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vuou b <br />ldi Beneficiary may aiecr to cause the Trust Prtaparty ,or any° part thereat To be sold under tree power of a' . and =n Suon event_ <br />Berieftery or Trustee shat gyve such nz:tioe tf default and notice of sate as may be fryer, r egwred by yaw_ Thereafter, a ar t� <br />expnaaon of such tine and the grvimg of such no -tce, of aie as may r en ve raau?aed by law. Trustee at he rime and jo'ace sgAc.Ted <br />by the r Df sale. shah sell such Tn.St Papers - or any part thereof specified lay Beneficiary. ar public auctidn to the nighest <br />bidder for car in lawful money of the Ur;iled Stares of America Upor receipt of ;payment of rile pace bid, T: usree snail apydy Ine <br />graoe&ds m the fnibwirrg order (7) to the cost and expenses of exercySmg the poorer of sale and of the sale, including our nor Unwed <br />m, rustee's lass Dr nor mtxe than SSW-Do plus ore riar/ of one percent of the gross sale price. and reasonable attorney yeas_ iki to <br />She IrulabMadrNms. and (m) the excess, if any. to She person tar.persons legally entrtied thereto. <br />All costs and expenses incurred by Beneficiary :m enforcing any right ,under this Daed of Trust, including without iimitation. abstract or role <br />fees, appraisal fees, prenvurns fD title insurance, attorney fees and court costs, shall be and constitute indebtedness secured hereby. <br />27 Dubw of Triislee. Tawor agees Vial- <br />j l Duties and obfigations of Trustee stWI be determined soleiv by the express provisions of If is Deed of Trust and Trustee shall nor be <br />liab#& exoapt for Me performance of such duties and obfigations as are specifically set forth herein., and no implied covenants or <br />obhgarions shall be imposed upon Trustee, <br />(b) No pnwivan Df tfws Deed of Trust shall require Trustee to expend or risk is own funds or otherwise incur any financial obligation in <br />the performance of any of its dutes hereunder. or to the exercfs= of any of its nghtc or powers . <br />(r) <br />Trustee may consult with counsel of its own choosing and the advise of such counsel shall be full and compete authorization and <br />prDteotion in the respect of any action taken or suffered by,ir hereunder in good farm and reliance thereon and <br />(d) Trustee shall not be liable for any action taken by it in good faith and reasonably berieved by ;. to be authorized or within �ts <br />discieriDa or.ngtrls or powers :conferred upon it by this Deed of Trust. <br />2B. Security Agreement and Fixture Fifing. This Deed of Trust shall consNUte a security agreement and fixture filing under the provisions of <br />the Nebraska Uniform Comirtercial Code with respect to those fixtures described in the preambles hereof as conshivring a ,part of the <br />Trust Property, together with all other property of Trustor. either similar or dissimilar to the same, now or herveafter located at or or file <br />Trust Property. <br />:29. Future Advances. Uper request of Trustor. Beneficiarv. at Beneficiarv's option, prior to fuh reconveyance of the Trust Propery by. <br />Trustee to Trustor, may make future advances m Trusror Such future advances. with interest thereon. shall be secured by thts Deed of <br />Trus At no time shall the principal amount of the Indebtedness secured by this Deed of Truest. not including sums advanced to prnrect <br />Me security, exceed the tonal sum of 340- 0 00. 00 _ . Advances of disbursement s made by Beneficiary to protect the security. <br />underthe Terms hereof, while discretionary, shad not rte deemed to be optima/ advances. <br />38. Reconveyance. Upon payment of all Indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust. Beneficiary shalt -eques ; rustee -v reconvev me <br />Trust Property and shall surrender this Deed of Trust and all notes evidencing Indebtedness securee by rius Deed of Trusr to Trustee <br />Trustee shall reconvey the Trust Properly without warranty and without charge to the person or persons legal(, entitled thereto. Such <br />,person or persons shall pay all costs of recordation, it any <br />31. Substitute Trustee. Beneficiary, at its option, may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a Successor Trustee to any Trustee <br />appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which tttts Deed of Trust is recorded Without conveyance of the Trust <br />Property, the Successor Trustee shall succeed to all title, power and duties conferred upon Trustee herem and by appiicaDle raw <br />32. Miscellaneous Bights of Beneficiary. Beneficiary may at any time and from tmre to tune, without notice. consent Tome making of any <br />Plat of the Trust Property or the creation of any easement thereon or any covenants iesincring use Dr occupancy triereof dr agree to <br />after or amend the terms of this Deed of Trust. Any personal property remaining upon the Trust Property after the Trust Property has <br />been possessed or occupied by Beneficiary, its agent or any purchaser following Trustee s sate foreclosure, or under any deed in lieu <br />of Trustee's sale or foreclosure. snail ae conclusively presumed to have been abandoned by Trustor <br />33. Notice to Trusror. Trustor heresy requests that a copy of any nonce of default and notice of sale made or executed ^uv Trustee pusuan; <br />ro She provisions hereof be seer, ro Trustor at its maiiing address set forth hereinabove <br />1N WITNESS WHEREOF, this Deed of Trust has been duly executed the dayano year first above wmtter, <br />— Ronald D. -ia-uErl <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA - - Evel-Yn O. Laub <br />COUNTY OF Hall <br />fss. <br />On this 4th day of December , 79 85.. before me. a notary pubic m and for sad counr.4c personally came Rnna l r; i) t 2,.;,- <br />__ . and _�1 -,,n 0. Laub --- - -_ - -- - -_ - -_ <br />r_r" 4 _._ known to me to be the identical persons wnc <br />signed the for egomg Deed of Trust and acJmowiedged the execution thereof m be trier yoiuntary act and deep, and me voiuritary act and <br />dsed of said corporation <br />WITNESS my hand and noranal seal on this the day and year lasr above wrmen <br />(SEALi <br />M�vIMW4MMd@dM"% <br />jWMALCUWM `yyMM <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />)ss. <br />COUNTY OF <br />:rn this — day of _ 19 -__ . before rrae, a notary• public in and Iar laic county, personally came <br />arto - -- -------- ------ ___. -. -_ _ known TO me to be the tdenncal Ae Sons whc <br />Signed The foregoing Deed of Trust and acknowiedged the execution thereof tc be tner voluntary act and oeeo <br />WITNESS my hand and noranal seal on ttrrs the day and year last above written <br />(SEAL; <br />a <br />rD <br />big <br />I <br />