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85-0016096 Deed of Trust <br />MDEW OF TR ST S made this 4-tb � of December .f.9 $? - by and between Ronald D. Laub and <br />-- , band ---�C --�i%• <br />t+8ft is,,,,� ,, �, S- -r ?G-: rend Tel anti 5$8flvrnether nine or more, thereinafter called the '- Trustor"). <br />frosw£STBVINf( �iebrastca 31Tataoaal Assaciataan <br />O An: a 76$ -C�an� r =7 .L• uc = (tieremaiter caged the ' Trustee "I whose ma9ang address is <br />.. f+±WS. aAt�riC— NebraskaIatianai Associatiaa . thereinafter <br />Y"), wftw ma#inV address is s o ran S AxTr 7 <br />WITNESSETH. <br />IF THIS BOX IS CHECKED i j THIS DErZ OF TRUST CONSTITUTES A CONSTRUCTION <br />SECURITY AGREEMEAff UNDER THE NEBRASKA COt jSTRLICTION LIEN ACT AND CREATES. <br />GRANT'S AND CONSTRVT'ES A CONSTRUCTION srcupa- ` iA17EREST IN THE PROPERT y <br />DESCRIBED HEREINBELO W. <br />_SAS, Trustw is Indebted to Beneficiary in the pn opal sum of Ffl2t THOUSAND AND Nfl 1DD <br />J. wyhlch indebtedness Js evidenced by Trustor's Prorrtssory note dated D c. +, - <br />payable D the Order afBerIe#rciar rp y and having a maturity of 'dart }t 3 3 9�3 — . lherema. r <br />NOW THEREFORE, for the purpose of sec mg. <br />(a) perment Ofthe Nate, together with Interest thereon, late charges. prepayment penafmAs, any future advances. and all extensions. <br />t &StF -' lOnS and reriewafS thereof. <br />(b) the papnent <br />nb Df an other he c, , e ac Or charges, ngether with interest thereon. advanced ro Protect tine security Of this Deed Df Trust and <br />the perfitrmance of the covenants and agreements of Trustor, whether or not set forth herein. <br />ft) Pwforrnan ce• discharge of and rompkance with every term. covenant. obligation and agreement Of Trustor contained herein or <br />wed by reference or any Other security instrument at anytime given to secure the Note. and <br />/d/ the repayntefy of Tr all shier sums Or suture advances, with interest thereon. which may heretofore have peen Dr hereafter be advanced <br />by <br />B piary to Truster or Trusty! s successor In interest or fine. <br />ail Qf which is herematter cOfiecnvely cased ttte "Indebtedness Trustor Irrevocably grants and rransters to Trustee, m trust. WITH POWER <br />OF SALE, the follwvrrtg described prDp_n),. <br />See Attached giffiibi n0„ <br />tegetfter wan (ri all buildings, structures, addit)ons, er.,Jargements. modifications, repairs. replacements, and improvements now or hereafter <br />located 17t vwn, fn') all etiuiprnerrt. machinery and fixtures tinraudirg, wtmOUt limitation, all ligratrng. heating, ventitanng, cooling air <br />❑oftprag, sprinkling and plumtxng tixures. water and power sysreris. en genes. boilers. ranges, Ovens, dishwashers. mirrors and masters. <br />�. fUfnaCeS tilt burners. eJevaters and rotors, refrigeration ,ntants or units. communrcabon cyst ems . dynamos. transtormers. electrical <br />er nttsntt, Storm and screen windrow doors. awnings and shades) now or hereafter attached to, or bu, m, arty building Dr rsrpro vement <br />trpty hereafter JO i9ase thereon, , adf easements and nghts of way appurtenant thereto, f }v), all lease,, estate, d ` nf, title I and interest g <br />TiustOr it mild rap all leases. whether now or hereafter existing or entered into uncludrng- without ?imrfahon. all cash and security deposits. <br />add*ance rentals and deposits Or payments Df a similar nature;, Pertaining thereto, {v1 all rents, Issues. Profits and income therefrom (sublect <br />tO ifte dght of Truster co2♦pyy and apply such rents. issues, profits and mcOme as may become due and payable so long as no event of <br />dafautt exists hereunder), fvi) all roy3tties. mineral, oil and gas ngf is and p: cl ts, w :er. water rents. and roarer stock. fvl>) all tenements. <br />�snls- Prsvileges and appurtenances belonging. used Or enjoyed in connection therewith. and !viii) ail Proceeds of convers un. <br />rDlunfarYOr'Ithr lurttary, of any of the forego rg Jmo casn or liquidated claims (Including . w thOU! ! +mitat:Dn. proceeds of insurance and <br />condemnaton awards). all of which is hereinafter collectively caned the ..Trust Property. <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY OF THIS DEED OF TRUST, TR2ISTOR COVENANTS AND AGREES AS FOLLOWS: <br />a. Tale. Truster covenants, warrants and agrees win Beneficiary, Os successor and assigns. that Trustor owns the 7nisr Property free <br />from any Prior its x encumbrance, that this Deed Of Trust rs and will remain a valid and enforceable first lien on the Trust Properly. <br />that Trustor, � its expense. will preserve .such title and will maintam this Deed of Trust as a first and