinquent, such sums to be held by 41ortg3gee in trust It) pay said ground rents• pre <br />miunns, taxes and special assessments; and <br />(b) (X# All payments mentioned in the two preceding subsections of this paragraph and all payments to be made under <br />the note secured hereby shall be added together, and the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Mortgagor <br />each month in a single payment to he applied by the 1t,•rtgagee 10 the fnllnwine Items in the order set forth <br />f�CXXXXafXx} !iI>xx�[1l9@K>�I�XXfI4L�LX7Qlp[ 161[ COx9tIX9tKbC�7 GXS[ XAX�@ CxK #iIC1CC®771CY(6dCY�OGfOXbTeRlf hCr�pRIFRK <br />X% XXX7rutxxd4R: tlyX�hY? �I�CX�' XixIfYAFR• 1r�6�t�cX+ �aW�iirXr '>yiF2Wi;�Xdtpt?F)titFtK�E iFiE�fifiii�e <br />. <br />(I) UW ground rents• taxes. assessments. !ire and other hazard insurance premiums; <br />(II) 6F4tieX inicieNt un the note secured hereby: and <br />(III) f amortization ohthe principal of said note. <br />Any deficiency m the arnounr of any such aggregate monthiy !laymen; shall. unless made good by the Mort- <br />gagor prior to the due date of life next such payment. i,:nstinnr an cent of dehaull under !his ntur[eaee. The <br />Mortgagee May collect it ••Iate charge" 1101 u, e\ceed final cents (4y) Lit raih dollar (5) 10f each payment more <br />than fifteen (I i ) ,!•;,. , to arrears to cover the extra expense involved in handling delinquent payments. <br />3- That if the total of the p ;ryment- made by the Mortgagor under I �Kalf paragraph 'L preceding -hall o \coed <br />the amount of payment- actually made In the Mortgagee for •,round rent -. to \c- and asses insur <br />-menu= or ice pre- <br />mium=, as the case mat, he. such exces's, if the loan is current, at the option of file Mortgagor. shall be credited lit <br />the Mortgagee on subsequent payment- to be made b\ the Ihrrtl-lagor. or refunded to the Mortgagor. If, howeker, the <br />monthly payment- made by the Mortgagor under 110 of paragraph ' preceding shall not be sufficient to pay ground <br />rent, taxes and assessments or insurance premium. as the ca -o may be , ,hen the• same ;hall become due and pak- <br />able then the Mortgagor -hall pay to the Alortgagee am amount ncce - -an To make up the deficiency. on or before <br />the date when payment of such gmund rents. taxe -, as- e- .menu or insurance premium= hall he due. If at am <br />time the Mortgagor -hall tender to the Mortgagee. in accordance with the pro\i- ion - of the nute secured hereby• <br />full payment of the entire indebtedne ss repre -tinted thereby. the Mortgagee shall. in computing the amount of such <br />indebtedness, credit to the account of the Mortgagor Ai;yxloxamxmxk�:tA61cbe9 )d=iexwx =3110*ltx Lpf %Ki[Wt*)e <br />T417t011�767�N1t��lC�M. R7fRt. AX�JClC1N�tbIX ]OxUC74)tlfl{�OdC16X�tJ(�C kKifK7C7LlIX1CC W [4CR�t �hDR�(}[Of>pRl{01i[�fd� �ipfdti416% <br />VA tiny balance remaining in the fund accumulated under the provisions of i ,,' of paragraph Y hereof. If there <br />=hall be a default under