<br />.. PPIr Hon_ .. _..
<br />� _, ! &W WiCMWT DoW �/]� i�'1 The Huffman General w u ae Uzrwln, xebr. --
<br />�j i/
<br />THIS _IGREEMEATT, made this 15th day o October "985
<br />f �•ettcrecx
<br />i
<br />Alvin B. Pearson and Ethel M. Pearson, husband and wife to each other hereinafter referred to a
<br />As the r(s) and Larry W. Fowle and Barbara A. Fowle, husband and wife and Sylvester J.
<br />£body and Joanne J. Chody, husband and wife
<br />hereinafter referred to as the buyer(s). j
<br />WITNESSETH, that the seller(s) hereby covenants) and agree(s) that if the buyer(s) shall first make the pay-
<br />nucwe(s) and perform the cotMnants hereinafter mentioned on his, her or their part to be made and performed, the said 1
<br />sa�lrr {s)
<br />agree(s) to furnish buyer(s) a good and sufficient abstract of title showing a merchantable title of record to {
<br />tks Pmxi es hereinafter described in the sclkr(s), and Will convey and assure to the bityer(s), in fee simple, clear of all
<br />sneurrbranees except as stated herein. by good arid sufficient Warranty Deed, the follo.cing lot, piece and parcel of
<br />ground, to scat:
<br />1 The South forty four feet (44') of Lot One (1) in Block Twen�V one (21)
<br />original town (now City), of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />r
<br />-
<br />t
<br />And the said buyer(s) cuvcnant(s) and agreers) to pay to said scller(s), the -msn of
<br />Six Thousand and nc /100 Dollars-------------------- -------------- - - - - -- DOLL--IRS,
<br />in the manner follo:ting: (S1,620.00) One Thousand Six Hundred and twenty and no /100------ - - - - -- f
<br />Dollars, rash in hand raid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, arid the balance payable:
<br />Five Hundred and no /100 (5500.00) plus accrued interest on October 15, 1986.
<br />i
<br />Five Hundred and no /100 (S500.00) plus accrued interest on October 15, 1987.
<br />Balance of principal plus accrued interest will be paid in full on October 15, 1988.
<br />Balance of loan plus accrued interest can be paid at anytime durino the period of
<br />time stated above wits no orepayment penalty.
<br />Da -Ly Reaity & Insurance, Inc., at 2415 S. Locust, Grand lsland,Nebraska will be
<br />escrow agent.
<br />Documentary stamps will -,e pa id by sellers w ^en f- ,a1 payment is made.
<br />with interest at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, payable annually on the ,Mole turn remain -
<br />ixg from time to time unpaid„ and to pay all general taxes, that moy be Irgaliy levied or imposed upon said land, sub -
<br />segxexs to the year 1985 and all installments of special assessments or special taxes becoming due or delinquent
<br />after October 1, 1955 and keep the buildings in a reasonable state of repair and insured
<br />for $ 10,000.00 . 11 there is a mortgage on said property, pay interest and taxes thereon up to none
<br />It is mutually agreed that time is an essential element in this contract. And it is further
<br />agreed that in case of any paiw&crit, either of principal or interest, remaining unpaid for a space of 30 days
<br />after the same shall become due, and in case of failure of the said buyerfs) to tnakr any of the aforesaid payments I
<br />provided for herein or the breach of any other covenant contained herein, this contract shall at the option of the seller(s), j
<br />be forfeited and determined and the buyer(s) shall forfeit all payments made hereunder, and such payments shall be j
<br />retained by the sellers) as liquidated damages in frill satisfaction of all the damages sustained, and seller(s) shall have
<br />the right to re -enter and take possessim of said prrmisrs aforesaid.
<br />That this agreement shall not be assigned by buyer(s) uithcut the u7iiten consent of the seller(s).
<br />A promissary note is attached to Agreement for Warranty Deed.
<br />It is mutually agreed that all the covenants and agrermrnts herein contained shall -t-trnd try and be obligatory
<br />i upon the heirs, executors :administrators and assigns of the respective putties
<br />IN 141IT,NES.> {ffHtRT : {J1 tic parties of these presents have hrrtonato sit rl;rn ;rands and srttls the dar and yrwr
<br />firs! above n'rttten
<br />Signed, acaJcd and de;is•r <red in the presence of ��Jl�� (I_. S.)
<br />V r`� ,lj 7. c .
<br />