paamoum lien upon the Trust <br />Propgrry and wnl forever warrant and defend the vakdrty and priority of the hen nereof against the claims of afi persons and parties <br />whotfisoever Trustor. at its expense, will cause this Deed Of Trust, and each amendment or supplement hereto, to 6e filed and <br />recorded a5 a mortgage Of rite Trust Property m such manner and, such place and will take such action as in the optnion of Trustee <br />'y;aY be rdqulfed by arlY Present or future Jaw in Order tQ Perfect• maintain and protect the lien of this Deed of Trust. as the same may <br />be attended or suppAwnertted from time to lime. Trustor will make such further assurance <br />Property as maY be required by Beneficiary. 7iu51Qr hereby relinquishes all or assurances to Perfect ifs title to the Tits; <br />right Of dower and homestead in and to the Trust Property <br />2 laymen! Of fndebtedhtess. Trustor shall punctually Pay the Principal of and interest on the indebtedness secured hereby. <br />S. C'01 � Of JJttpipvements. Trustor shall complete m 900d and WOMmanhke manner any buildings. ernprorerrterts w re airs reJadng <br />due aHa* � WhICh � ab begun ur ed Trust rr .and or arnPiated by the loan evidenced by the Note secured hereby, to pay when <br />Viabilities incurred ents oOre. and not to Permit any construction lien against such Trust Property. In the event <br />rxxutru of tH uldhtgs, improvements Or repairs are cOnremp/ated. Trustor also agrees. anything in this heed of Trust to me contrary <br />to Promptly commence any such work and to complete the proposed improvements promptly_ (b; to complete the <br />wine in nt, 0 ary. accordance wain the Plans and Benehicabons a approved by Beneficiary. fc) m comply with all the terms of a building loan <br />merit, n any, between Trustor and Beneficr ary. the terms of which are incorporated herein by reference and made a pan hereof, <br />lr1) � aUpw Bertefwroary to inspect the Trust <br />im'sa Sfaclo' to Benehcrary within fifteen (75)P y afe, nonce from Beneficiarry ofsuchQtacace any work Or materials <br />first day 4. Funds for Payment of Charges- Subject to applicable Jaw or to a written waiver by Beneficiary. Trustor shall pay to Benefirary on the <br />of each morph, or such other date each month as may be specilled by Beneficiary- urfii the indebtedness is paid in full. a sum <br />(fir catied the funds ) aqu81 to 7 12th of the yearly taxes and assessments wnrcn may atain priority aver Mrs Deed of Trust <br />std ground ferns on the Trust Property. it ;any. plies f 12M of the yearly premium installments for hazard ensurance. <br />Y&tfy prEmwm Imst�ntents for mortgage msurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initial! plus 1 n th of the <br />VM blam of assessments and bft and y and from time to ,trine by Beneficiary on <br />reasonable estimates thereof 7ne Funds shad be held in an institution. the deposits or <br />ac =q art insured Or guaranteed by a federal or state agency including Beneficiary. Beneficiary shall apply the Funds to <br />emifinP On doe Funds. Bene insurance premiums 7s and ground rests $enefic arV shall not be required to pay Trustor any interest or <br />d to the Funds and shall give to Tr1WOr, wrMOut charge, an annual accounting of me Funds showing credits and <br />Purpose d which each debrf to the Funds was made. The Funns are pledged as addirronai security for <br />M8t8*rMM Of VV > .4drtets secured bin th5 Deed of Trust. 1 'Ire amount of the Funds held by Beneficiary. together wim me tuture monthly <br />Funds payabAs prior to the due dates Df taxes. assessments. insurance premiums and _ground rents. shy t erceed me <br />afrtO�Rlt to pay 5sYd taxes, aS'SBSSIR1Bn7tS., tniWence- Premiums and ground rents as he • tail due. such excess snail Ile. a; $ <br />Tfusttx s o"Orl, OWW PrOM1OY repaid to Trustor Or credited to TrusYOr aganst future morrmiv nsra iron r `Lunde rt the amount ;,i sea <br />"i n Redd tw Beneficiary shelf r-.O,, be suffrcrem to pay' taxes, assessments. Insuranc_ <br />Trustor shaft flay M Benefici3 a ° prer ums ano g un±� fen s as thee" far! d r rfa <br />ry [G irustgr revuestn arrxaunt the _scary tc> made uG• Ise defec'ency wirh,r h,rty r7av5 front re,r (.aim notice :s maser; Pi <br />g neymen. thereat Urinr payrrient. n ruii of af. rndebten. nr is 9e nei,c Seri- ""a r -,.. •r:, ; ;,y rr•!u;in •c <br />i rusio, aril Fur as r"i0 t Berirw4 ;a l' h T .. <br />� z ?Hr+e af:.ra h f i � Trust ,a;Fd r r7er °71e )SLW @t <br />L!Y Bdb' ry e Y rt;3lFry r'17rne:i 8r 3.r ;. "ryi3 a "aE Sa e U •he ',us <br />e n rn leneh ra w at r* . f <br />d .2,St sttarf .• iftF ra„i t _ t ..,. <br />+. oarn, a,e ir t =t, . <br />