any of the prfikision- cif lhi- morQag-i re- ulfine in a public -afe of the premi -es c•merotl <br />hereby. or if the Mortgagee acquire- The properts whvrwi -e• after default, the Murtgagw -hall apply. at (III, lime of <br />the commencement of stfuh proceedings. or ;u the lime the property i- ulhercki -e acquired• (he balance !hen remain - <br />in;; in the funds accumulated under'gaof paragraph _' preceding. a- a credit aeain -1 the, amount of principal then <br />remaining unpaid under -aid n01a•. ; prib{pMX14)[X0dyK`f X MXKCt:= Xk' XyCCt![ iCY .71KtkkbCJMkQE=CDtM*XKMkXXxxx <br />xoF1po61w�tt�iKk. <br />4. That the Mortgagor uiil p.,e wound rent,. Lie, ,:,,e „ment, water r,11- -110 litho go \ernmenutl or niunicrpat <br />charges. fines. or imposition,. for „filch oro,l,lon ha, not been made heri :111H fore. :Md rr deLlult thereof the \tortg:,aee look <br />pay the same: and that the Morfg ;,grr t'111 promptl\'IClrkt•r the ofli l,ll re.cipt, thcrefrr 1• Ihr Morlcaec” <br />The Mortgagor ,kill park a!I %Ike, uhleh -n:,\ he le,ied upon (hk Morre•Igee , nnere,T it! ,cod real c,t.dc iind Impr —C. <br />ment,. and which mak he lrucd upon Ihr, morlgaec or The dehl mekurcd hcrch, Ihtit onl\ to the r \lent that such i, no! prohihn <br />ed by law and onh to the extent Ih,o ,uch wdl not nl ;+kc fill, lo.m u,urou,l. rvlt c\klu,hne art\ income Ta\. Mate nr f rote <br />unposed on klorigagee. ;,lid \k III file Ihc• of idol reccrpf slow mg ,I „h p.n mint w oh the \torlgagcT: I'pon k loi,anm of III,, uneler <br />taking. or if the Mortgagor 1, plohlhoeu ht, enk lakk now nr hcrcaf fcr e v,ung from pa) Ing the whole of :;n\ portion of 1he.dore•- <br />,aid talcs, or upon the rcnderutg of .irk enure decree prohihtttng the 1,ak menr h\ Tile 1L,rtgegur or art\ ,uch t:1 \c•, of If ,uih fen <br />or decree prokide, that any ,unounl — p;ud by the \lortgagor ,hall h” .reducd on The - iortcage dept. the \I,,r1g.,gce ,h.,!! hake <br />the right to gikc ninety ley+ kkrnicn notice 1u the ow net of file rnorlgaged prenumc,. requrnng the pnk merit of the mong.lgc <br />debt. If such notice he gi\ cn. the said dehi ,hall hcuunc duc. pak;lhle :md it•liee rlhic aI the e \prrnlloun of laud note 1% d:n. <br />6. That should he fed to pa\ .,m mini or keep tin\ L, pim!ded for ill 1hr, Morigagc. ihcn the \lortgagec•..:t 11, ,p <br />lion. may pap or perform the same. ,and ,ill c \pendllflre, ,,. m ;lde ,hall he .ulde,i to !Ile ;,nncipai sum ow mg on the oho\ e rime•. <br />,hall he secured hereby. and +hall hear utterc,l ,It the title ,ci foe th In the ,iud note will; paid <br />7. That he hcrchy ;resign,. it.w4cr, .and mct, okcr to the \torlgagee. I,• he tpplied toward The ptnnlent of the n, le and d! <br />sum: secured herehy in rase of ,, default in the performance of an% of the tern, and iondrtions .,f fhc, \lollgagr or The ,and <br />note. all the rents. rc•kcmles and income 111 he deri\cd from the mortgaged prc'n1f,r, ;Ruing ,uch urn" am the nn,rtg.lgc Indchtc•d- <br />ties, shall remain unpaid..und