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etc <br />00598 <br />If Lender required motagage :insurance ,as .a condition of making the 'lean secured hN this Security Inszrumertt, <br />Sorrower !:hall pwa• :thee premiums requiIed to=mamtain the insurance :m rtfrin tmitl such time:as'rhe requirement f<ar the <br />insirrance ter mmarrs =in accordance with Borrower sand':endersxTrititm agreement •oT.appitcahir law. <br />I. bilipeetiat. i etndet nr +its agciu may TnakC Teasetiiafiile citrus snpon .and :inspections of tine I'rolx7ca'. Lender <br />�i+rc�cmt�+�vartnetytce�t trite time,tvf':tu�nattrtn<�l oini.Freeticm sec' f�vt�grrastmattle •cau�efia'�eaicettit. <br />°�. 1GetlHetta�iatt. '.flee- ltrocaci}s nfant•:aaard +n; claim for damages. dirret,nr:cnrtr�gtierrtta7.:in ecmnection writ! <br />any uandemnation •.or, other taking .of-any part of the Property, or for canvetancr in :lieu of con&—mination, are herrby <br />assigned acid sitall hepaui•'tn I:ender. <br />In -the event of a total taking of .the Property, :the praoceds -hnA 'be applied !a the sums secured by this Set-unty <br />Instrument x'hethar.or not then due, with.any excess paid to Borrower In the event of a purnal taking of the Properry. <br />uniecs Borrower .and Lender otherwise agree tin writing, the sums secured by this Securit% InKtrume.nt shall he reducrd by <br />the amount cif the proceeds - multiplied by the following fraction: (a') the total amount of the wins secured mmmediatc}v <br />hefore -the taking, divided b% ('h) the fair marL<ei value of the Propertry:irn medimely before the inking. _A.ny. balance hall tic <br />paid to Borrower <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice 'M tender to Borrower ihat the condemnor offers to <br />make an award or settle a claim 'for damages, 'Actrrower fails ::.n respond io Lender within 30,days after thc:date the notice is <br />r ven, I. ender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at its cIPnion, eithertorestoration ot- repair of the E'rnner•t ' or <br />to the sumssenured'hv this gectimy Instrument, whether or then due. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower xrfting ..amyapplicarion:of'proi:z es toprincipal shall not extend nr <br />postponethe,due -date of the Tnonthly paument-sreferred to.m Pari=al hs 1 and 2 or change the amntmt of:uch:paumettts. <br />16. Barra wE- Not Released; Fm tearmw W .,ender `Vat a Waiwx. Extension of thin time fir payinent o! <br />modiftcautm of amortiuition of the sums •secured by this Secant% I Iastrumern granted N, Lender to any su.:cessor to <br />Interest of Borrower iball not operate to release die :liability ofthe:original Borrower or Borrower I s successors in interest. <br />Lender shall non 'ire required to commence proileedings.against any successor in tmerrst or refuse t0 extend time for <br />payment or- otherwise moditN amortization ofthe sums secured b3 thIS SCLti -1t; lristrumem'hN reason of any dctnand made <br />hythe o igmal orrower ctr 3tm owcr's sac::essors in iraerc-st..kns'forhearance h% Lender In exercism_ anN rt_ehl orremedv <br />-hall not he a waiverof or preclude the exercise of an} right or remedl, <br />IL Sucoemsom and Assikms Bound: J4AM and 'Several I:isliLlftt: Co-signers. The covznarts and asr=ments of <br />this Security,lmmmmemt %Ull-hnd and'hencfh 4husuccesson, and assigns Of Lender and Borrower. ,aubitci io the provisions <br />of;paragr ih I? Brn t owes s.covetiamsand agree znents shall be �omt and several .An} Bc,rrox:r win cc "rants -fits Serurna <br />Instrument but does nni execute the !vote: (a) is co- .irmttE this Securt; Instrument :mh if, moriza--c. z=ant and .corlvcx <br />that ;Borrowt7, nncrrst in the Property under i:he' terms of this 5ecurtty Instrument. rht is not nersonall+ ohlirazed io pa <br />the stems secured by 'this'Securtry Instt'UTTlent: and fc) .agrees -fiat lender and am other tic }ri -owcr may arree t0 ext_-nd. <br />modify, torhrcat of rnAc any accommodations oath regard to the terms of this Seeurm_ lnsirumeiu nr the tirnr without <br />that :Borrower !,consent. <br />12. Lcwtt'Chwp} If the Joan secured bN this Secure,% Instrument 11 suhlec•t 1.1 it law ix }uch sets maximum lei: rt <br />charges and thin law is ftnalk interpreted so that the Interest or other Ivan :112!'201 _oilecicd .rl 10 fie _oflecied m <br />connection with the loan exceed the permitted irmits. then tai an} such iourt ; hargc ;hall he rcdu:ed M liic amount <br />necessary to reduce the c1nargc io the Permitted limit: and (h) an} sums airead} collecied from $0rr owe: which t!