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M <br />I f' <br />d <br />knoto au ttt by 9�jtgt rLAtttt g Thal. Whereas, In an adios in the Didrid Caurt of the <br />11 <br />I t <br />Eleventh ......... ... .Judieial District 4f the Slate of Ns6rasha, within and for the County of....---........° ..Ha _.._...... -- . wherein <br />- i <br />G <br />Bankers' Funding Corporation. A California Corporation _.- .•-- ,- _ . and ?; <br />I' <br />Marcos Paz• and, Uilcla• Pa z•, Husband and__Wife, -nn t C2�4L?tX 4f_-_ H�1. 1_ >SX- �x�- ••A_..- ...--- ..endant8- <br />....................... <br />Gr <br />Januar tat Tam, A. D.l9_BS,o Paideourt,...Bankers!- .Funning C��rpclratinn <br />(1?' <br />stidobMinadsereefindirpthatthereirduefrom -___P'larcna- Paz-- ani1- •_Dit- cis-- Pa- x_ - -.. - -_ -- -. <br />(a,MBankers,' <br />f�� <br />Funding Corporation -- --- -- °- ••- -- ....- ....... ........ . the sum <br />y¢ <br />Three -- Thousand Two Hundren Eighty anti- .64(100 -, i.$33, 8� 54) - - - -- .- •---- -- - -- --- -_- dohs, <br />^Thirty <br />iiX <br />_ .... ................... ..................... .................................. ........ _. ....... .... . <br />- ....... _ - ._.__. .._...... _ . . . . - . ... ..... ... . . .... _ .. <br />................ ... .. - - --- -- -- -- . - -- -- -.. - -- - -. _. <br />_._._........ <br />...........•- -.---....--- -..... -.. _... _ _ ........... _ ... <br />_..._..... - --.... . -_ _ ...... <br />and cods of suit taxed at.. . .... dollars, and, whereat, i[ was Own and them <br />I <br />4 <br />Marcos Paz and <br />javWrr ordered in the said action that in default of the payment of the sum sofmind due by the said......... ..- ._- _ ...... .. .... .. -----.._.. _..... -- __. <br />I <br />4y_ <br />Ailcia Paz _that- ---- -. -.- Charles Fairbanks <br />-.... .... . - _.._._ - - <br />.: <br />Sheri of MW County (f.. .... ......... ... ... .... .. - ._. .. ... ...... -, Shaal!1 cQ!!ae the lands and tenements IKMIrIOJtef dP.ael'!b[d to l)[ .. <br />firJ Hall <br />Aim <br />� <br />and sold according to loo to pay the same, and, whereas, default having been made therein, the said... <br />V. <br />advertised <br />Charles Fairbanks Sheriff of said county, under and by virtue if the said deems and <br />. - ................... <br />the alder of sale to him duly directed, did on the...... . _ . 15 th._ _ .. _ . _- .day A. D. f9.8. . <br />I the le�wer lobby IiHi3�ifilcf the County Court llomw in lite. _. .... .City. .. of <br />• County of-. _ -. Ha 11_ _. _, ._....- having first given due and legal notice of the time and place of said sale <br />to sold o -. <br />Gram Island Dail Independent <br />by publication once in retch nrek for four .surmssire urrks in fhr ...:.... ..... .. ... ...._-- ._- _...__.__1! n newspaper printed and in gPnrral <br />jr <br />circulation in said County of ... Ha 11- ----- .. .... sell said premises at public auction to-;j!� 1 dome R ea 1 ty <br />Fun in�f� Cor `fund <br />For Thousand One - <br />Credit Corp, previously known as Bankers' arGCesumo�___Tt?irt.. - .... - <br />.............. ..... _ <br />_red _Twenty.Three arts'_4111[)0 -(ey G,. i.? 3.. Qlrs, which sale was afterward atfhe _._Jant._1St_. Term c1 said cowl, <br />Charles Fairbanks as such .Sheri ,ordered <br />A. D., 198.r�_.. examined and ronfirmed and the said.-.... ... -. __ ..._. _ Q <br />to coruey the said premises in fire simple to the said.9o_l d.oMe.. Re.a.lty.. Credit Carporatim.n _. _... <br />Aotu Zbertfort, 1, it. said._.._. Charles Fairbanks _•Sheriff if9- County of <br />........... . ... . aforesaid, in consideration of the premises and by virtue of the powers vesled in me by law andihe <br />data of said court, du hereby Give, Grant and Convey to fi,c said..Gn dome kea -1 tv �t'e i t C rI»rat ion -s.r rev inu.s ly. <br />kncywn._ � .Fi,.- Byt}}(- eZS.�...I- uIlding. .Carpe =aLinn., ii'. s- sutcessr.rsand assigns. the premises so as aforesaid sold, to wit: <br />._............ . .... ._... <br />Lot -. -Two (2), in Block Nine (9),_.Meve�_ Firtt.«�r!icion to the City of Grand lcland, <br />Hall County, Nebraska <br />NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY } <br />.......... <br />.TAMP TAX <br />_..- .. -. - -.. STATEME14T ATTACHED <br />_ ............ . .. . ........ with the appurtenances. <br />J&o babe erns too[a tijc £same anlo the aaid Geld ?me Reaity. Cre /ii.t• Cq rPnretic+n.,.rrt. -- <br />, <br />it's 5�7 ccessors <br />Y Q14k�JC. 1511 ?Yfn.. g.. .dntiSmmeX.�.' .. Ftl?1 .1T!$.- QCF!�r- e- xi4n,. rsn►arld assigns. and to them and their use and belmj jonever. <br />3a Itesetimonp Mberrof, I lave, as such .Sheriff', 1urea,hr sri my hand this..... ?nit day of <br />._ _ .....-- ....ker mhe.r A. n..10.' <br />Rzaafed unit delivered in the presence of <br />.Gur1fJ af, -..._. .... fia.l1.. ......- County, Netwwho. <br />R.L. Williams <br />. <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA 1,.. <br />� Dec ember <br />. r On this......Sl�..... <br />}...._ <br />................. <br />JC MMO yl.._......... ...Ntip. <br />Br ja r nw, the udeyp _ ..... .,p.gpr L.._rillilarns .. <br />in awl jur said county, personally appeared the said a <br />Charlew Fairbanks <br />Sheriff Q/ said t:owny. <br />to me personully known to be the idenlaal person who signed the foregoing instrument as yreedor, and <br />he aeknowledgni the same to be his volailary act and deed, as such sheriff, for the uses and parposss <br />ssws. ow"inselforth. <br />WihiClft my hand and q ieial seal the day and year above written. <br />t•Sga 01 owalts ......... ..... ' ... .... .. .......r. -. (.,0 ri4 .._.-._... _..._..._._.... <br />h L WLM1115 <br />M <br />