the Mortgagee ,hall hake power to appoint .ink ag"nf of agent, 11 look de,nc for the purpo," of <br />repairing said premises ;Ind of renting the s ;lme and collecting rile rent,, rc,cnuc, and mit.rnc. -:ml a nn ;1y pan out of ,a!d In <br />e0ntcs all expense, of repairing ,cud prcmr,e, and ncce,man w,rnmis,um, and e\pc•n,c, Inkurred In Ienting;end managing the <br />carne and of collecting rental, therefrom, the halonce renl.,nung. if ink . to he applied lokk ;,rd the dt+charee of ,.lid morteage <br />indebtedne.. <br />R. Thal he will keep the unpno.crnents now e \f,ung o, hereafter cre,ted in file mortgaged propertk . in,urcd e, titan h" <br />required front time to little ilk Ihc• %lorigagee agion+l loam h\ fire and other h;v.ud,. i.,suillnc, ,Ind i onnngencrc, in ,ui h <br />amounts and for such periods as m;,% tic required 115 Ihc• Mortgagee .Ind w Ili p.t\ pmmnplh . w hen due. tit% prernlunl, 111; ,u, b <br />insurance pro%imtni for payment of which has not been nnade heremheforc• \11 m,mance ,hall he carried 111 <br />eoinpantc, tp- <br />proved by the Mortgagee ,lint the policies and renewal, thereof ,hall he held h•. the Mortgogee and have anachrd therelo lo„ <br />(yay;ahlc clause, rn favor of and In form acceptable hl Ihc Morlgagcc In c\ertl of !o„ \Iturg.,gol will glke nnnlc[ll,lte note h\ <br />mall to the Mortgagee. who nrak make proof of loss If not made promifilk ilk \lorigagor..uld c•nh ulmuronr ,oml,:nn ,on <br />corned is hereby authonzcd and dirceted to make payment for ,uih lo„ dlrccth to the \lorigagcc InmO,nf of I,. the %,Itg.Igor <br />and Ihc Mortgagee rowdy, and the nrtlrulee proceed,. In duly pant thereof near\ he alpphed ilk Ihr Mollgagec •II t, I.puon cutler <br />to thr reduction of the mdchtedife" here•l•v +c, Ined or to file rc,toratron ill rrpiur tat fill f1wilcrrk damaged In "k cot .•f foe ", to <br />L <br />,lire elf this mortgage or (libel Iran+frr of title to the lit Irtgaged properl\ In e \1111g111,11m, lit I,I Ili" llld"hicdlle„ ,e, me d lle1"1" <br />all right title \fort~ <br />and nilerc+t lit the Igor ill amd lo '111% tnsur.lnee poh,lc, then lit Im- ,h.,i! I,a„ I„ 1h, pl.r, hale• ,•1 <br />q char a midillon'd and colt ae .O lCi11111% lot the pakmcnl of the note'Ic"!Ih"tf ,Ind .,II m• l„ !,,-,,,.ill du" n,t"I Ili, <br />,1J <br />nuttt(<age. file \ lortgagor hctcf•k a,l�,n, III Ihr \turf •e•ct: ,II <br />}• N pl •111, Ir'\cnne•, 1,.\ 11111, '1011, I1,! h, 111'111. .1 „'fling I.� Ili,- <br />1 <br />Mortg,,ge•r imth:l emk n,,,l elf 1,1! ,{Ill ga• II'a.c', in "Ild picilil,t•, \,IIi1 Ili(' 'lc'lll 1. lt- ll ,!It! '1', "If`1 I,,I fflt ,.t lilt 111,1 .I,t'I, <br />�� <br />t(j <br />Them ft, `.aid Illdehretlle•„ I. ".' it hctlmv .,,,Iflel dt'tallll Ill the 1 omillf-1, ..I 1111, 1111 111, -11”! T0.1�1 , il.,ll :. ;, <br />.I,� �'IA <br />felt ,,tilt tit\ ,Ileh f,,lt ill l'lll, Uhcrl dine .I lid p.t1 .1I`I" !,III ,11.111 .1..1 I', `1e 111il,'1�1 I` I. I,1 <br />.lilt) he, ',m' IIId! ..II,f ,.•Id lf(,t .Il I(' ;1 -.,,- ..) !11` <br />