%­c zedcd <br />permitted limits will be refunded 10 Borrower LendCT ma•. hc,u' to make rho sctnnd n, rcduernc the princ nai owed r <br />under'the Note or by making a dlreel PayrttenI I Bnrrnxcr If a refund red uc0s prmclPa1. r he reduction will fit treated a1 a <br />partial prepayment without an} prepayment churgc• under the• \oie <br />13. Legixlatien .M$ecting'..ender', piglets. If enactment cii expirmion of apphciihle laws hat the cflrci <br />r4ndermg any pr(errsron 411TIC file or this 5eeurn% lnstrumcrn unenforceanic =i.:r:,rdin ic, its terms Lander 1 a, opt I",!, <br />1*41y Tcquire immediate paymenT in full of all sums selatrud ht 11111 Seetirih Insrument and ma) ni%oke .mt Ten „dins <br />pltrmitied by Paragraph 19 'IfLender exercise,, this option. Lender shall take tilt stuns specified lit the sectirid nararTaph iii <br />paragraph i <br />14. Natives. Am noticrtnHoriowei providedihr m thls5ecurip Instrrmew shall he civcn h% dchvcrnt lr <br />maiintg it t+y first class mail unitss upplicahle law requires use of an0thcr method Thu notice shall he dirVL1rd sn the <br />Property Address or any other address,Borrowm designates b) noti.:c to Lvitaui Ana nottcr io Lender shall be =given hr <br />first, class mail ao Lender's addrexn stated herein or other address lender dcsi: nand h; nottcr In Horrower Ann M)I WV <br />providesd'for to this Securn.:Instrument shall he deemed ill have been gi%e:n w liormwer ru LCTIOe:T "Olen 2rve +.1 11 Pm,'Lied <br />III this paragraph. <br />33. Governit lAw•:Severaaifi -M. This Securrta Instrumem shiiil fir 1+1c•rrtcd ',; f;'dt•t21 iisu and 111, IaiN ,il tits <br />Ium.dictton Ili which the Il'roperr; is locate; In Ih' event 111,11 am Pro,tsu,n ,It .lausc 11i this ``crurn ltstr tacit ;r, inc <br />Kole eoufltcis with appi,cabic lay. such tonfltet shall not aflecl other Prcnisuiul ,1i thll ie'-uTIt% irlstrumem ,,r ;!u• 'stir <br />which can he given effect x•11,11iiut the conflicting nrnttsion I n this end the pre,visunl, of tin, Sccurn; Inslrumcni anti the <br />Noic are drelated to he wverahie <br />lffi, ►rrarwt�r's'Ctpn. IlorrovvT s111,11 he ^'ben nn0 : nnfirrnOd nP, -11 the " 11C AM! - 11'111, 1f1 UT-ITN Jn,tnnnrrit <br />aT, Truintfr+rto Uk Prxlil. to .a ISandicigl intrrewt in Bcmnwer. 1i aU ur "11% liars :11 rite Pt"fIcri; OT any <br />111teteb1 in it 1!, sloid err transferred for it a hcncticial Interest ill Hnrrow;:t !• s111d of lrausic:rred and i3orr=lwcr i, n�,l it natural <br />persein) without Lender's pruit xrnien cotiwnt. Lendci may. al ;11 "Pli"”. rcyunr ;tnmcsi:aiv Pa,ment n; fill! ,v all sc:nil <br />Wcuttxl h% this Securnt lnstrtnuen't 'kinwevcr. 11111 0111f rl ,ha,il n'=! he I cl dc•r It .across 11 P T <ollMted t,; <br />ivdcral taw as ofthc date of thts Se1ur11s Instr'umcnl <br />If "Lahuier cxerellMl, 11311% uPtunl,L.endcr shall give tiorruxel !"li c If aCG'iCNIIIun The n0ua— ,hail I110" Idea: Perry! <br />0f It'll leis than Y) (Jay, from rho• date the u01KIt tsdch,err.d c1r palled 'Anhui wh h H+,rsn ".I Inns+ 111, al! 111171,.r: uIt•J h. <br />tflis 4ecuttty ITTSirYmtrltt If `linrtnwer lailsto Pa) ahc.c "urns Pant to the < +.Prcannn ,l 11111 Prr od, l sods• rrin, Ir, l t :.. <br />remedies 1wrnutied ti.; tins twvur % .1 Its, rumetli without further 710111' in demand (fit K,riom 0I <br />it. Ifumnv4u's ii%it{ie 10 *6tsytate. If'8urr0acr nlccls c;eriaw cu'downs. knrrllwrt ,fuii! 112¢ , !sir IlVili o.- hs11c <br />e:1110tvVITICutol Hlls SeeurifN Jos rrumenadlsexmtnruccl Ili im)ilnicptim to t%lll l ta tt.1% , ;,r I, il i it 71;1, <br />apphcablr tau ntdl spay , tot rt to +taulmcnt r hefntt =rt the h' =npr ,11.0 lu; .,, r,r I 1al . n 1 , ,r, ,hr. <br />`1r:6:1n .•4 l list- +ltileni. 71l 01? L'nti A f, ludrrtleill . ill :tin [CII "T' <br />tai par. =..Ir:ridcl all sxl,rtll 'AhOl tiles x =nuJi! he ctu Ic?1 Ii:i, `lrcnr!Ill Ir.11t;. n. .,sill ,hc 's,ric <br />natwti.,..Ci ff,i :11tt ", am tt^tatrh it am uthf-I , - . +o-rnam3 :a etF.r <x•nn °tits t, tai, ill; : m n, wrro Ir , Ialtt. i'ss <br />'1t'cUtilb ants; ltin,'Iit_ 101,.ludiug.. 11111 M,I hlnllt-d l!' t'.b lr,nahit ,air<u nr.. -<•, "la'!! ,. is <br />etf,aillaN% rt•yu. c ,.,, u,aWt Ihai Olt hrt, III ;hi. %V, -tiro, Im;?w,lrw 1 !' il,, •r l`•, l : n,.l ld - .r, -. <br />.0,4l�'a,.,,l I,r 'hl. lml, Wc,:u;"sf t =r !hl, ,r-;Iw^, h'i- , <br />=.u";. I' .Inn•n l alms fill Ohl 1 t;at 11 11 .r. .. _.,,. <br />