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i <br />85= 006036 <br />NEBRASKA DEED OF TRUST <br />j (With Power of Sale) <br />2LE0 OQ Amount of Other Instalments $ 21+0 -QQ <br />Amount of First Instalment $ —_' __- <br />*Lioo.00 First Instalment Due Date January o <br />Total of Payments $— <br />Number of Monthly Instalment. �5 Final Instalment Due Date �OVember. <br />THiS DEED OF TRUST, made this ?` __ day of _ — -_ _ December <br />between 2aryl L. Smith and Pearl R. Smith, husband and wife --- . <br />whose mailing address is 1<2j Ti. Park Grand as Trustor. First American mule Insurance Com-pary. <br />whose mailing address is _1Q05 Iiarne r St. Suite '20 Oi1a�_i,� -_° IQ2 <br />?7 I1. hJebh Rd. <br />as Trustee, and Norwest Financial Nebraska, Inc y whose mailing address is __ -- - - -- — <br />Grand Island, N-E ;;Q ?_ ---- ___ —.- _ __ -- . as Beneficiary, <br />WITNESSETH. Ttustors hereby irrevocably, grant, bargain, sell, and convey to Trustee in trust, with power of sale, the following de- <br />_� ll County, Nebraska: <br />scribed property in — — - --- -- - -- -- — — -- — -- - - - - -- <br />Lot One Hundred ihirt :-ni: :e (135), ',-Jest :yaw^ addition to the City of Grand <br />Island, Tiall County, ,gel- raska. <br />Together with tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining and the rents, issues and <br />profits thereof. <br />This conveyance is intended for the purpose of securing the payment to lieneticiary of Trustors' promissory note of even date in the <br />amount stated above as *'Total of Payments•• Said "Total of Payments" is repayable in the number of monthly instalments stated above. <br />The amount of the instalment payments due,- on said loan is stated above. The first and final instalment due dates on said loan are stated <br />above. Payment may be made in advance Ili any amount at any time Default in making any payment shall, at the Beneficiary's option <br />and without notice or demand, render the entire unpaid balance of said loan at „nee due and payable less anv required rebate of charges <br />To protect the security of this Deed of T rust. Trustor covenants and agrees <br />1. To keep the property in good condition and repam to permit no waste thereof: to complete .e!iv building structure or Improvement <br />being built or about to be built thereon to restore promptly any building, structure or improvement thereon which inay be damaged or <br />destroyed: and to comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations, covenants. conditions snd restrictions affecting the property <br />'l. To pay before delinquent ill! lawful taxes and assessments upon the property, to keep the property free and clear of all other charges, <br />liens ar encumbrances impairing the see only of this Deed of Trust. <br />3 To keep all buildings now or hereafter erected on the property described herein continuously insured against loss by lire or other <br />hazards in an amount not less titan tar total debt secured In this Decd of Trust All policies shall in• held by the Beneficiary. and be <br />in such companies as the lieoefncmrc may approve and have loss payable first to the. Beneficiary as its interest may appear and then <br />to the Trustor The amount collected under any insurance polity may be applied upon an) Indebtedness herehy Secured in such order as <br />the Beneficiary shall determine. Such appheation by the Heneficiary shall not cause diauntinuance of any proceedings to foreclose this <br />Deed of Trust nr cart or waive any default or notice of default or invalidate any act done pursuant to much notice. in the event of foreclosure, <br />all rights of the Truster in insurance pohc )— then in force shall pass to the purchaser at the k,ret losur• sale <br />A To obtain the written consent of lirneficiary before welling, conveying or otherwise transferring the property or any part therm( and <br />any such sale, conveyance or transfer without the Benvfirnnr.'s wniten consent :hall cmistuute n default under the terms hereof <br />n To defend ans action or proceeding purporting to afTett the security hereof or the Tights or 1,owe•rs of Beneficiary ur Trustee <br />6 Should Trustor fail to pay when due any taxes, :usecstnents, insurance premium`. hens, c•ncunnbrances ar other charges against the <br />property he.•reinalxwe described, Benefil"ary may pay the s :n w. :,nd ihr amount so pond. '.,uh inti•rrst at the rate set Ibrth in the note <br />secured hereby, shall he.tided to and hecomt a part of the debt secured in this I leed of Tout os {x•rnnttrd ht law <br />IT iS ACTUALLY AGRF.E:D THAT <br />1 in the event any portion of the property is taken nr cLinjaged it, an cnnnrnl duntani prnceedung, the entire amount of the award <br />or such portion thereof as may he necessary in fully satisfy the obligation secured herehy. shall he paid to Benefciary to ix applied to <br />said obligation. <br />•L. By accepting payment of :nn' rum -cured herehy after its due date. Benefcian does not —i —, its right to require prompt payment <br />when due of all (other sums s( ­-cured or to declare default for failure u, — p.ey <br />:3 The Trustee shall ret•onvev all or :uiy part of the pro{x•rtt rot reed he the. heed of "Rini m ihr prr�on root L. :1 thert•tu, on wniten <br />request of the Trustor and the Beneficiary, or upon salisfactom of file obligation scoole•d and %vritieo request for recunceyance made by <br />the ieneficiary ur the person entitled thereto <br />991 G84 (NE3 <br />U <br />I <br />