lekbmaxR x�sia�afsxd►xxdertx dsexa�xeaan6mtxotaHptitnarlxaoxaxoex> taoxxocxx4cxslxotovxldxxxatedal�t *X
<br />8 .-- 005995 1 "x` 'd'a` ,f xx x ,t t�>t� x�wjC x
<br />�u>Imtxboxtoxxbtxxf:x
<br />(btkxxx#ti ciao(] cxxk�ogxxxaittxaomcxkllnntxNiacpxkthgticotocKOOxr> r> �rx> foekbcy�c�dxwS�cnxmxx�fid�koaMit�cxomdx
<br />t f V x%MX K � M=X)tk7QMXWx =XA�xxxxx xxxxxxx (d)l A sum ,qual to- hground rents, if any, plus the iti will 'text become due and Policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next clue
<br />Of' the mortgaged property (all as estimated hi, the Murtgageej less all sums already paid therefor divided by the
<br />number of months to elapse before one month prior to the dare when such ground rents, premiums, razes and
<br />assessments will become delinquent, such Burns to he field by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground refits Itre-
<br />mfunts, taxes and special assessments; and
<br />(b)Wx All payments mentioned in the two preceding subsections of this paragraph and all payments to be made under
<br />the note secured hereby shall be added together, Intl the aggregate amount thereof shall he paid by the Mortgagor
<br />each month in a single payment to be applied by the Mortgagee to the following items In the order set forth:
<br />*"XXXX*XMXjWL �x�x>tpyy xt tcYxxmxtiu :Yatwctctwcucot ,>
<br />xxxxxx�axx� >t>�txh�xgx(x+xiiwxx&nvxx�c ' �xnci�ex3tagxxuclt.
<br />(I) ground rents, taxes, assessments, fire and o7�16711i1 [10XOCrEarRxOnOs11C *a�e It pmxkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<br />(II) jdW interest on the note secured hereby: and
<br />(III) kW amortization of the principal of said note.
<br />Any deficiency in the amount of any such aggregate monthly payatcnl shall, unless made good by the Mort-
<br />gagor prior to the due date of the next such paymcot. c,,I chute art went >t default under this mortgage. The
<br />Mortgagee may collect a "late charge" not to exceed 1iu:I crnta (4y) Inc each dollar IS I f of each payment nacre
<br />than fifteen (15) ck:ys in arrears to cover the extra expense mvolvcd m handling delinquent payments.
<br />Th:it if the total of the payrifents made by life Mortgagor under 4c?of paratraph ? preceding shall exc t t
<br />Ill` amount of payments actually made by the Morl.gagee for around rent laxes and as- essment- or im�ur :mec• 1
<br />miums, as the case may be, such excess, if the loan is current, at the option to the Mortgagor, ~halt ix credited by
<br />the Mortgagee on subsequent payments to be made by the llortgagor, or refunded lit the
<br />e 1lortgagor If, himeer. rho
<br />monthly payments made bx the Mortgagor under tlyl(ditf paragraph ' prIecteding shall riot he sufficient to pay ground
<br />rent, lazes and assessments or insurance premiums. as rho case mac be. wh4'n Ili , -ame shall become due and pay-
<br />able. then the Mortgagor shall pay to the llortgaree :illy amount neces -an In make up the deficiency. on or before
<br />the date when payment of such ground rents, taxes, assessments IT insurance premiums shall Ice due If at any
<br />time the Mortgagor shall tender to the Mortgagee, in accordance with the provisions of the• note secured hereby.
<br />full payment of the entire indebtedness represented thereby, the Mortgagee hall. ut computing the amount of Bosh
<br />indebtedness, credit to the account of the Mortgagor xatbt
<br />itrloei�txsrYafK�t�nxMmtt rx�hmramtx�eiumtxxahfdxx x 0dkxlttuixtxlhcx xlpx9rxkx5c51 HE [011
<br />xMany balance remaining in the fund - accumulated under the paragraph of. If there
<br />shall be a default under any of the provisions of Ihi_ mortuage resulting in a public -ale of the premises co\emd
<br />hereby, or if the 11orlgagee acquirp- the properlt otherwise after default. the 11on_.ageo shall apply. at 1114' time tut
<br />the t•ommeneertIVI'lt of such proceedings, or at the time the properry i- orht•rni, acquirod. the hatanct' then remain-
<br />ing in the funds accumulated under%o(l of paragraph '_' preceding, as a credit against the amount of principal Then
<br />remaining unpaid under said n4)t('.7(mid7Axjtl )MRgp*KAtj .Vjt)C 7Aix01ftOtt7�x7tlfQxkx7�7lkXlJtlixxflt Xftx
<br />oftalx0Opp1 119fcg7)F�CR7FRt1t
<br />4. That the Mortgagor Kill pat ground rent, - cite,. a „essment,. Kater rdtes, and ofh.r goternmcnCd or nuuucipal
<br />charges, tines. or imposition,, fur which pnrtisam has net heen made herernhcdorc. and lit de l,11111 thereof the Mortgagee nldt
<br />pay the same: and that the Mortgagor K Ill pronipth dclitcr the ollicral receipts Ihc•rcfor to rile• Mortgagee.
<br />5 The and
<br />Kill pay all to \c, Khich mat he Ie•,red upon the Mortgagee, Intcre,r m ,.o,i real r,r.Ilr end Impn,tc•-
<br />mcmts. and tthich map he lv\ red upon this mortgage or the dchl secured hercht ri,ut only to the cslent that aat:h n not nj1ro%li-
<br />led by law and only to the e\iern that Loch will not make this loan usuruwsa. lint c\cludloe ant mcnnth to \.:h u4' or f ohibit.
