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FREAL ESTATE MORTGAGE <br />THIS MORTGAGE is entered into between JERRY E. LANTZ, a <br />single person, and VEL14A C. A. LANTZ and FORREST E. <br />LANTZ, husband and wife, each in his and her own interest, <br />individually and collectively referred to as "Mortgagor ", and <br />HANK OF WOOD RIVER, Wood River, Nebraska, hereinafter referred to <br />as "Mortgagee ". <br />Mortgagor is indebted to the Mortgagee in the principal sum <br />of SEVENTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($17,000) evidenced by Mortgagor's <br />Note of even date herewith, providing for principal and interest <br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and <br />payable on December 1, 1991. <br />To sdcure the payment of the Note, with interest as <br />provided therein, the payment of all other sums, with interest, <br />advanced by Mortgagee to protect the security of this Mortgage, <br />and the performance of the covenants and agreements of the <br />Mortgagor contained herein, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage and <br />convey to Mortgagee the following - described property located in <br />Hall County, Nebraska: <br />Lot Nine (9), Argo Fourth Subdivision in the <br />Village of Alda, Hall County, Nebraska, known as <br />No. 9, Venus, Alda, Nebraska, <br />together with all buildings, including a 1974 Trenton 14' by 70' <br />mobile home, Identification No. C -256T, improvements, fixtures, <br />easements, rights, privileges and appurtenances located thereon <br />or in any way pertaining thereto, and the rents, issues and <br />profits, reversions and remainders thereof; including, but not <br />limited to, heating and cooling equipment and such personal <br />property as attached to the improvements so as to constitute a <br />fixture; all of which, including replacements and additions <br />thereto, is hereby declared to be a part of the real estate <br />secured by the lien of this Mortgage and all of the foregoing <br />being referred to herein as the "property ". <br />Mortgagor further covenants and agrees as follows; <br />1. Payment. To pay the indebtedness and the interest <br />thereon as provided in this Mortgage and the Note. <br />2. Title. Mortgagor is the owner of the property and has <br />the right 510-authority to mortgage the property and warrant that <br />the lien created hereby is a valid first mortgage on the prop- <br />erty. <br />3. Taxes, Assessments. To pay when due all taxes, special <br />assessments and all other c arges against the property and, upon <br />written demand by Mortgagee, to add to the payments required <br />under the Note secured hereby, such amount as may be sufficient <br />to enable the Mortgagee to pay such taxes, assessments or other <br />charges as they become due. <br />4. Insurance. To keep the improvements now or hereafter <br />located on M real estate described herein insured against <br />damage by fire and such other hazards as Mortgagee may require, <br />in amounts and with companies acceptable to the Mortgagee and <br />with loss payable to the Mortgagee. In case of loss under such <br />policies, the Mortgagee is authorized to adjust, collect and <br />compromise, in the discretion of the Mortgagee, all claims <br />thereunder at Mortgagee's sole option and to apply the proceeds <br />L upon the indebtedness secured hereby with payments hereunder <br />continuing until the sums secured hereby are paid in full. <br />r <br />5. Repair, Maintenance and Use. To promptly repair, <br />restore or rebull 3c3 ny U-u3=1rigs or improvements now or hereafter <br />on the property; to keep the property in good condition .in(] <br />repair, without waste, and free from mechanic's or other lions <br />not exF,ressly subordinated to the lien heiFof; not to make, <br />suffer or ccottmut any nuisance to oxi ;t n: to diminr::ti <br />