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7" -T <br />2.2 Revised 1578- <br />WARRANTY DEED <br />RANDALL W. STEWART, A Single Person, <br />Hultman and Felton & Wolt. Walton. Ne 68461 <br />0,) - 05976 <br />Grantor, whether one or more, <br />inconsideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration <br />.•.•.,•,_•.••••,••.,,,•,•„ ......•_ „•••••• ................ receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, conveys to <br />HOUST His Successors in Office, <br />SECRETARY OF -NG AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT and Grantee, <br />the following described real estate (as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. 9 76-201) in <br />Hall <br />County, Nebraska: <br />Lot Six (6), in Block Eight (8), in Scarff's Addition to West Lawn, in the City of <br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. This deed is an absolute conveyance, the <br />Grantor having sold said land to the Grantee for a fair and adequate consideration, <br />such consideration, in addition to that above recited, being full satisfaction of all <br />Stewart to B! Mortgage <br />obligations secured by the Mortgage executed by Randall W. S - <br />Company, Inc., recorded as Document No. 80-003933, in the Office of the Register of <br />Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, and re-recorded as Document No. 80-003985, and the <br />Note secured thereby, said obligations of the Note and Mortgage being assumed by Dale <br />R. Sallans and Nancy A. Sallans by Deed recorded as Document No. 1-00 10. Grantor <br />declares that this conveyance is freely and fairly made, and there are no agreements, <br />oral or written, or other than this Deed between Grantor and Grantee with resnect to <br />said land. <br />Grantor covenants (joint ly and severally, if more than one) with the Grantee that Grantor: <br />(1) is lawfully seised of such real estate and that it is free from encumbrances <br />except easements, restrictions, and zoning ordinances of . -cord; <br />(2) has legal power and lawful authority to convey the Sarno; <br />3) warrants and will defend the title to the real estate against the iawfui claims <br />of all persons. <br />Executed: <br />NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY <br />J <br />STAMP TAX <br />............... <br />WNT Am” <br />Handal ........................................ <br />1 W. S-ewart <br />DEC 41903 <br />..................... 13Y ... 9... <br />11�v - - -- <br />.................................................... <br />AF11 L-!*!:!n-i� <br />My CV! <br />__J <br />State of Nebraska <br />County of ........ Hal I .................. <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before ille on ........... <br />Randal ! W. .7,tewart, A <br />by........................ ............ ................ <br />....................... 3 ................. <br />..................... <br />2, .......... ...... <br />Notary <br />STATE OF NEBRASY-aN <br />Countyof ........ ...................... — <br />Filed for- record and entered in Nuri,- l-14 <br />X �,11 <br />art . . . . . . ck ..... N1 .. and rv(of d--d �. 1; 1)—;; tt- <br />Jo <br />