<br />imposed on Mortgagee. and K ill file the official lrccipt shoat ing such pay meni K nil the Mortgagee 1'poll \ruL,tion of tills under
<br />taking. or if the Mortgagor i, prohibited h\ ant laK nook on ccrcaflcr c\nung from prat ill:: the "hole or any portion of the olorc•
<br />said taxes. or upon the rendering of arm court decree prohibiting rise pat rneM ht the Mortgagor or ant ,urh It If welt latt
<br />or decree provide, that alit ,mount ,o pill(] by the Mortgagor shall he credited nu Ihc mortgage Jehl. the Mortgagee ,hall hams
<br />the tight to give ninety dal,' written notice to the owner of the nt„rlgagcil prcnu,I requiring the file %f ill n( the mortgage
<br />dept. If such notice he given, the ,;lid dell shall hecorne due, p:r\ahle and e,Illccnhtc at the requiring of ,aid mnett din+
<br />b. That should he fail to pay am Bumf or keep amp coyrnom prueided to in [his Mortgage. then the \forfgsager. ill in ,qt-
<br />non. may pay or perform the same. and all expenditures sit made shall he ad(]ed ro Ihc Principal sum oat Ing on tine abut r nuts.
<br />khan hr ,ccurul hercht . and sh:dl hear interest ;It the rate set forth ut the skid note, time sin
<br />Th:u he hercht :nclgn +. Ir;nxfcr, and kick utet Tr nc� Mortgagee. to he applied [(maid file pat ntcnt of the note and .III
<br />amts secured hercht Ito cake of a default in the performance of :my ill the te•rnt, :Intl corldifloos of this Mortgage 11 Itre ,aad
<br />note. all the rents. rcccnuek ;Intl income n, he derited from the mortgaged prernl,cs during such time as the ntorlpge Indc•hled
<br />ness .hall remain tanp:od: and the Mortgagee ,hall ha%c poKer to appoint ant .tgclll or agent, It oral desire for dx purpn,r of
<br />repairing, ;iul prrmisek and of rioting Ilse same and colI cling the rents. retcnucs :Ind rrtconac. Slid if mat pat out (If ,•u(] In-
<br />comes all expense+ of repairing said premise, :Ind neccskart commission, ,Ind c\prn,cs meurred an renting Sod nl;ur ;agutg be
<br />same and of rolleclmg rentals lhereltonl: Ihc• balance rent,,inmg. it In, no be ,phcd Iw•indebtedness. ill lilt' d:,ch:Ige .d skid morlga cr
<br />K. That he will keep the improvcn,culs nott exisling o, hereafter creme(] nn Tile mortgaged pmpertt. insured as min he
<br />required from time to lime ht Ihc \lorlgagee against loss by tire :Intl other h;vard,, casnaille, and connngeficies in such
<br />pamnums and for such penods a% ntat he required fill the Mortgagee and is ell p;a\ pronnpth . ,t hell due. ,tilt mention,, nn such
<br />rovedce provision for payment all KhICh hag Iflt (teen made hen•nd,efore \II Insulanu' shall he .Steed lit contp:rrnc, ap_
<br />proved hV the MorIgagee'Intl the policies and renewals thereof sh;al he hell h\ Ihc Mortgagee and 'a;nc attached Ihcrelo lo„
<br />payable clauses in fator of and in fmin acceptable w, the Mortgagee In dent of loss Mortgagor K ll gnc lotrnednne I oil ht
<br />maul lo the Morfgagor, Nth(, rn;ay make proof of loss If nut Slade prornl,lh I,% \forlgagor. ,mil rash ntsurntcr contpant ton
<br />c•eined is hereh) authetri /ed and directed in make p;nntenf fill such loss dbecth to [tic llorlgagre msh•ad of ro the Multgagot
<br />arnf lilt' Mortgagee jointly. and the insurance ptocccds. oa any pall thereof. ruin he applied I,\ the Mollgagee.11 it, option rrlher
<br />to the• reduction of the indehicdnesk Ite•rcl,\ keented or In file re,tor,luon or rep•nr ill file properlt dantaged In ct cot of fw'rcio
<br />sure of this rnorlgage w ether rran,(er of title to she mortgaged properlt In c\Iingul,hmcnl of the mdehfeJnrs, ,c, urea hercht .
<br />all right, tide :and Interest of the Mortgagor nn and to
<br />l am tnurantr policies then In folce hall pit” lo the 1,111, hays v gnosic rh•I as addilional 111(1 collwer:l %ccumt for the put
<br />Incnl If nce note desc rah.
<br />morrgaMe.
<br />the Mortgagor hercht' assagnk m, the %fongaRev all profit,. IV,enue,. Iot.dutln,lIIIJII,II I d hhr.ome,,I under rlus
<br />Morrg.agor wader arty and ;dl oll and gas banes on +nnl lit( r,. ,dill Ihc 'a'lu r„ 1' i ncht' ,Ili, I nntg I„ the
<br />thrill In sand Ind "lifr,llfr„ ,I, "ell before e, after dcl"1111 na Ihc , nnd11um, of till, nr 1IV.I C a.nhlalh, \tl,lafte• pa'e ,lcmr. l''nr
<br />for mtal reenter aril kith 11;—twill,
<br />t i uhrn due and pot able lint .ball Sol br Iryuucd ,,, I„ •I�• I In.
<br />;roil ht•, runs nu11 .rod ,. ,,Id unnrl Icica,r ..f tilt, w„ra •slr'nmrnl r. I„ It" nn r.irr
<br />a:acc
<br />ittsQ�►
<br />�i
<br />