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203r/2— RELEASE OF MORTGAGE— Corporafioa `+5-- 05986 Tt", n „m „, urn •roa ",pulp }r „,, ,,• Linr.1.. Nebr. <br />IN C0NS11)I P'17'10A' of the pavownt of the debt namrd llrrrein. thr STATE BANK OF CAIRO, <br />a 'Nebraska Banking Corporation hereby releases thr nnortgagr made to <br />The State Bank of Cairo <br />on the follu:i,iug described real estate-, 111-7i'; <br />b�, Leroy G. Heupel & Sandra S. Heupel <br />as described on mortgage <br />ofx9micter iux "X"kcp RXWX »i Xk#( )PRXick, <br />UM1#KXXSIkKOC)0*X zohirh is recorded h4X&)0k of Beal listate ,Mortgages, MIX <br />of the records of said ( ounty. as Document =80 -- 1701348 dated tsli Z8, 1980 <br />]A* IF11Gh'li01'. the said The State Bank of Cairo has caused <br />these presents to hr e.rccuh•d ley its pn-sirLwl and it., ('orporatc Seal to br affixed hereto this 4th <br />day of December it) 85 <br />Witness: The State bank of Cai rr�o.. Cai ro, NE 58324 <br />r1-..r ..... President <br />_ —�"��- �ir ✓. e, : a.wc�_ Jttest _. ... - ..._ __ ....._ ......... Cashier, Secretary <br />NEBRASKA <br />S7'.-1TT OF ----,.. ...._.... .... ................... ... . _.. -.... this .4th 4th December 85 <br />.... <br />'� _ C ountY � hejnre nte, the tmdersigrtrd, a A navel• Public in and for said <br />[ounty, personally came_. -.. .. Robert C. Larson _. -... President of the <br />State Bank of Cairo, a Nebraska Banking Corporation n Gr- poration <br />........__ .... _ _..._ . _ _ _._.._ <br />to 9ac.tarsonall� kou;"+r to fir tier President and Wentiral name i, a;:;.r,d to the abort, release and <br />acknozo!e Igr•d tiro e.ra'rrtion thereof to he his ralurllarr irrt and decd as sn;-r, offfie, r, and the vohmlary art and deed <br />of said i orporxion. <br />oraRV•s,oN�r "Jeb ska <br />'i <br />Witrr• -.,s inn -hand an<I re cait Count•, the day and year <br />hit above rrttan. <br />Tr- <br />Plat of a tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter of the South- <br />east Quarter (NEWN) of Section One (1). Township Twelve (12) North, Range Twelve <br />(12) West of the 6th P.M. in hall County. Nebraska, more particularly described as <br />follows: . •. -'~ <br />Zleginning at fne northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter (SE4); thence west- <br />erly along the north line of said Southeast Quarter (SE4), a distance of Six Hundred <br />Eleven and Eighty Seven Hundredths (611.87) feet too the northeasterly right -of -way <br />line of Highway No. 11; thence deflecting left 127 26 30 and running southeasterly <br />along said right -of -way line, a distance of Eighty One and Ninety Five Hundredths <br />(81.95) feet, to a point of curvature; thence southeasterly along the arc of a curie <br />whose radius is 2,939.79 feet (the long chord of which deflects right 03 019 -20” <br />from the last described 'course), a long chord distance of Three Ilundred Forty and <br />Eighty Five Hundredths (340.85) feet; thence deflecting left 89 °42'30'- from the long <br />chord of the last described curve and running northeasterly, a distance of Four <br />hundred Forty Four and 'Thirty Eight Hundredths (444.38) feet, to the east line of <br />said Southeast Quarter (SEAS); thence northerly along the east line of said Southeast <br />Quarter (SE4), a distance of Ninety Nine and Sixty Four Hundredths (99.64) feet to <br />the place of beginning and containing 2.832 acres more or less. <br />I hereby certify that the above plat is from an accurate survey of the described <br />property to the best of my knowledge and belief. <br />